/** * * Calendar also known as DatePicker, is a form component to work with dates. * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/calendar/) * * @module calendar * */ import { TransitionProps, VNode } from 'vue'; import { ComponentHooks } from '../basecomponent'; import { ButtonPassThroughOptions, ButtonProps } from '../button'; import { InputTextPassThroughOptions } from '../inputtext'; import { PassThroughOptions } from '../passthrough'; import { ClassComponent, DesignToken, GlobalComponentConstructor, HintedString, PassThrough } from '../ts-helpers'; export declare type CalendarPassThroughOptionType = CalendarPassThroughAttributes | ((options: CalendarPassThroughMethodOptions) => CalendarPassThroughAttributes | string) | string | null | undefined; export declare type CalendarPassThroughTransitionType = TransitionProps | ((options: CalendarPassThroughMethodOptions) => TransitionProps) | undefined; /** * Custom passthrough(pt) option method. */ export interface CalendarPassThroughMethodOptions { /** * Defines instance. */ instance: any; /** * Defines valid properties. */ props: CalendarProps; /** * Defines current inline state. */ state: CalendarState; /** * Defines current options. */ context: CalendarContext; /** * Defines valid attributes. */ attrs: any; /** * Defines parent options. */ parent: any; /** * Defines passthrough(pt) options in global config. */ global: object | undefined; } /** * Custom shared passthrough(pt) option method. */ export interface CalendarSharedPassThroughMethodOptions { /** * Defines valid properties. */ props: CalendarProps; /** * Defines current inline state. */ state: CalendarState; } /** * Custom Calendar responsive options metadata. */ export interface CalendarResponsiveOptions { /** * Breakpoint for responsive mode. Exp; \@media screen and (max-width: ${breakpoint}) {...} */ breakpoint: string; /** * The number of visible months on breakpoint. */ numMonths: number; } /** * Custom Calendar month change event. * @see {@link CalendarEmits['month-change']]} */ export interface CalendarMonthChangeEvent { /** * New month. */ month: number; /** * New year. */ year: number; } /** * Custom Calendar year change event. * @see {@link CalendarEmits['year-change']]} */ export interface CalendarYearChangeEvent { /** * New month. */ month: number; /** * New year. */ year: number; } /** * Custom Calendar blur event. * @see {@link CalendarEmits.blur} */ export interface CalendarBlurEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Input value */ value: string; } /** * Custom passthrough(pt) options. * @see {@link CalendarProps.pt} */ export interface CalendarPassThroughOptions { /** * Used to pass attributes to the root's DOM element. */ root?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the InputText component. * @see {@link InputTextPassThroughOptions} */ input?: InputTextPassThroughOptions; /** * Used to pass attributes to the dropdown button's DOM element. */ dropdownButton?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the panel's DOM element. */ panel?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the group container's DOM element. */ groupContainer?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the group's DOM element. */ group?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the header's DOM element. */ header?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the previous button's DOM element. * @see {@link ButtonPassThroughOptions} */ previousButton?: ButtonPassThroughOptions; /** * Used to pass attributes to the title's DOM element. */ title?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the month title's DOM element. */ monthTitle?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the year title's DOM element. */ yearTitle?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the decade title's DOM element. */ decadeTitle?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the next button's DOM element. * @see {@link ButtonPassThroughOptions} */ nextButton?: ButtonPassThroughOptions; /** * Used to pass attributes to the container's DOM element. */ container?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the table's DOM element. */ table?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the table header's DOM element. */ tableHeader?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the table header row's DOM element. */ tableHeaderRow?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the week header's DOM element. */ weekHeader?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the week header label's DOM element. */ weekHeaderLabel?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the table header cell's DOM element. */ tableHeaderCell?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the week label's DOM element. */ weekLabel?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the week day's DOM element. */ weekDay?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the table body's DOM element. */ tableBody?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the table body row's DOM element. */ tableBodyRow?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the week number's DOM element. */ weekNumber?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the week label container's DOM element. */ weekLabelContainer?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the day's DOM element. */ day?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the day label's DOM element. */ dayLabel?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the month picker's DOM element. */ monthPicker?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the month's DOM element. */ month?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the year picker's DOM element. */ yearPicker?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the year's DOM element. */ year?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the time picker's DOM element. */ timePicker?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the hour picker's DOM element. */ hourPicker?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the hour's DOM element. */ hour?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the separator container's DOM element. */ separatorContainer?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the separator's DOM element. */ separator?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the minute picker's DOM element. */ minutePicker?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the minute's DOM element. */ minute?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the second picker's DOM element. */ secondPicker?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the second's DOM element. */ second?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the ampm picker's DOM element. */ ampmPicker?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the ampm's DOM element. */ ampm?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the buttonbar's DOM element. */ buttonbar?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the today button's DOM element. * @see {@link ButtonPassThroughOptions} */ todayButton?: ButtonPassThroughOptions; /** * Used to pass attributes to the clear button's DOM element. * @see {@link ButtonPassThroughOptions} */ clearButton?: ButtonPassThroughOptions; /** * Used to pass attributes to the aria selected day's DOM element. */ hiddenSelectedDay?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the aria month's DOM element. */ hiddenMonth?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the aria year's DOM element. */ hiddenYear?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the datepicker mask's DOM element. */ datepickerMask?: CalendarPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to manage all lifecycle hooks. * @see {@link BaseComponent.ComponentHooks} */ hooks?: ComponentHooks; /** * Used to control Vue Transition API. */ transition?: CalendarPassThroughTransitionType; } /** * Custom passthrough attributes for each DOM elements */ export interface CalendarPassThroughAttributes { [key: string]: any; } /** * Defines current inline state in Calendar component. */ export interface CalendarState { /** * Current month as a number. */ currentMonth: number; /** * Current year as a number. */ currentYear: number; /** * Current hour as a number. */ currentHour: number; /** * Current minute as a number. */ currentMinute: number; /** * Current second as a number. */ currentSecond: number; /** * Current pm state as a boolean. * @defaultValue false */ pm: boolean; /** * Current focused state as a boolean. * @defaultValue false */ focused: boolean; /** * Current overlay visible state as a boolean. * @defaultValue false */ overlayVisible: boolean; /** * Current view state as a string. * @defaultValue 'date' */ currentView: string; } /** * Defines current date options in Calendar component. */ export interface CalendarDateContext { /** * Current date. */ day: number; /** * Current month state. */ month: number; /** * Current year state. */ year: number; /** * Current today state of the calendar's day. */ today: boolean; /** * Selectable state of the day. */ selectable: boolean; } /** * Defines current options in Calendar component. */ export interface CalendarContext { /** * Current date. */ date: CalendarDateContext; /** * Current today state of the calendar's day. * @defaultValue false */ today: boolean; /** * Current other month state of the calendar's day. */ otherMonth: boolean; /** * Current selected state of the calendar's day or month or year. * @defaultValue false */ selected: boolean; /** * Current disabled state of the calendar's day or month or year. * @defaultValue false */ disabled: boolean; /** * Current month state. */ month: CalendarMonthOptions; /** * Current month index state. */ monthIndex: number; /** * Current year state. */ year: CalendarYearOptions; } /** * Defines current month options. */ export interface CalendarMonthOptions { /** * Month value. */ value: string; /** * Selectable state of the month. */ selectable: boolean; } /** * Defines current year options. */ export interface CalendarYearOptions { /** * Year value. */ value: number; /** * Selectable state of the month. */ selectable: boolean; } /** * Defines valid properties in Calendar component. */ export interface CalendarProps { /** * Value of the component. * @defaultValue null */ modelValue?: Date | Array | Array | undefined | null; /** * Defines the quantity of the selection. * @defaultValue single */ selectionMode?: 'single' | 'multiple' | 'range' | undefined; /** * Format of the date. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration. */ dateFormat?: string | undefined; /** * When enabled, displays the calendar as inline instead of an overlay. * @defaultValue false */ inline?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether to display dates in other months (non-selectable) at the start or end of the current month. To make these days selectable use the selectOtherMonths option. * @defaultValue true */ showOtherMonths?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether days in other months shown before or after the current month are selectable. This only applies if the showOtherMonths option is set to true. * @defaultValue false */ selectOtherMonths?: boolean | undefined; /** * When enabled, displays a button with icon next to input. * @defaultValue false */ showIcon?: boolean | undefined; /** * Icon position of the component. This only applies if the showIcon option is set to true. * @defaultValue 'button' */ iconDisplay?: 'button' | 'input' | undefined; /** * Icon of the calendar button. * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'dropdownicon' slot. */ icon?: string | undefined; /** * Icon to show in the previous button. * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'previousicon' slot. */ previousIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Icon to show in the next button. * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'nexticon' slot. */ nextIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Icon to show in each of the increment buttons. * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'incrementicon' slot. */ incrementIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Icon to show in each of the decrement buttons. * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'decrementicon' slot. */ decrementIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Number of months to display. * @defaultValue 1 */ numberOfMonths?: number | undefined; /** * An array of options for responsive design. */ responsiveOptions?: CalendarResponsiveOptions[]; /** * The breakpoint to define the maximum width boundary for datepicker panel. * @defaultValue 769px */ breakpoint?: string | undefined; /** * Type of view to display. * @defaultValue date */ view?: 'date' | 'month' | 'year' | undefined; /** * When enabled, calendar overlay is displayed as optimized for touch devices. * @defaultValue false */ touchUI?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the month should be rendered as a dropdown instead of text. * * @deprecated since version 3.9.0, Navigator is always on. * @defaultValue false */ monthNavigator?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether the year should be rendered as a dropdown instead of text. * * @deprecated since version 3.9.0, Navigator is always on. * @defaultValue false */ yearNavigator?: boolean | undefined; /** * The range of years displayed in the year drop-down in (nnnn:nnnn) format such as (2000:2020). * * @deprecated since version 3.9.0, Years are based on decades by default. * @defaultValue false */ yearRange?: string | undefined; /** * The minimum selectable date. */ minDate?: Date | undefined; /** * The maximum selectable date. */ maxDate?: Date | undefined; /** * Array with dates to disable. */ disabledDates?: Date[] | undefined; /** * Array with disabled weekday numbers. */ disabledDays?: number[] | undefined; /** * Maximum number of selectable dates in multiple mode. */ maxDateCount?: number | undefined; /** * When disabled, datepicker will not be visible with input focus. * @defaultValue true */ showOnFocus?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether to automatically manage layering. * @defaultValue true */ autoZIndex?: boolean | undefined; /** * Base zIndex value to use in layering. * @defaultValue 0 */ baseZIndex?: number | undefined; /** * Whether to display today and clear buttons at the footer. * @defaultValue false */ showButtonBar?: boolean | undefined; /** * The cutoff year for determining the century for a date. * @defaultValue +10 */ shortYearCutoff?: string | undefined; /** * Whether to display timepicker. * @defaultValue false */ showTime?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether to display timepicker only. * @defaultValue false */ timeOnly?: boolean | undefined; /** * Specifies hour format. * @defaultValue 24 */ hourFormat?: '12' | '24' | undefined; /** * Hours to change per step. * @defaultValue 1 */ stepHour?: number | undefined; /** * Minutes to change per step. * @defaultValue 1 */ stepMinute?: number | undefined; /** * Seconds to change per step. * @defaultValue 1 */ stepSecond?: number | undefined; /** * Whether to show the seconds in time picker. * @defaultValue false */ showSeconds?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether to hide the overlay on date selection when showTime is enabled. * @defaultValue false */ hideOnDateTimeSelect?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether to hide the overlay on date selection is completed when selectionMode is range. * @defaultValue false */ hideOnRangeSelection?: boolean | undefined; /** * Separator of time selector. * @defaultValue : */ timeSeparator?: string | undefined; /** * When enabled, calendar will show week numbers. * @defaultValue false */ showWeek?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether to allow entering the date manually via typing. * @defaultValue true */ manualInput?: boolean | undefined; /** * When present, it specifies that the component should have invalid state style. * @defaultValue false */ invalid?: boolean | undefined; /** * When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled. * @defaultValue false */ disabled?: boolean | undefined; /** * Specifies the input variant of the component. * @defaultValue outlined */ variant?: 'outlined' | 'filled' | undefined; /** * When present, it specifies that an input field is read-only. * @defaultValue false */ readonly?: boolean | undefined; /** * Placeholder text for the input. */ placeholder?: string | undefined; /** * A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. * @defaultValue body */ appendTo?: HintedString<'body' | 'self'> | undefined | HTMLElement; /** * Identifier of the element. */ id?: string | undefined; /** * Identifier of the underlying input element. */ inputId?: string | undefined; /** * Inline style of the input field. */ inputStyle?: object | undefined; /** * Style class of the input field. */ inputClass?: string | object | undefined; /** * Inline style of the overlay panel. */ panelStyle?: object | undefined; /** * Style class of the overlay panel. */ panelClass?: string | object | undefined; /** * Used to pass all properties of the ButtonProps to the today button component. * @type {ButtonProps} * @defaultValue { severity: 'secondary', text: true, size: 'small' } */ todayButtonProps?: object | undefined; /** * Used to pass all properties of the ButtonProps to the clear button component. * @type {ButtonProps} * @defaultValue { severity: 'secondary', text: true, size: 'small' } */ clearButtonProps?: object | undefined; /** * Used to pass all properties of the ButtonProps to the navigator button component. * @type {ButtonProps} * @defaultValue { severity: 'secondary', text: true } */ navigatorButtonProps?: object | undefined; /** * Used to pass all properties of the ButtonProps to the timepicker button component. * @type {ButtonProps} * @defaultValue { severity: 'secondary', text: true } */ timepickerButtonProps?: object | undefined; /** * Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs. */ ariaLabelledby?: string | undefined; /** * Establishes a string value that labels the component. */ ariaLabel?: string | undefined; /** * It generates scoped CSS variables using design tokens for the component. */ dt?: DesignToken; /** * Used to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component. * @type {CalendarPassThroughOptions} */ pt?: PassThrough; /** * Used to configure passthrough(pt) options of the component. * @type {PassThroughOptions} */ ptOptions?: PassThroughOptions; /** * When enabled, it removes component related styles in the core. * @defaultValue false */ unstyled?: boolean; } /** * Defines valid options of the date slot in Calendar component. */ export interface CalendarDateSlotOptions { /** * Current date. */ day: number; /** * Current month state. */ month: number; /** * Current year state. */ year: number; /** * Current today state of the calendar's day. */ today: boolean; /** * Selectable state of the day. */ selectable: boolean; } /** * Defines valid slots in Calendar component. */ export interface CalendarSlots { /** * Custom header template of panel. */ header(): VNode[]; /** * Custom footer template of panel. */ footer(): VNode[]; /** * Custom date template. */ date(scope: { /** * Value of the component. */ date: CalendarDateSlotOptions; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom decade template. */ decade(scope: { /** * An array containing the start and and year of a decade to display at header of the year picker. */ years: string[] | undefined; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom week header label template. */ weekheaderlabel(): VNode[]; /** * Custom week label template. * @param {Object} scope - weeklabel slot's params. */ weeklabel(scope: { /** * Number of the week */ weekNumber: number; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom dropdown icon template. * @param {Object} scope - dropdown icon slot's params. */ dropdownicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the dropdown icon */ class: any; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom input icon template. * @param {Object} scope - input icon slot's params. */ inputicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the input icon */ class: any; /** * Click callback */ clickCallback: () => void; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom previous icon template. * @param {Object} scope - previous icon slot's params. */ previousicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the previous icon */ class: any; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom next icon template. * @param {Object} scope - next icon slot's params. */ nexticon(scope: { /** * Style class of the next icon */ class: any; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom increment icon template. * @param {Object} scope - increment icon slot's params. */ incrementicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the increment icon */ class: any; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom decrement icon template. * @param {Object} scope - decrement icon slot's params. */ decrementicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the decrement icon */ class: any; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom dropdown button template. */ dropdownbutton(scope: { /** * Toggle function. * @param {Event} event - Browser event */ toggleCallback: (event: Event) => void; }): VNode[]; } /** * Defines valid emits in Calendar component. */ export interface CalendarEmits { /** * Emitted when the value changes. * @param {string | Date | string[] | Date[] | undefined} value - New value. */ 'update:modelValue'(value: Date | Array | Array | undefined | null): void; /** * Callback to invoke when input field is being typed. * @param {Event} event - Browser event */ input(event: Event): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a date is selected. * @param {Date} value - Selected value. */ 'date-select'(value: Date): void; /** * Callback to invoke when datepicker panel is shown. */ show(): void; /** * Callback to invoke when datepicker panel is hidden. */ hide(): void; /** * Callback to invoke when today button is clicked. * @param {Date} date - Today as a date instance. */ 'today-click'(date: Date): void; /** * Callback to invoke when clear button is clicked. * @param {Event} event - Browser event. */ 'clear-click'(event: Event): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a month is changed using the navigators. * @param {CalendarMonthChangeEvent} event - Custom month change event. */ 'month-change'(event: CalendarMonthChangeEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a year is changed using the navigators. * @param {CalendarYearChangeEvent} event - Custom year change event. */ 'year-change'(event: CalendarYearChangeEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke on focus of input field. * @param {Event} event - Focus event */ focus(event: Event): void; /** * Callback to invoke on blur of input field. * @param {CalendarBlurEvent} event - Blur event */ blur(event: CalendarBlurEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a key is pressed. */ keydown(event: Event): void; } /** * **PrimeVue - Calendar** * * _Calendar also known as DatePicker, is a form component to work with dates._ * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/calendar/) * --- --- * ![PrimeVue](https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/logo-100.png) * * @group Component */ declare class Calendar extends ClassComponent {} declare module 'vue' { export interface GlobalComponents { Calendar: GlobalComponentConstructor; } } export default Calendar;