import APIDocs from '@/doc/common/apidoc/index.json'; import ComponentTokens from '@primeuix/themes/tokens'; export const getPTOptions = (name) => { const { props } = APIDocs[name.toLowerCase()].interfaces.values[`${name}PassThroughOptions`] || APIDocs[name.toLowerCase()].interfaces.values[`${name}DirectivePassThroughOptions`]; const options = APIDocs[name.toLowerCase()].interfaces.values[`${name}PassThroughMethodOptions`]; let data = []; for (const [i, prop] of props.entries()) { if (options) { let subCompName, subOptions; let hasSubComp = !== 'hooks' && prop.type.indexOf('TransitionType') === -1 && prop.type.indexOf('<') > -1 && name.toLowerCase() !== prop.type.slice(0, prop.type.indexOf('<')).toLowerCase(); if (hasSubComp) { subCompName = prop.type.slice(0, prop.type.indexOf('<')).replace('PassThroughOptions', '').replace('PassThroughOptionType', ''); subOptions = APIDocs[subCompName.toLowerCase()].interfaces.values[`${subCompName}PassThroughMethodOptions`]; const objToReplace = subOptions.props.find((opt) => === 'parent'); objToReplace.type = prop.type; } if (!prop.deprecated) { data.push({ value: i + 1, label:, options: hasSubComp ? subOptions?.props : options?.props, description: prop.description }); } } else { data.push({ value: i + 1, label:, description: prop.description }); } } return data; }; export const getStyleOptions = (name) => { const styleDoc = APIDocs[name.toLowerCase() + 'style']; const enumValues = styleDoc && styleDoc.enumerations && styleDoc.enumerations.values; const { members = [] } = enumValues ? enumValues[`${name}Classes`] || {} : {}; let data = []; for (const member of members) { const { value, description } = member; data.push({ class: value.replaceAll('"', ''), description }); } return data; }; export const getTokenOptions = (name) => { let data = []; if (ComponentTokens[name.toLowerCase()]) { const tokens = ComponentTokens[name.toLowerCase()].tokens; for (const [_, value] of Object.entries(tokens)) { data.push({ token: value.token, variable: value.variable, description: value.description }); } } return data; };