    <div class="config-panel hidden">
        <div class="config-panel-content">
            <div class="config-panel-colors">
                <span class="config-panel-label">Primary</span>
                        v-for="primaryColor of primaryColors"
                        @click="updateColors('primary', primaryColor)"
                        :class="{ 'active-color': selectedPrimaryColor === primaryColor.name }"
                        :style="{ backgroundColor: `${primaryColor.name === 'noir' ? 'var(--text-color)' : primaryColor.palette['500']}` }"
            <div class="config-panel-colors">
                <span class="config-panel-label">Surface</span>
                        v-for="surface of surfaces"
                        @click="updateColors('surface', surface)"
                        :class="{ 'active-color': selectedSurfaceColor ? selectedSurfaceColor === surface.name : $appState.darkTheme ? surface.name === 'zinc' : surface.name === 'slate' }"
                        :style="{ backgroundColor: `${surface.palette['500']}` }"
            <div class="config-panel-settings">
                <span class="config-panel-label">Theme</span>
                <SelectButton v-model="$appState.preset" @update:modelValue="onPresetChange" :options="presetOptions" optionLabel="label" optionValue="value" :allowEmpty="false" size="small" />
            <div class="flex">
                <div class="flex-1">
                    <div class="config-panel-settings">
                        <span class="config-panel-label">Ripple</span>
                        <ToggleSwitch :modelValue="rippleActive" @update:modelValue="onRippleChange" />
                <div class="flex-1">
                    <div class="config-panel-settings items-end">
                        <span class="config-panel-label">RTL (Beta)</span>
                        <ToggleSwitch v-model="isRTL" @update:modelValue="onRTLChange" />

import EventBus from '@/layouts/AppEventBus';
import { $t, updatePreset, updateSurfacePalette } from '@primevue/themes';
import Aura from '@primevue/themes/aura';
import Lara from '@primevue/themes/lara';
import Material from '@primevue/themes/material';
import Nora from '@primevue/themes/nora';

const presets = {

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            presetOptions: [
                { label: 'Aura', value: 'Aura' },
                { label: 'Material', value: 'Material' },
                { label: 'Lara', value: 'Lara' },
                { label: 'Nora', value: 'Nora' }
            surfaces: [
                    name: 'slate',
                    palette: { 0: '#ffffff', 50: '#f8fafc', 100: '#f1f5f9', 200: '#e2e8f0', 300: '#cbd5e1', 400: '#94a3b8', 500: '#64748b', 600: '#475569', 700: '#334155', 800: '#1e293b', 900: '#0f172a', 950: '#020617' }
                    name: 'gray',
                    palette: { 0: '#ffffff', 50: '#f9fafb', 100: '#f3f4f6', 200: '#e5e7eb', 300: '#d1d5db', 400: '#9ca3af', 500: '#6b7280', 600: '#4b5563', 700: '#374151', 800: '#1f2937', 900: '#111827', 950: '#030712' }
                    name: 'zinc',
                    palette: { 0: '#ffffff', 50: '#fafafa', 100: '#f4f4f5', 200: '#e4e4e7', 300: '#d4d4d8', 400: '#a1a1aa', 500: '#71717a', 600: '#52525b', 700: '#3f3f46', 800: '#27272a', 900: '#18181b', 950: '#09090b' }
                    name: 'neutral',
                    palette: { 0: '#ffffff', 50: '#fafafa', 100: '#f5f5f5', 200: '#e5e5e5', 300: '#d4d4d4', 400: '#a3a3a3', 500: '#737373', 600: '#525252', 700: '#404040', 800: '#262626', 900: '#171717', 950: '#0a0a0a' }
                    name: 'stone',
                    palette: { 0: '#ffffff', 50: '#fafaf9', 100: '#f5f5f4', 200: '#e7e5e4', 300: '#d6d3d1', 400: '#a8a29e', 500: '#78716c', 600: '#57534e', 700: '#44403c', 800: '#292524', 900: '#1c1917', 950: '#0c0a09' }
                    name: 'soho',
                    palette: { 0: '#ffffff', 50: '#ececec', 100: '#dedfdf', 200: '#c4c4c6', 300: '#adaeb0', 400: '#97979b', 500: '#7f8084', 600: '#6a6b70', 700: '#55565b', 800: '#3f4046', 900: '#2c2c34', 950: '#16161d' }
                    name: 'viva',
                    palette: { 0: '#ffffff', 50: '#f3f3f3', 100: '#e7e7e8', 200: '#cfd0d0', 300: '#b7b8b9', 400: '#9fa1a1', 500: '#87898a', 600: '#6e7173', 700: '#565a5b', 800: '#3e4244', 900: '#262b2c', 950: '#0e1315' }
                    name: 'ocean',
                    palette: { 0: '#ffffff', 50: '#fbfcfc', 100: '#F7F9F8', 200: '#EFF3F2', 300: '#DADEDD', 400: '#B1B7B6', 500: '#828787', 600: '#5F7274', 700: '#415B61', 800: '#29444E', 900: '#183240', 950: '#0c1920' }
            isRTL: false
    methods: {
        getPresetExt() {
            const color = this.primaryColors.find((c) => c.name === this.selectedPrimaryColor);

            if (color.name === 'noir') {
                document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--logo-color', 'var(--text-secondary-color)');

                return {
                    semantic: {
                        primary: {
                            50: '{surface.50}',
                            100: '{surface.100}',
                            200: '{surface.200}',
                            300: '{surface.300}',
                            400: '{surface.400}',
                            500: '{surface.500}',
                            600: '{surface.600}',
                            700: '{surface.700}',
                            800: '{surface.800}',
                            900: '{surface.900}',
                            950: '{surface.950}'
                        colorScheme: {
                            light: {
                                primary: {
                                    color: '{primary.950}',
                                    contrastColor: '#ffffff',
                                    hoverColor: '{primary.800}',
                                    activeColor: '{primary.700}'
                                highlight: {
                                    background: '{primary.950}',
                                    focusBackground: '{primary.700}',
                                    color: '#ffffff',
                                    focusColor: '#ffffff'
                            dark: {
                                primary: {
                                    color: '{primary.50}',
                                    contrastColor: '{primary.950}',
                                    hoverColor: '{primary.200}',
                                    activeColor: '{primary.300}'
                                highlight: {
                                    background: '{primary.50}',
                                    focusBackground: '{primary.300}',
                                    color: '{primary.950}',
                                    focusColor: '{primary.950}'
            } else {
                document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--logo-color', 'var(--primary-color)');

                if (this.$appState.preset === 'Nora') {
                    return {
                        semantic: {
                            primary: color.palette,
                            colorScheme: {
                                light: {
                                    primary: {
                                        color: '{primary.600}',
                                        contrastColor: '#ffffff',
                                        hoverColor: '{primary.700}',
                                        activeColor: '{primary.800}'
                                    highlight: {
                                        background: '{primary.600}',
                                        focusBackground: '{primary.700}',
                                        color: '#ffffff',
                                        focusColor: '#ffffff'
                                dark: {
                                    primary: {
                                        color: '{primary.500}',
                                        contrastColor: '{surface.900}',
                                        hoverColor: '{primary.400}',
                                        activeColor: '{primary.300}'
                                    highlight: {
                                        background: '{primary.500}',
                                        focusBackground: '{primary.400}',
                                        color: '{surface.900}',
                                        focusColor: '{surface.900}'
                } else if (this.$appState.preset === 'Material') {
                    return {
                        semantic: {
                            primary: color.palette,
                            colorScheme: {
                                light: {
                                    primary: {
                                        color: '{primary.500}',
                                        contrastColor: '#ffffff',
                                        hoverColor: '{primary.400}',
                                        activeColor: '{primary.300}'
                                    highlight: {
                                        background: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.color}, transparent 88%)',
                                        focusBackground: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.color}, transparent 76%)',
                                        color: '{primary.700}',
                                        focusColor: '{primary.800}'
                                dark: {
                                    primary: {
                                        color: '{primary.400}',
                                        contrastColor: '{surface.900}',
                                        hoverColor: '{primary.300}',
                                        activeColor: '{primary.200}'
                                    highlight: {
                                        background: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.400}, transparent 84%)',
                                        focusBackground: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.400}, transparent 76%)',
                                        color: 'rgba(255,255,255,.87)',
                                        focusColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.87)'
                } else {
                    return {
                        semantic: {
                            primary: color.palette,
                            colorScheme: {
                                light: {
                                    primary: {
                                        color: '{primary.500}',
                                        contrastColor: '#ffffff',
                                        hoverColor: '{primary.600}',
                                        activeColor: '{primary.700}'
                                    highlight: {
                                        background: '{primary.50}',
                                        focusBackground: '{primary.100}',
                                        color: '{primary.700}',
                                        focusColor: '{primary.800}'
                                dark: {
                                    primary: {
                                        color: '{primary.400}',
                                        contrastColor: '{surface.900}',
                                        hoverColor: '{primary.300}',
                                        activeColor: '{primary.200}'
                                    highlight: {
                                        background: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.400}, transparent 84%)',
                                        focusBackground: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.400}, transparent 76%)',
                                        color: 'rgba(255,255,255,.87)',
                                        focusColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.87)'
        updateColors(type, color) {
            if (type === 'primary') {
                this.$appState.primary = color.name;
            } else if (type === 'surface') {
                this.$appState.surface = color.name;

            this.applyTheme(type, color);
        applyTheme(type, color) {
            if (type === 'primary') {
            } else if (type === 'surface') {

        onRippleChange(value) {
            this.$primevue.config.ripple = value;
        onPresetChange(value) {
            this.$appState.preset = value;
            const preset = presets[value];
            const surfacePalette = this.surfaces.find((s) => s.name === this.selectedSurfaceColor)?.palette;

            if (value === 'Material') {
                this.$primevue.config.ripple = true;
            } else {

            $t().preset(preset).preset(this.getPresetExt()).surfacePalette(surfacePalette).use({ useDefaultOptions: true });
        onRTLChange(value) {
            const htmlElement = document.documentElement;

            if (value) {
                htmlElement.setAttribute('dir', 'rtl');
            } else {
    computed: {
        rippleActive() {
            return this.$primevue.config.ripple;
        selectedPrimaryColor() {
            return this.$appState.primary;
        selectedSurfaceColor() {
            return this.$appState.surface;
        primaryColors() {
            const presetPalette = presets[this.$appState.preset].primitive;
            const colors = ['emerald', 'green', 'lime', 'orange', 'amber', 'yellow', 'teal', 'cyan', 'sky', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet', 'purple', 'fuchsia', 'pink', 'rose'];
            const palettes = [{ name: 'noir', palette: {} }];

            colors.forEach((color) => {
                    name: color,
                    palette: presetPalette[color]

            return palettes;