/** * * DatePicker is a form component to work with dates. * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/datepicker/) * * @module datepickerstyle * */ import type { BaseStyle } from '@primevue/core/base/style'; export enum DatePickerClasses { /** * Class name of the root element */ root = 'p-datepicker', /** * Class name of the input element */ pcInput = 'p-datepicker-input', /** * Class name of the dropdown element */ dropdown = 'p-datepicker-dropdown', /** * Class name of the input icon container element */ inputIconContainer = 'p-datepicker-input-icon-container', /** * Class name of the input icon element */ inputIcon = 'p-datepicker-input-icon', /** * Class name of the panel element */ panel = 'p-datepicker-panel', /** * Class name of the calendar container element */ calendarContainer = 'p-datepicker-calendar-container', /** * Class name of the calendar element */ calendar = 'p-datepicker-calendar', /** * Class name of the header element */ header = 'p-datepicker-header', /** * Class name of the previous button element */ pcPrevButton = 'p-datepicker-prev-button', /** * Class name of the title element */ title = 'p-datepicker-title', /** * Class name of the select month element */ selectMonth = 'p-datepicker-select-month', /** * Class name of the select year element */ selectYear = 'p-datepicker-select-year', /** * Class name of the decade element */ decade = 'p-datepicker-decade', /** * Class name of the next button element */ pcNextButton = 'p-datepicker-next-button', /** * Class name of the day view element */ dayView = 'p-datepicker-day-view', /** * Class name of the week header element */ weekHeader = 'p-datepicker-weekheader', /** * Class name of the week number element */ weekNumber = 'p-datepicker-weeknumber', /** * Class name of the week label container element */ weekLabelContainer = 'p-datepicker-weeklabel-container', /** * Class name of the week day cell element */ weekDayCell = 'p-datepicker-weekday-cell', /** * Class name of the week day element */ weekDay = 'p-datepicker-weekday', /** * Class name of the day cell element */ dayCell = 'p-datepicker-day-cell', /** * Class name of the day element */ day = 'p-datepicker-day', /** * Class name of the month view element */ monthView = 'p-datepicker-month-view', /** * Class name of the month element */ month = 'p-datepicker-month', /** * Class name of the year view element */ yearView = 'p-datepicker-year-view', /** * Class name of the year element */ year = 'p-datepicker-year', /** * Class name of the time picker element */ timePicker = 'p-datepicker-time-picker', /** * Class name of the hour picker element */ hourPicker = 'p-datepicker-hour-picker', /** * Class name of the increment button element */ pcIncrementButton = 'p-datepicker-increment-button', /** * Class name of the decrement button element */ pcDecrementButton = 'p-datepicker-decrement-button', /** * Class name of the separator element */ separator = 'p-datepicker-separator', /** * Class name of the minute picker element */ minutePicker = 'p-datepicker-minute-picker', /** * Class name of the second picker element */ secondPicker = 'p-datepicker-second-picker', /** * Class name of the ampm picker element */ ampmPicker = 'p-datepicker-ampm-picker', /** * Class name of the buttonbar element */ buttonbar = 'p-datepicker-buttonbar', /** * Class name of the today button element */ pcTodayButton = 'p-datepicker-today-button', /** * Class name of the clear button element */ pcClearButton = 'p-datepicker-clear-button' } export interface DatePickerStyle extends BaseStyle {}