<template> <div ref="container" :class="containerClass" @click="onContainerClick" v-bind="ptm('root')"> <input v-if="!multiple" ref="focusInput" :id="inputId" type="text" :style="inputStyle" :class="inputStyleClass" :value="inputValue" :placeholder="placeholder" :tabindex="!disabled ? tabindex : -1" :disabled="disabled" autocomplete="off" role="combobox" :aria-label="ariaLabel" :aria-labelledby="ariaLabelledby" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-autocomplete="list" :aria-expanded="overlayVisible" :aria-controls="id + '_list'" :aria-activedescendant="focused ? focusedOptionId : undefined" @focus="onFocus" @blur="onBlur" @keydown="onKeyDown" @input="onInput" @change="onChange" v-bind="{ ...inputProps, ...ptm('input') }" /> <ul v-if="multiple" ref="multiContainer" :class="multiContainerClass" tabindex="-1" role="listbox" aria-orientation="horizontal" :aria-activedescendant="focused ? focusedMultipleOptionId : undefined" @focus="onMultipleContainerFocus" @blur="onMultipleContainerBlur" @keydown="onMultipleContainerKeyDown" v-bind="ptm('container')" > <li v-for="(option, i) of modelValue" :key="i" :id="id + '_multiple_option_' + i" :class="['p-autocomplete-token', { 'p-focus': focusedMultipleOptionIndex === i }]" role="option" :aria-label="getOptionLabel(option)" :aria-selected="true" :aria-setsize="modelValue.length" :aria-posinset="i + 1" v-bind="ptm('token')" > <slot name="chip" :value="option"> <span class="p-autocomplete-token-label" v-bind="ptm('tokenLabel')">{{ getOptionLabel(option) }}</span> </slot> <slot name="removetokenicon" class="p-autocomplete-token-icon" :onClick="(event) => removeOption(event, i)"> <component :is="removeTokenIcon ? 'span' : 'TimesCircleIcon'" :class="['p-autocomplete-token-icon', removeTokenIcon]" @click="removeOption($event, i)" aria-hidden="true" v-bind="ptm('removeTokenIcon')" /> </slot> </li> <li class="p-autocomplete-input-token" role="option" v-bind="ptm('token')"> <input ref="focusInput" :id="inputId" type="text" :style="inputStyle" :class="inputClass" :placeholder="placeholder" :tabindex="!disabled ? tabindex : -1" :disabled="disabled" autocomplete="off" role="combobox" :aria-label="ariaLabel" :aria-labelledby="ariaLabelledby" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-autocomplete="list" :aria-expanded="overlayVisible" :aria-controls="id + '_list'" :aria-activedescendant="focused ? focusedOptionId : undefined" @focus="onFocus" @blur="onBlur" @keydown="onKeyDown" @input="onInput" @change="onChange" v-bind="{ ...inputProps, ...ptm('input') }" /> </li> </ul> <slot v-if="searching" name="loadingicon"> <i v-if="loadingIcon" :class="['p-autocomplete-loader pi-spin', loadingIcon]" aria-hidden="true" v-bind="ptm('loadingIcon')" /> <SpinnerIcon v-else class="p-autocomplete-loader" spin aria-hidden="true" v-bind="ptm('loadingIcon')" /> </slot> <Button v-if="dropdown" ref="dropdownButton" type="button" tabindex="-1" :class="['p-autocomplete-dropdown', dropdownClass]" :disabled="disabled" aria-hidden="true" @click="onDropdownClick" :pt="ptm('dropdownButton')"> <template #icon> <slot name="dropdownicon"> <component :is="dropdownIcon ? 'span' : 'ChevronDownIcon'" :class="dropdownIcon" v-bind="ptm('dropdownButton')['icon']" /> </slot> </template> </Button> <span role="status" aria-live="polite" class="p-hidden-accessible" v-bind="ptm('hiddenSearchResult')"> {{ searchResultMessageText }} </span> <Portal :appendTo="appendTo"> <transition name="p-connected-overlay" @enter="onOverlayEnter" @after-enter="onOverlayAfterEnter" @leave="onOverlayLeave" @after-leave="onOverlayAfterLeave"> <div v-if="overlayVisible" :ref="overlayRef" :class="panelStyleClass" :style="{ ...panelStyle, 'max-height': virtualScrollerDisabled ? scrollHeight : '' }" @click="onOverlayClick" @keydown="onOverlayKeyDown" v-bind="{ ...panelProps, ...ptm('panel') }" > <slot name="header" :value="modelValue" :suggestions="visibleOptions"></slot> <VirtualScroller :ref="virtualScrollerRef" v-bind="{ ...virtualScrollerOptions, ...ptm('virtualScroller') }" :style="{ height: scrollHeight }" :items="visibleOptions" :tabindex="-1" :disabled="virtualScrollerDisabled"> <template v-slot:content="{ styleClass, contentRef, items, getItemOptions, contentStyle, itemSize }"> <ul :ref="(el) => listRef(el, contentRef)" :id="id + '_list'" :class="['p-autocomplete-items', styleClass]" :style="contentStyle" role="listbox" v-bind="ptm('list')"> <template v-for="(option, i) of items" :key="getOptionRenderKey(option, getOptionIndex(i, getItemOptions))"> <li v-if="isOptionGroup(option)" :id="id + '_' + getOptionIndex(i, getItemOptions)" :style="{ height: itemSize ? itemSize + 'px' : undefined }" class="p-autocomplete-item-group" role="option" v-bind="ptm('itemGroup')" > <slot name="optiongroup" :option="option.optionGroup" :item="option.optionGroup" :index="getOptionIndex(i, getItemOptions)">{{ getOptionGroupLabel(option.optionGroup) }}</slot> </li> <li v-else :id="id + '_' + getOptionIndex(i, getItemOptions)" v-ripple :style="{ height: itemSize ? itemSize + 'px' : undefined }" :class="['p-autocomplete-item', { 'p-highlight': isSelected(option), 'p-focus': focusedOptionIndex === getOptionIndex(i, getItemOptions), 'p-disabled': isOptionDisabled(option) }]" role="option" :aria-label="getOptionLabel(option)" :aria-selected="isSelected(option)" :aria-disabled="isOptionDisabled(option)" :aria-setsize="ariaSetSize" :aria-posinset="getAriaPosInset(getOptionIndex(i, getItemOptions))" @click="onOptionSelect($event, option)" @mousemove="onOptionMouseMove($event, getOptionIndex(i, getItemOptions))" v-bind="getPTOptions(option, getItemOptions, i, 'item')" > <slot v-if="$slots.option" name="option" :option="option" :index="getOptionIndex(i, getItemOptions)">{{ getOptionLabel(option) }}</slot> <slot v-else name="item" :item="option" :index="getOptionIndex(i, getItemOptions)">{{ getOptionLabel(option) }}</slot> <!--TODO: Deprecated since v3.16.0--> </li> </template> <li v-if="!items || (items && items.length === 0)" class="p-autocomplete-empty-message" role="option" v-bind="ptm('emptyMessage')"> <slot name="empty">{{ searchResultMessageText }}</slot> </li> </ul> </template> <template v-if="$slots.loader" v-slot:loader="{ options }"> <slot name="loader" :options="options"></slot> </template> </VirtualScroller> <slot name="footer" :value="modelValue" :suggestions="visibleOptions"></slot> <span role="status" aria-live="polite" class="p-hidden-accessible" v-bind="ptm('hiddenSelectedMessage')"> {{ selectedMessageText }} </span> </div> </transition> </Portal> </div> </template> <script> import BaseComponent from 'primevue/basecomponent'; import Button from 'primevue/button'; import ChevronDownIcon from 'primevue/icons/chevrondown'; import SpinnerIcon from 'primevue/icons/spinner'; import TimesCircleIcon from 'primevue/icons/timescircle'; import OverlayEventBus from 'primevue/overlayeventbus'; import Portal from 'primevue/portal'; import Ripple from 'primevue/ripple'; import { ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler, DomHandler, ObjectUtils, UniqueComponentId, ZIndexUtils } from 'primevue/utils'; import VirtualScroller from 'primevue/virtualscroller'; export default { name: 'AutoComplete', extends: BaseComponent, emits: ['update:modelValue', 'change', 'focus', 'blur', 'item-select', 'item-unselect', 'dropdown-click', 'clear', 'complete', 'before-show', 'before-hide', 'show', 'hide'], props: { modelValue: null, suggestions: { type: Array, default: null }, field: { // TODO: Deprecated since v3.16.0 type: [String, Function], default: null }, optionLabel: null, optionDisabled: null, optionGroupLabel: null, optionGroupChildren: null, scrollHeight: { type: String, default: '200px' }, dropdown: { type: Boolean, default: false }, dropdownMode: { type: String, default: 'blank' }, autoHighlight: { // TODO: Deprecated since v3.16.0. Use selectOnFocus property instead. type: Boolean, default: false }, multiple: { type: Boolean, default: false }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }, placeholder: { type: String, default: null }, dataKey: { type: String, default: null }, minLength: { type: Number, default: 1 }, delay: { type: Number, default: 300 }, appendTo: { type: String, default: 'body' }, forceSelection: { type: Boolean, default: false }, completeOnFocus: { type: Boolean, default: false }, inputId: { type: String, default: null }, inputStyle: { type: Object, default: null }, inputClass: { type: [String, Object], default: null }, inputProps: { type: null, default: null }, panelStyle: { type: Object, default: null }, panelClass: { type: [String, Object], default: null }, panelProps: { type: null, default: null }, dropdownIcon: { type: String, default: undefined }, dropdownClass: { type: [String, Object], default: null }, loadingIcon: { type: String, default: undefined }, removeTokenIcon: { type: String, default: undefined }, virtualScrollerOptions: { type: Object, default: null }, autoOptionFocus: { type: Boolean, default: true }, selectOnFocus: { type: Boolean, default: false }, searchLocale: { type: String, default: undefined }, searchMessage: { type: String, default: null }, selectionMessage: { type: String, default: null }, emptySelectionMessage: { type: String, default: null }, emptySearchMessage: { type: String, default: null }, tabindex: { type: Number, default: 0 }, 'aria-label': { type: String, default: null }, 'aria-labelledby': { type: String, default: null } }, outsideClickListener: null, resizeListener: null, scrollHandler: null, overlay: null, virtualScroller: null, searchTimeout: null, focusOnHover: false, dirty: false, data() { return { id: this.$attrs.id, focused: false, focusedOptionIndex: -1, focusedMultipleOptionIndex: -1, overlayVisible: false, searching: false }; }, watch: { '$attrs.id': function (newValue) { this.id = newValue || UniqueComponentId(); }, suggestions() { if (this.searching) { ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(this.suggestions) ? this.show() : !!this.$slots.empty ? this.show() : this.hide(); this.focusedOptionIndex = this.overlayVisible && this.autoOptionFocus ? this.findFirstFocusedOptionIndex() : -1; this.searching = false; } this.autoUpdateModel(); } }, mounted() { this.id = this.id || UniqueComponentId(); this.autoUpdateModel(); }, updated() { if (this.overlayVisible) { this.alignOverlay(); } }, beforeUnmount() { this.unbindOutsideClickListener(); this.unbindResizeListener(); if (this.scrollHandler) { this.scrollHandler.destroy(); this.scrollHandler = null; } if (this.overlay) { ZIndexUtils.clear(this.overlay); this.overlay = null; } }, methods: { getOptionIndex(index, fn) { return this.virtualScrollerDisabled ? index : fn && fn(index)['index']; }, getOptionLabel(option) { return this.field || this.optionLabel ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(option, this.field || this.optionLabel) : option; }, getOptionValue(option) { return option; // TODO: The 'optionValue' properties can be added. }, getOptionRenderKey(option, index) { return (this.dataKey ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(option, this.dataKey) : this.getOptionLabel(option)) + '_' + index; }, getPTOptions(option, itemOptions, index, key) { return this.ptm(key, { context: { selected: this.isSelected(option), focused: this.focusedOptionIndex === this.getOptionIndex(index, itemOptions), disabled: this.isOptionDisabled(option) } }); }, isOptionDisabled(option) { return this.optionDisabled ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(option, this.optionDisabled) : false; }, isOptionGroup(option) { return this.optionGroupLabel && option.optionGroup && option.group; }, getOptionGroupLabel(optionGroup) { return ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(optionGroup, this.optionGroupLabel); }, getOptionGroupChildren(optionGroup) { return ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(optionGroup, this.optionGroupChildren); }, getAriaPosInset(index) { return (this.optionGroupLabel ? index - this.visibleOptions.slice(0, index).filter((option) => this.isOptionGroup(option)).length : index) + 1; }, show(isFocus) { this.$emit('before-show'); this.dirty = true; this.overlayVisible = true; this.focusedOptionIndex = this.focusedOptionIndex !== -1 ? this.focusedOptionIndex : this.autoOptionFocus ? this.findFirstFocusedOptionIndex() : -1; isFocus && DomHandler.focus(this.$refs.focusInput); }, hide(isFocus) { const _hide = () => { this.$emit('before-hide'); this.dirty = isFocus; this.overlayVisible = false; this.focusedOptionIndex = -1; isFocus && DomHandler.focus(this.$refs.focusInput); }; setTimeout(() => { _hide(); }, 0); // For ScreenReaders }, onFocus(event) { if (this.disabled) { // For ScreenReaders return; } if (!this.dirty && this.completeOnFocus) { this.search(event, event.target.value, 'focus'); } this.dirty = true; this.focused = true; this.focusedOptionIndex = this.focusedOptionIndex !== -1 ? this.focusedOptionIndex : this.overlayVisible && this.autoOptionFocus ? this.findFirstFocusedOptionIndex() : -1; this.overlayVisible && this.scrollInView(this.focusedOptionIndex); this.$emit('focus', event); }, onBlur(event) { this.dirty = false; this.focused = false; this.focusedOptionIndex = -1; this.$emit('blur', event); }, onKeyDown(event) { if (this.disabled) { event.preventDefault(); return; } switch (event.code) { case 'ArrowDown': this.onArrowDownKey(event); break; case 'ArrowUp': this.onArrowUpKey(event); break; case 'ArrowLeft': this.onArrowLeftKey(event); break; case 'ArrowRight': this.onArrowRightKey(event); break; case 'Home': this.onHomeKey(event); break; case 'End': this.onEndKey(event); break; case 'PageDown': this.onPageDownKey(event); break; case 'PageUp': this.onPageUpKey(event); break; case 'Enter': case 'NumpadEnter': this.onEnterKey(event); break; case 'Escape': this.onEscapeKey(event); break; case 'Tab': this.onTabKey(event); break; case 'Backspace': this.onBackspaceKey(event); break; case 'ShiftLeft': case 'ShiftRight': //NOOP break; default: break; } }, onInput(event) { if (this.searchTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.searchTimeout); } let query = event.target.value; if (!this.multiple) { this.updateModel(event, query); } if (query.length === 0) { this.hide(); this.$emit('clear'); } else { if (query.length >= this.minLength) { this.focusedOptionIndex = -1; this.searchTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.search(event, query, 'input'); }, this.delay); } else { this.hide(); } } }, onChange(event) { if (this.forceSelection) { let valid = false; if (this.visibleOptions) { const matchedValue = this.visibleOptions.find((option) => this.isOptionMatched(option, this.$refs.focusInput.value || '')); if (matchedValue !== undefined) { valid = true; !this.isSelected(matchedValue) && this.onOptionSelect(event, matchedValue); } } if (!valid) { this.$refs.focusInput.value = ''; this.$emit('clear'); !this.multiple && this.updateModel(event, null); } } }, onMultipleContainerFocus() { if (this.disabled) { // For ScreenReaders return; } this.focused = true; }, onMultipleContainerBlur() { this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex = -1; this.focused = false; }, onMultipleContainerKeyDown(event) { if (this.disabled) { event.preventDefault(); return; } switch (event.code) { case 'ArrowLeft': this.onArrowLeftKeyOnMultiple(event); break; case 'ArrowRight': this.onArrowRightKeyOnMultiple(event); break; case 'Backspace': this.onBackspaceKeyOnMultiple(event); break; default: break; } }, onContainerClick(event) { if (this.disabled || this.searching || this.isInputClicked(event) || this.isDropdownClicked(event)) { return; } if (!this.overlay || !this.overlay.contains(event.target)) { DomHandler.focus(this.$refs.focusInput); } }, onDropdownClick(event) { let query = undefined; if (this.overlayVisible) { this.hide(true); } else { DomHandler.focus(this.$refs.focusInput); query = this.$refs.focusInput.value; if (this.dropdownMode === 'blank') this.search(event, '', 'dropdown'); else if (this.dropdownMode === 'current') this.search(event, query, 'dropdown'); } this.$emit('dropdown-click', { originalEvent: event, query }); }, onOptionSelect(event, option, isHide = true) { const value = this.getOptionValue(option); if (this.multiple) { this.$refs.focusInput.value = ''; if (!this.isSelected(option)) { this.updateModel(event, [...(this.modelValue || []), value]); } } else { this.updateModel(event, value); } this.$emit('item-select', { originalEvent: event, value: option }); isHide && this.hide(true); }, onOptionMouseMove(event, index) { if (this.focusOnHover) { this.changeFocusedOptionIndex(event, index); } }, onOverlayClick(event) { OverlayEventBus.emit('overlay-click', { originalEvent: event, target: this.$el }); }, onOverlayKeyDown(event) { switch (event.code) { case 'Escape': this.onEscapeKey(event); break; default: break; } }, onArrowDownKey(event) { if (!this.overlayVisible) { return; } const optionIndex = this.focusedOptionIndex !== -1 ? this.findNextOptionIndex(this.focusedOptionIndex) : this.findFirstFocusedOptionIndex(); this.changeFocusedOptionIndex(event, optionIndex); event.preventDefault(); }, onArrowUpKey(event) { if (!this.overlayVisible) { return; } if (event.altKey) { if (this.focusedOptionIndex !== -1) { this.onOptionSelect(event, this.visibleOptions[this.focusedOptionIndex]); } this.overlayVisible && this.hide(); event.preventDefault(); } else { const optionIndex = this.focusedOptionIndex !== -1 ? this.findPrevOptionIndex(this.focusedOptionIndex) : this.findLastFocusedOptionIndex(); this.changeFocusedOptionIndex(event, optionIndex); event.preventDefault(); } }, onArrowLeftKey(event) { const target = event.currentTarget; this.focusedOptionIndex = -1; if (this.multiple) { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(target.value) && this.hasSelectedOption) { DomHandler.focus(this.$refs.multiContainer); this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex = this.modelValue.length; } else { event.stopPropagation(); // To prevent onArrowLeftKeyOnMultiple method } } }, onArrowRightKey(event) { this.focusedOptionIndex = -1; this.multiple && event.stopPropagation(); // To prevent onArrowRightKeyOnMultiple method }, onHomeKey(event) { const { currentTarget } = event; const len = currentTarget.value.length; currentTarget.setSelectionRange(0, event.shiftKey ? len : 0); this.focusedOptionIndex = -1; event.preventDefault(); }, onEndKey(event) { const { currentTarget } = event; const len = currentTarget.value.length; currentTarget.setSelectionRange(event.shiftKey ? 0 : len, len); this.focusedOptionIndex = -1; event.preventDefault(); }, onPageUpKey(event) { this.scrollInView(0); event.preventDefault(); }, onPageDownKey(event) { this.scrollInView(this.visibleOptions.length - 1); event.preventDefault(); }, onEnterKey(event) { if (!this.overlayVisible) { this.onArrowDownKey(event); } else { if (this.focusedOptionIndex !== -1) { this.onOptionSelect(event, this.visibleOptions[this.focusedOptionIndex]); } this.hide(); } event.preventDefault(); }, onEscapeKey(event) { this.overlayVisible && this.hide(true); event.preventDefault(); }, onTabKey(event) { if (this.focusedOptionIndex !== -1) { this.onOptionSelect(event, this.visibleOptions[this.focusedOptionIndex]); } this.overlayVisible && this.hide(); }, onBackspaceKey(event) { if (this.multiple) { if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(this.modelValue) && !this.$refs.focusInput.value) { const removedValue = this.modelValue[this.modelValue.length - 1]; const newValue = this.modelValue.slice(0, -1); this.$emit('update:modelValue', newValue); this.$emit('item-unselect', { originalEvent: event, value: removedValue }); } event.stopPropagation(); // To prevent onBackspaceKeyOnMultiple method } }, onArrowLeftKeyOnMultiple() { this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex = this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex < 1 ? 0 : this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex - 1; }, onArrowRightKeyOnMultiple() { this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex++; if (this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex > this.modelValue.length - 1) { this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex = -1; DomHandler.focus(this.$refs.focusInput); } }, onBackspaceKeyOnMultiple(event) { if (this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex !== -1) { this.removeOption(event, this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex); } }, onOverlayEnter(el) { ZIndexUtils.set('overlay', el, this.$primevue.config.zIndex.overlay); this.alignOverlay(); }, onOverlayAfterEnter() { this.bindOutsideClickListener(); this.bindScrollListener(); this.bindResizeListener(); this.$emit('show'); }, onOverlayLeave() { this.unbindOutsideClickListener(); this.unbindScrollListener(); this.unbindResizeListener(); this.$emit('hide'); this.overlay = null; }, onOverlayAfterLeave(el) { ZIndexUtils.clear(el); }, alignOverlay() { let target = this.multiple ? this.$refs.multiContainer : this.$refs.focusInput; if (this.appendTo === 'self') { DomHandler.relativePosition(this.overlay, target); } else { this.overlay.style.minWidth = DomHandler.getOuterWidth(target) + 'px'; DomHandler.absolutePosition(this.overlay, target); } }, bindOutsideClickListener() { if (!this.outsideClickListener) { this.outsideClickListener = (event) => { if (this.overlayVisible && this.overlay && this.isOutsideClicked(event)) { this.hide(); } }; document.addEventListener('click', this.outsideClickListener); } }, unbindOutsideClickListener() { if (this.outsideClickListener) { document.removeEventListener('click', this.outsideClickListener); this.outsideClickListener = null; } }, bindScrollListener() { if (!this.scrollHandler) { this.scrollHandler = new ConnectedOverlayScrollHandler(this.$refs.container, () => { if (this.overlayVisible) { this.hide(); } }); } this.scrollHandler.bindScrollListener(); }, unbindScrollListener() { if (this.scrollHandler) { this.scrollHandler.unbindScrollListener(); } }, bindResizeListener() { if (!this.resizeListener) { this.resizeListener = () => { if (this.overlayVisible && !DomHandler.isTouchDevice()) { this.hide(); } }; window.addEventListener('resize', this.resizeListener); } }, unbindResizeListener() { if (this.resizeListener) { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.resizeListener); this.resizeListener = null; } }, isOutsideClicked(event) { return !this.overlay.contains(event.target) && !this.isInputClicked(event) && !this.isDropdownClicked(event); }, isInputClicked(event) { if (this.multiple) return event.target === this.$refs.multiContainer || this.$refs.multiContainer.contains(event.target); else return event.target === this.$refs.focusInput; }, isDropdownClicked(event) { return this.$refs.dropdownButton ? event.target === this.$refs.dropdownButton || this.$refs.dropdownButton.$el.contains(event.target) : false; }, isOptionMatched(option, value) { return this.isValidOption(option) && this.getOptionLabel(option).toLocaleLowerCase(this.searchLocale) === value.toLocaleLowerCase(this.searchLocale); }, isValidOption(option) { return option && !(this.isOptionDisabled(option) || this.isOptionGroup(option)); }, isValidSelectedOption(option) { return this.isValidOption(option) && this.isSelected(option); }, isSelected(option) { return ObjectUtils.equals(this.modelValue, this.getOptionValue(option), this.equalityKey); }, findFirstOptionIndex() { return this.visibleOptions.findIndex((option) => this.isValidOption(option)); }, findLastOptionIndex() { return ObjectUtils.findLastIndex(this.visibleOptions, (option) => this.isValidOption(option)); }, findNextOptionIndex(index) { const matchedOptionIndex = index < this.visibleOptions.length - 1 ? this.visibleOptions.slice(index + 1).findIndex((option) => this.isValidOption(option)) : -1; return matchedOptionIndex > -1 ? matchedOptionIndex + index + 1 : index; }, findPrevOptionIndex(index) { const matchedOptionIndex = index > 0 ? ObjectUtils.findLastIndex(this.visibleOptions.slice(0, index), (option) => this.isValidOption(option)) : -1; return matchedOptionIndex > -1 ? matchedOptionIndex : index; }, findSelectedOptionIndex() { return this.hasSelectedOption ? this.visibleOptions.findIndex((option) => this.isValidSelectedOption(option)) : -1; }, findFirstFocusedOptionIndex() { const selectedIndex = this.findSelectedOptionIndex(); return selectedIndex < 0 ? this.findFirstOptionIndex() : selectedIndex; }, findLastFocusedOptionIndex() { const selectedIndex = this.findSelectedOptionIndex(); return selectedIndex < 0 ? this.findLastOptionIndex() : selectedIndex; }, search(event, query, source) { //allow empty string but not undefined or null if (query === undefined || query === null) { return; } //do not search blank values on input change if (source === 'input' && query.trim().length === 0) { return; } this.searching = true; this.$emit('complete', { originalEvent: event, query }); }, removeOption(event, index) { const removedOption = this.modelValue[index]; const value = this.modelValue.filter((_, i) => i !== index).map((option) => this.getOptionValue(option)); this.updateModel(event, value); this.$emit('item-unselect', { originalEvent: event, value: removedOption }); this.dirty = true; DomHandler.focus(this.$refs.focusInput); }, changeFocusedOptionIndex(event, index) { if (this.focusedOptionIndex !== index) { this.focusedOptionIndex = index; this.scrollInView(); if (this.selectOnFocus || this.autoHighlight) { this.onOptionSelect(event, this.visibleOptions[index], false); } } }, scrollInView(index = -1) { const id = index !== -1 ? `${this.id}_${index}` : this.focusedOptionId; const element = DomHandler.findSingle(this.list, `li[id="${id}"]`); if (element) { element.scrollIntoView && element.scrollIntoView({ block: 'nearest', inline: 'start' }); } else if (!this.virtualScrollerDisabled) { setTimeout(() => { this.virtualScroller && this.virtualScroller.scrollToIndex(index !== -1 ? index : this.focusedOptionIndex); }, 0); } }, autoUpdateModel() { if ((this.selectOnFocus || this.autoHighlight) && this.autoOptionFocus && !this.hasSelectedOption) { this.focusedOptionIndex = this.findFirstFocusedOptionIndex(); this.onOptionSelect(null, this.visibleOptions[this.focusedOptionIndex], false); } }, updateModel(event, value) { this.$emit('update:modelValue', value); this.$emit('change', { originalEvent: event, value }); }, flatOptions(options) { return (options || []).reduce((result, option, index) => { result.push({ optionGroup: option, group: true, index }); const optionGroupChildren = this.getOptionGroupChildren(option); optionGroupChildren && optionGroupChildren.forEach((o) => result.push(o)); return result; }, []); }, overlayRef(el) { this.overlay = el; }, listRef(el, contentRef) { this.list = el; contentRef && contentRef(el); // For VirtualScroller }, virtualScrollerRef(el) { this.virtualScroller = el; } }, computed: { containerClass() { return [ 'p-autocomplete p-component p-inputwrapper', { 'p-disabled': this.disabled, 'p-focus': this.focused, 'p-autocomplete-dd': this.dropdown, 'p-autocomplete-multiple': this.multiple, 'p-inputwrapper-filled': this.modelValue || ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(this.inputValue), 'p-inputwrapper-focus': this.focused, 'p-overlay-open': this.overlayVisible } ]; }, inputStyleClass() { return [ 'p-autocomplete-input p-inputtext p-component', this.inputClass, { 'p-autocomplete-dd-input': this.dropdown } ]; }, multiContainerClass() { return ['p-autocomplete-multiple-container p-component p-inputtext']; }, panelStyleClass() { return [ 'p-autocomplete-panel p-component', this.panelClass, { 'p-input-filled': this.$primevue.config.inputStyle === 'filled', 'p-ripple-disabled': this.$primevue.config.ripple === false } ]; }, visibleOptions() { return this.optionGroupLabel ? this.flatOptions(this.suggestions) : this.suggestions || []; }, inputValue() { if (this.modelValue) { if (typeof this.modelValue === 'object') { const label = this.getOptionLabel(this.modelValue); return label != null ? label : this.modelValue; } else { return this.modelValue; } } else { return ''; } }, hasSelectedOption() { return ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(this.modelValue); }, equalityKey() { return this.dataKey; // TODO: The 'optionValue' properties can be added. }, searchResultMessageText() { return ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(this.visibleOptions) && this.overlayVisible ? this.searchMessageText.replaceAll('{0}', this.visibleOptions.length) : this.emptySearchMessageText; }, searchMessageText() { return this.searchMessage || this.$primevue.config.locale.searchMessage || ''; }, emptySearchMessageText() { return this.emptySearchMessage || this.$primevue.config.locale.emptySearchMessage || ''; }, selectionMessageText() { return this.selectionMessage || this.$primevue.config.locale.selectionMessage || ''; }, emptySelectionMessageText() { return this.emptySelectionMessage || this.$primevue.config.locale.emptySelectionMessage || ''; }, selectedMessageText() { return this.hasSelectedOption ? this.selectionMessageText.replaceAll('{0}', this.multiple ? this.modelValue.length : '1') : this.emptySelectionMessageText; }, focusedOptionId() { return this.focusedOptionIndex !== -1 ? `${this.id}_${this.focusedOptionIndex}` : null; }, focusedMultipleOptionId() { return this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex !== -1 ? `${this.id}_multiple_option_${this.focusedMultipleOptionIndex}` : null; }, ariaSetSize() { return this.visibleOptions.filter((option) => !this.isOptionGroup(option)).length; }, virtualScrollerDisabled() { return !this.virtualScrollerOptions; } }, components: { Button: Button, VirtualScroller: VirtualScroller, Portal: Portal, ChevronDownIcon: ChevronDownIcon, SpinnerIcon: SpinnerIcon, TimesCircleIcon: TimesCircleIcon }, directives: { ripple: Ripple } }; </script> <style> .p-autocomplete { display: inline-flex; position: relative; } .p-autocomplete-loader { position: absolute; top: 50%; margin-top: -0.5rem; } .p-autocomplete-dd .p-autocomplete-input { flex: 1 1 auto; width: 1%; } .p-autocomplete-dd .p-autocomplete-input, .p-autocomplete-dd .p-autocomplete-multiple-container { border-top-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-right-radius: 0; } .p-autocomplete-dd .p-autocomplete-dropdown { border-top-left-radius: 0; border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; } .p-autocomplete .p-autocomplete-panel { min-width: 100%; } .p-autocomplete-panel { position: absolute; overflow: auto; top: 0; left: 0; } .p-autocomplete-items { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; } .p-autocomplete-item { cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .p-autocomplete-multiple-container { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; cursor: text; overflow: hidden; display: flex; align-items: center; flex-wrap: wrap; } .p-autocomplete-token { cursor: default; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; flex: 0 0 auto; } .p-autocomplete-token-icon { cursor: pointer; } .p-autocomplete-input-token { flex: 1 1 auto; display: inline-flex; } .p-autocomplete-input-token input { border: 0 none; outline: 0 none; background-color: transparent; margin: 0; padding: 0; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 0; width: 100%; } .p-fluid .p-autocomplete { display: flex; } .p-fluid .p-autocomplete-dd .p-autocomplete-input { width: 1%; } </style>