const DataViewProps = [ { name: 'value', type: 'array', default: 'null', description: 'An array of objects to display.' }, { name: 'layout', type: 'string', default: 'list', description: 'Layout of the items, valid values are "list" and "grid".' }, { name: 'rows', type: 'number', default: '0', description: 'Number of rows to display per page.' }, { name: 'first', type: 'number', default: '0', description: 'ndex of the first record to render.' }, { name: 'totalRecords', type: 'number', default: 'null', description: 'Number of total records, defaults to length of value when not defined.' }, { name: 'paginator', type: 'boolean', default: 'false', description: 'When specified as true, enables the pagination.' }, { name: 'paginatorPosition', type: 'string', default: 'bottom', description: 'Position of the paginator, options are "top","bottom" or "both".' }, { name: 'alwaysShowPaginator', type: 'boolean', default: 'true', description: 'Whether to show it even there is only one page.' }, { name: 'paginatorTemplate', type: 'string', default: 'FirstPageLink PrevPageLink PageLinks NextPageLink LastPageLink RowsPerPageDropdown', description: 'Template of the paginator.' }, { name: 'pageLinkSize', type: 'number', default: '5', description: 'Number of page links to display.' }, { name: 'rowsPerPageOptions', type: 'array', default: 'null', description: 'Array of integer values to display inside rows per page dropdown.' }, { name: 'currentPageReportTemplate', type: 'string', default: '({currentPage} of {totalPages})', description: 'Template of the current page report element.' }, { name: 'sortField', type: 'string', default: 'null', description: 'Property name or a getter function of data to use in sorting by default.' }, { name: 'sortOrder', type: 'number', default: 'null', description: 'Order to sort the data by default.' }, { name: 'lazy', type: 'boolean', default: 'false', description: 'Defines if data is loaded and interacted with in lazy manner.' }, { name: 'dataKey', type: 'string', default: 'null', description: 'Name of the data that uniquely identifies the a record in the data.' }, { name: 'pt', type: 'any', default: 'null', description: 'Uses to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component.' }, { name: 'unstyled', type: 'boolean', default: 'false', description: 'When enabled, it removes component related styles in the core.' } ]; const DataViewEvents = [ { name: 'page', description: 'Callback to invoke when page changes, the event object contains information about the new state.', arguments: [ { name: '', type: 'number', description: 'New page number' }, { name: 'event.first', type: 'number', description: 'Index of first record' }, { name: 'event.rows', type: 'number', description: 'Number of rows to display in new page' }, { name: 'event.pageCount', type: 'number', description: 'Total number of pages' } ] } ]; const DataViewSlots = [ { name: 'header', description: "Custom content for the component's header" }, { name: 'paginatorstart', description: "Custom content for the component paginator's left side" }, { name: 'paginatorend', description: "Custom content for the component paginator's right side" }, { name: 'list', description: 'Content for the list layout' }, { name: 'grid', description: 'Content for the grid layout' }, { name: 'empty', description: 'Custom content when there is no data to display' }, { name: 'footer', description: "Custom content for the component's footer" } ]; module.exports = { dataview: { name: 'DataView', description: 'DataView displays data in grid or list layout with pagination and sorting features.', props: DataViewProps, events: DataViewEvents, slots: DataViewSlots } };