import { VNode } from 'vue'; import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor } from '../ts-helpers'; type CarouselOrientationType = 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | undefined; export interface CarouselResponsiveOptions { /** * Breakpoint for responsive mode. Exp; @media screen and (max-width: ${breakpoint}) {...} */ breakpoint: string; /** * The number of visible items on breakpoint. */ numVisible: number; /** * The number of scrolled items on breakpoint. */ numScroll: number; } export interface CarouselProps { /** * An array of objects to display. */ value?: any | undefined; /** * Index of the first item. * Default value is 0. */ page?: number | undefined; /** * Number of items per page. * Default value is 1. */ numVisible?: number | undefined; /** * Number of items to scroll. * Default value is 1. */ numScroll?: number | undefined; /** * An array of options for responsive design. * @see CarouselResponsiveOptions */ responsiveOptions?: CarouselResponsiveOptions[] | undefined; /** * Specifies the layout of the component, valid values are 'horizontal' and 'vertical'. * @see CarouselOrientationType * Default value is 'horizontal'. */ orientation?: CarouselOrientationType; /** * Height of the viewport in vertical layout. * Default value is '300px'. */ verticalViewPortHeight?: string | undefined; /** * Style class of the viewport container. */ containerClass?: any; /** * Style class of main content. */ contentClass?: any; /** * Style class of the indicator items. */ indicatorsContentClass?: any; /** * Defines if scrolling would be infinite. */ circular?: boolean | undefined; /** * Time in milliseconds to scroll items automatically. * Default value is 0. */ autoplayInterval?: number | undefined; /** * Whether to display navigation buttons in container. * Default value is true. */ showNavigators?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether to display indicator container. * Default value is true. */ showIndicators?: boolean | undefined; } export interface CarouselSlots { /** * Custom content for each item. * @param {Object} scope - item slot's params. */ item: (scope: { /** * Data of the component */ data: any; /** * Index of the item */ index: number; }) => VNode[]; /** * Custom header template. */ header: () => VNode[]; /** * Custom footer template. */ footer: () => VNode[]; } export declare type CarouselEmits = { /** * Emitted when the page changes. * @param {number} value - New page value. */ 'update:page': (value: number) => void; }; declare class Carousel extends ClassComponent {} declare module '@vue/runtime-core' { interface GlobalComponents { Carousel: GlobalComponentConstructor; } } /** * * Carousel is a content slider featuring various customization options. * * Demos: * * - [Carousel]( * */ export default Carousel;