import { VNode } from 'vue'; import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor } from '../ts-helpers'; export interface InplaceProps { /** * Displays a button to switch back to display mode. */ closable?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the content is displayed or not. */ active?: boolean | undefined; /** * When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled. */ disabled?: boolean | undefined; } export interface InplaceSlots { /** * Custom display template. */ display: () => VNode[]; /** * Custom content template. */ content: () => VNode[]; } export declare type InplaceEmits = { /** * Emitted when the active changes. * @param {boolean} value - New value. */ 'update:active': (value: boolean) => void; /** * Callback to invoke when inplace is opened. * @param {Event} event - Browser event. */ 'open': (event: Event) => void; /** * Callback to invoke when inplace is closed. * @param {Event} event - Browser event. */ 'close': (event: Event) => void; } declare class Inplace extends ClassComponent { } declare module '@vue/runtime-core' { interface GlobalComponents { Inplace: GlobalComponentConstructor } } /** * * Inplace provides an easy to do editing and display at the same time where clicking the output displays the actual content. * * Demos: * * - [Inplace]( * */ export default Inplace;