/** * * [Live Demo](https://primevue.org/) * * @module baseeditableholder * */ export interface BaseEditableHolderProps { /** * Value of the component. */ modelValue?: any; /** * The default value for the input when not controlled by `modelValue`. */ defaultValue?: any; /** * The name attribute for the element, typically used in form submissions. */ name?: string | undefined; /** * When present, it specifies that the component should have invalid state style. * @defaultValue false */ invalid?: boolean | undefined; /** * Disables the element, making it non-interactive and unclickable. * @defaultValue false */ disabled?: boolean | undefined; /** * Form control object, typically used for handling validation and form state. */ formControl?: Record | undefined; } export interface BaseEditableHolderEmitsOptions { /** * Emitted when the value changes in controlled mode. * @param {*} value - New value. */ 'update:modelValue'(value: any): void; /** * Emitted when the value changes in uncontrolled mode. * @param {*} value - New value. */ 'value-change'(value: any): void; }