const ScrollTopProps = [ { name: 'target', type: 'string', default: 'window', description: 'Target of the ScrollTop, valid values are "window" and "parent".' }, { name: 'threshold', type: 'number', default: '400', description: 'Defines the threshold value of the vertical scroll position of the target to toggle the visibility.' }, { name: 'icon', type: 'string', default: 'pi pi-chevron-up', description: 'Icon to display.' }, { name: 'behavior', type: 'string', default: 'smooth', description: 'Defines the scrolling behavi, "smooth" adds an animation and "auto" scrolls with a jump.' } ]; module.exports = { scrolltop: { name: 'ScrollTop', description: 'ScrollTop gets displayed after a certain scroll position and used to navigates to the top of the page quickly.', props: ScrollTopProps } };