    <DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs">
        <p>Two slots named "start" and "end" are provided to embed content before or after the menu. In additon Menu, offers item customization with the <i>item</i> template that receives the menuitem instance from the model as a parameter.</p>
    <div class="card flex justify-content-center">
        <Menu :model="items">
            <template #start>
                <button @click="profileClick" class="w-full p-link flex align-items-center p-2 pl-3 text-color hover:surface-200 border-noround">
                    <Avatar image="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/avatar/amyelsner.png" class="mr-2" shape="circle" />
                    <div class="flex flex-column align">
                        <span class="font-bold">Amy Elsner</span>
                        <span class="text-sm">Agent</span>
            <template #end>
                <button class="w-full p-link flex align-items-center p-2 pl-4 text-color hover:surface-200 border-noround">
                    <i class="pi pi-sign-out" />
                    <span class="ml-2">Log Out</span>
    <DocSectionCode :code="code" />

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            items: [{ separator: true }, { label: 'Profile', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-user' }, { label: 'Settings', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-cog' }, { separator: true }],
            code: {
                basic: `
<Menu :model="items">
    <template #start>
        <button @click="profileClick" class="w-full p-link flex align-items-center p-2 pl-3 text-color hover:surface-200 border-noround">
            <Avatar image="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/avatar/amyelsner.png" class="mr-2" shape="circle" />
            <div class="flex flex-column align">
                <span class="font-bold">Amy Elsner</span>
                <span class="text-sm">Agent</span>
    <template #end>
        <button class="w-full p-link flex align-items-center p-2 pl-4 text-color hover:surface-200 border-noround">
            <i class="pi pi-sign-out" />
            <span class="ml-2">Log Out</span>
                options: `
    <div class="card flex justify-content-center">
        <Menu :model="items">
            <template #start>
                <button @click="profileClick" class="w-full p-link flex align-items-center p-2 pl-3 text-color hover:surface-200 border-noround">
                    <Avatar image="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/avatar/amyelsner.png" class="mr-2" shape="circle" />
                    <div class="flex flex-column align">
                        <span class="font-bold">Amy Elsner</span>
                        <span class="text-sm">Agent</span>
            <template #end>
                <button class="w-full p-link flex align-items-center p-2 pl-4 text-color hover:surface-200 border-noround">
                    <i class="pi pi-sign-out" />
                    <span class="ml-2">Log Out</span>
        <Toast />

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            items: [
                { separator: true },
                { label: 'Profile', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-user' },
                { label: 'Settings', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-cog' },
                { separator: true }
    methods: {
        profileClick() {
            this.toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Info', detail: 'Item Selected', life: 3000 });
                composition: `
    <div class="card flex justify-content-center">
        <Menu :model="items">
            <template #start>
                <button @click="profileClick" class="w-full p-link flex align-items-center p-2 pl-3 text-color hover:surface-200 border-noround">
                    <Avatar image="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/avatar/amyelsner.png" class="mr-2" shape="circle" />
                    <div class="flex flex-column align">
                        <span class="font-bold">Amy Elsner</span>
                        <span class="text-sm">Agent</span>
            <template #end>
                <button class="w-full p-link flex align-items-center p-2 pl-4 text-color hover:surface-200 border-noround">
                    <i class="pi pi-sign-out" />
                    <span class="ml-2">Log Out</span>
        <Toast />

<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
import { useToast } from "primevue/usetoast";

const items = ref([
    { separator: true },
    { label: 'Profile', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-user' },
    { label: 'Settings', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-cog' },
    { separator: true }

const toast = useToast();

const profileClick = () => {
    toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Info', detail: 'Item Selected', life: 3000 });
    methods: {
        profileClick() {
            this.toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Info', detail: 'Item Selected', life: 3000 });