<template> <div :class="containerClass" v-bind="ptm('root')"> <div class="p-orderlist-controls" v-bind="ptm('controls')"> <slot name="controlsstart"></slot> <OLButton type="button" @click="moveUp" :aria-label="moveUpAriaLabel" :disabled="moveDisabled()" v-bind="moveUpButtonProps" :pt="ptm('moveUpButton')"> <template #icon> <slot name="moveupicon"> <AngleUpIcon v-bind="ptm('moveUpButton')['icon']" /> </slot> </template> </OLButton> <OLButton type="button" @click="moveTop" :aria-label="moveTopAriaLabel" :disabled="moveDisabled()" v-bind="moveTopButtonProps" :pt="ptm('moveTopButton')"> <template #icon> <slot name="movetopicon"> <AngleDoubleUpIcon v-bind="ptm('moveTopButton')['icon']" /> </slot> </template> </OLButton> <OLButton type="button" @click="moveDown" :aria-label="moveDownAriaLabel" :disabled="moveDisabled()" v-bind="moveDownButtonProps" :pt="ptm('moveDownButton')"> <template #icon> <slot name="movedownicon"> <AngleDownIcon v-bind="ptm('moveDownButton')['icon']" /> </slot> </template> </OLButton> <OLButton type="button" @click="moveBottom" :aria-label="moveBottomAriaLabel" :disabled="moveDisabled()" v-bind="moveBottomButtonProps" :pt="ptm('moveBottomButton')"> <template #icon> <slot name="movebottomicon"> <AngleDoubleDownIcon v-bind="ptm('moveBottomButton')['icon']" /> </slot> </template> </OLButton> <slot name="controlsend"></slot> </div> <div class="p-orderlist-list-container" v-bind="ptm('container')"> <div v-if="$slots.header" class="p-orderlist-header" v-bind="ptm('header')"> <slot name="header"></slot> </div> <transition-group :ref="listRef" :id="id + '_list'" name="p-orderlist-flip" tag="ul" class="p-orderlist-list" :style="listStyle" role="listbox" aria-multiselectable="true" :tabindex="tabindex" :aria-activedescendant="focused ? focusedOptionId : undefined" :aria-label="ariaLabel" :aria-labelledby="ariaLabelledby" @focus="onListFocus" @blur="onListBlur" @keydown="onListKeyDown" v-bind="{ ...listProps, ...ptm('list') }" > <template v-for="(item, i) of modelValue" :key="getItemKey(item, i)"> <li :id="id + '_' + i" v-ripple role="option" :class="itemClass(item, `${id}_${i}`)" @click="onItemClick($event, item, i)" @touchend="onItemTouchEnd" :aria-selected="isSelected(item)" @mousedown="onOptionMouseDown(i)" v-bind="getPTOptions(item, 'item')" > <slot name="item" :item="item" :index="i"> </slot> </li> </template> </transition-group> </div> </div> </template> <script> import BaseComponent from 'primevue/basecomponent'; import Button from 'primevue/button'; import AngleDoubleDownIcon from 'primevue/icons/angledoubledown'; import AngleDoubleUpIcon from 'primevue/icons/angledoubleup'; import AngleDownIcon from 'primevue/icons/angledown'; import AngleUpIcon from 'primevue/icons/angleup'; import Ripple from 'primevue/ripple'; import { DomHandler, ObjectUtils, UniqueComponentId } from 'primevue/utils'; export default { name: 'OrderList', extends: BaseComponent, emits: ['update:modelValue', 'reorder', 'update:selection', 'selection-change', 'focus', 'blur'], props: { modelValue: { type: Array, default: null }, selection: { type: Array, default: null }, dataKey: { type: String, default: null }, listStyle: { type: null, default: null }, metaKeySelection: { type: Boolean, default: true }, responsive: { type: Boolean, default: true }, breakpoint: { type: String, default: '960px' }, stripedRows: { type: Boolean, default: false }, tabindex: { type: Number, default: 0 }, listProps: { type: null, default: null }, moveUpButtonProps: { type: null, default: null }, moveTopButtonProps: { type: null, default: null }, moveDownButtonProps: { type: null, default: null }, moveBottomButtonProps: { type: null, default: null }, 'aria-labelledby': { type: String, default: null }, 'aria-label': { type: String, default: null } }, itemTouched: false, reorderDirection: null, styleElement: null, list: null, data() { return { id: this.$attrs.id, d_selection: this.selection, focused: false, focusedOptionIndex: -1 }; }, watch: { '$attrs.id': function (newValue) { this.id = newValue || UniqueComponentId(); } }, beforeUnmount() { this.destroyStyle(); }, updated() { if (this.reorderDirection) { this.updateListScroll(); this.reorderDirection = null; } }, mounted() { this.id = this.id || UniqueComponentId(); if (this.responsive) { this.createStyle(); } }, methods: { getItemKey(item, index) { return this.dataKey ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(item, this.dataKey) : index; }, getPTOptions(item, key) { return this.ptm(key, { context: { active: this.isSelected(item), focused: this.id === this.focusedOptionId } }); }, isSelected(item) { return ObjectUtils.findIndexInList(item, this.d_selection) != -1; }, onListFocus(event) { const selectedFirstItem = DomHandler.findSingle(this.list, 'li.p-orderlist-item.p-highlight'); const findIndex = ObjectUtils.findIndexInList(selectedFirstItem, this.list.children); this.focused = true; const index = this.focusedOptionIndex !== -1 ? this.focusedOptionIndex : selectedFirstItem ? findIndex : -1; this.changeFocusedOptionIndex(index); this.$emit('focus', event); }, onListBlur(event) { this.focused = false; this.focusedOptionIndex = -1; this.$emit('blur', event); }, onListKeyDown(event) { switch (event.code) { case 'ArrowDown': this.onArrowDownKey(event); break; case 'ArrowUp': this.onArrowUpKey(event); break; case 'Home': this.onHomeKey(event); break; case 'End': this.onEndKey(event); break; case 'Enter': this.onEnterKey(event); break; case 'Space': this.onSpaceKey(event); break; case 'KeyA': if (event.ctrlKey) { this.d_selection = [...this.modelValue]; this.$emit('update:selection', this.d_selection); } default: break; } }, onOptionMouseDown(index) { this.focused = true; this.focusedOptionIndex = index; }, onArrowDownKey(event) { const optionIndex = this.findNextOptionIndex(this.focusedOptionIndex); this.changeFocusedOptionIndex(optionIndex); if (event.shiftKey) { this.onEnterKey(event); } event.preventDefault(); }, onArrowUpKey(event) { const optionIndex = this.findPrevOptionIndex(this.focusedOptionIndex); this.changeFocusedOptionIndex(optionIndex); if (event.shiftKey) { this.onEnterKey(event); } event.preventDefault(); }, onHomeKey(event) { if (event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey) { const items = DomHandler.find(this.list, 'li.p-orderlist-item'); const focusedItem = DomHandler.findSingle(this.list, `li.p-orderlist-item[id=${this.focusedOptionIndex}]`); const matchedOptionIndex = [...items].findIndex((item) => item === focusedItem); this.d_selection = [...this.modelValue].slice(0, matchedOptionIndex + 1); this.$emit('update:selection', this.d_selection); } else { this.changeFocusedOptionIndex(0); } event.preventDefault(); }, onEndKey(event) { if (event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey) { const items = DomHandler.find(this.list, 'li.p-orderlist-item'); const focusedItem = DomHandler.findSingle(this.list, `li.p-orderlist-item[id=${this.focusedOptionIndex}]`); const matchedOptionIndex = [...items].findIndex((item) => item === focusedItem); this.d_selection = [...this.modelValue].slice(matchedOptionIndex, items.length); this.$emit('update:selection', this.d_selection); } else { this.changeFocusedOptionIndex(DomHandler.find(this.list, 'li.p-orderlist-item').length - 1); } event.preventDefault(); }, onEnterKey(event) { const items = DomHandler.find(this.list, 'li.p-orderlist-item'); const focusedItem = DomHandler.findSingle(this.list, `li.p-orderlist-item[id=${this.focusedOptionIndex}]`); const matchedOptionIndex = [...items].findIndex((item) => item === focusedItem); this.onItemClick(event, this.modelValue[matchedOptionIndex], matchedOptionIndex); event.preventDefault(); }, onSpaceKey(event) { if (event.shiftKey) { const items = DomHandler.find(this.list, 'li.p-orderlist-item'); const selectedItemIndex = ObjectUtils.findIndexInList(this.d_selection[0], [...this.modelValue]); const focusedItem = DomHandler.findSingle(this.list, `li.p-orderlist-item[id=${this.focusedOptionIndex}]`); const matchedOptionIndex = [...items].findIndex((item) => item === focusedItem); this.d_selection = [...this.modelValue].slice(Math.min(selectedItemIndex, matchedOptionIndex), Math.max(selectedItemIndex, matchedOptionIndex) + 1); this.$emit('update:selection', this.d_selection); } else { this.onEnterKey(event); } }, findNextOptionIndex(index) { const items = DomHandler.find(this.list, 'li.p-orderlist-item'); const matchedOptionIndex = [...items].findIndex((link) => link.id === index); return matchedOptionIndex > -1 ? matchedOptionIndex + 1 : 0; }, findPrevOptionIndex(index) { const items = DomHandler.find(this.list, 'li.p-orderlist-item'); const matchedOptionIndex = [...items].findIndex((link) => link.id === index); return matchedOptionIndex > -1 ? matchedOptionIndex - 1 : 0; }, changeFocusedOptionIndex(index) { const items = DomHandler.find(this.list, 'li.p-orderlist-item'); let order = index >= items.length ? items.length - 1 : index < 0 ? 0 : index; this.focusedOptionIndex = items[order].getAttribute('id'); this.scrollInView(items[order].getAttribute('id')); }, scrollInView(id) { const element = DomHandler.findSingle(this.list, `li[id="${id}"]`); if (element) { element.scrollIntoView && element.scrollIntoView({ block: 'nearest', inline: 'start' }); } }, moveUp(event) { if (this.d_selection) { let value = [...this.modelValue]; for (let i = 0; i < this.d_selection.length; i++) { let selectedItem = this.d_selection[i]; let selectedItemIndex = ObjectUtils.findIndexInList(selectedItem, value); if (selectedItemIndex !== 0) { let movedItem = value[selectedItemIndex]; let temp = value[selectedItemIndex - 1]; value[selectedItemIndex - 1] = movedItem; value[selectedItemIndex] = temp; } else { break; } } this.reorderDirection = 'up'; this.$emit('update:modelValue', value); this.$emit('reorder', { originalEvent: event, value: value, direction: this.reorderDirection }); } }, moveTop(event) { if (this.d_selection) { let value = [...this.modelValue]; for (let i = 0; i < this.d_selection.length; i++) { let selectedItem = this.d_selection[i]; let selectedItemIndex = ObjectUtils.findIndexInList(selectedItem, value); if (selectedItemIndex !== 0) { let movedItem = value.splice(selectedItemIndex, 1)[0]; value.unshift(movedItem); } else { break; } } this.reorderDirection = 'top'; this.$emit('update:modelValue', value); this.$emit('reorder', { originalEvent: event, value: value, direction: this.reorderDirection }); } }, moveDown(event) { if (this.d_selection) { let value = [...this.modelValue]; for (let i = this.d_selection.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let selectedItem = this.d_selection[i]; let selectedItemIndex = ObjectUtils.findIndexInList(selectedItem, value); if (selectedItemIndex !== value.length - 1) { let movedItem = value[selectedItemIndex]; let temp = value[selectedItemIndex + 1]; value[selectedItemIndex + 1] = movedItem; value[selectedItemIndex] = temp; } else { break; } } this.reorderDirection = 'down'; this.$emit('update:modelValue', value); this.$emit('reorder', { originalEvent: event, value: value, direction: this.reorderDirection }); } }, moveBottom(event) { if (this.d_selection) { let value = [...this.modelValue]; for (let i = this.d_selection.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let selectedItem = this.d_selection[i]; let selectedItemIndex = ObjectUtils.findIndexInList(selectedItem, value); if (selectedItemIndex !== value.length - 1) { let movedItem = value.splice(selectedItemIndex, 1)[0]; value.push(movedItem); } else { break; } } this.reorderDirection = 'bottom'; this.$emit('update:modelValue', value); this.$emit('reorder', { originalEvent: event, value: value, direction: this.reorderDirection }); } }, onItemClick(event, item, index) { this.itemTouched = false; const selectedIndex = ObjectUtils.findIndexInList(item, this.d_selection); const selected = selectedIndex != -1; const metaSelection = this.itemTouched ? false : this.metaKeySelection; const selectedId = DomHandler.find(this.list, '.p-orderlist-item')[index].getAttribute('id'); this.focusedOptionIndex = selectedId; if (metaSelection) { const metaKey = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey; if (selected && metaKey) { this.d_selection = this.d_selection.filter((val, index) => index !== selectedIndex); } else { this.d_selection = metaKey ? (this.d_selection ? [...this.d_selection] : []) : []; ObjectUtils.insertIntoOrderedArray(item, index, this.d_selection, this.modelValue); } } else { if (selected) { this.d_selection = this.d_selection.filter((val, index) => index !== selectedIndex); } else { this.d_selection = this.d_selection ? [...this.d_selection] : []; ObjectUtils.insertIntoOrderedArray(item, index, this.d_selection, this.modelValue); } } this.$emit('update:selection', this.d_selection); this.$emit('selection-change', { originalEvent: event, value: this.d_selection }); }, onItemTouchEnd() { this.itemTouched = true; }, findNextItem(item) { let nextItem = item.nextElementSibling; if (nextItem) return !DomHandler.hasClass(nextItem, 'p-orderlist-item') ? this.findNextItem(nextItem) : nextItem; else return null; }, findPrevItem(item) { let prevItem = item.previousElementSibling; if (prevItem) return !DomHandler.hasClass(prevItem, 'p-orderlist-item') ? this.findPrevItem(prevItem) : prevItem; else return null; }, findFirstItem() { return DomHandler.findSingle(this.list, '.p-orderlist-item'); }, findLastItem() { const items = DomHandler.find(this.list, '.p-orderlist-item'); return items[items.length - 1]; }, itemClass(item, id) { return ['p-orderlist-item', { 'p-highlight': this.isSelected(item), 'p-focus': id === this.focusedOptionId }]; }, updateListScroll() { const listItems = DomHandler.find(this.list, '.p-orderlist-item.p-highlight'); if (listItems && listItems.length) { switch (this.reorderDirection) { case 'up': DomHandler.scrollInView(this.list, listItems[0]); break; case 'top': this.list.scrollTop = 0; break; case 'down': DomHandler.scrollInView(this.list, listItems[listItems.length - 1]); break; case 'bottom': this.list.scrollTop = this.list.scrollHeight; break; default: break; } } }, createStyle() { if (!this.styleElement) { this.$el.setAttribute(this.attributeSelector, ''); this.styleElement = document.createElement('style'); this.styleElement.type = 'text/css'; document.head.appendChild(this.styleElement); let innerHTML = ` @media screen and (max-width: ${this.breakpoint}) { .p-orderlist[${this.attributeSelector}] { flex-direction: column; } .p-orderlist[${this.attributeSelector}] .p-orderlist-controls { padding: var(--content-padding); flex-direction: row; } .p-orderlist[${this.attributeSelector}] .p-orderlist-controls .p-button { margin-right: var(--inline-spacing); margin-bottom: 0; } .p-orderlist[${this.attributeSelector}] .p-orderlist-controls .p-button:last-child { margin-right: 0; } } `; this.styleElement.innerHTML = innerHTML; } }, destroyStyle() { if (this.styleElement) { document.head.removeChild(this.styleElement); this.styleElement = null; } }, moveDisabled() { if (!this.d_selection || !this.d_selection.length) { return true; } }, listRef(el) { this.list = el ? el.$el : undefined; } }, computed: { containerClass() { return [ 'p-orderlist p-component', { 'p-orderlist-striped': this.stripedRows } ]; }, attributeSelector() { return UniqueComponentId(); }, focusedOptionId() { return this.focusedOptionIndex !== -1 ? this.focusedOptionIndex : null; }, moveUpAriaLabel() { return this.$primevue.config.locale.aria ? this.$primevue.config.locale.aria.moveUp : undefined; }, moveTopAriaLabel() { return this.$primevue.config.locale.aria ? this.$primevue.config.locale.aria.moveTop : undefined; }, moveDownAriaLabel() { return this.$primevue.config.locale.aria ? this.$primevue.config.locale.aria.moveDown : undefined; }, moveBottomAriaLabel() { return this.$primevue.config.locale.aria ? this.$primevue.config.locale.aria.moveBottom : undefined; } }, components: { OLButton: Button, AngleUpIcon: AngleUpIcon, AngleDownIcon: AngleDownIcon, AngleDoubleUpIcon: AngleDoubleUpIcon, AngleDoubleDownIcon: AngleDoubleDownIcon }, directives: { ripple: Ripple } }; </script> <style> .p-orderlist { display: flex; } .p-orderlist-controls { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; } .p-orderlist-list-container { flex: 1 1 auto; } .p-orderlist-list { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: auto; min-height: 12rem; max-height: 24rem; } .p-orderlist-item { cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; position: relative; } .p-orderlist.p-state-disabled .p-orderlist-item, .p-orderlist.p-state-disabled .p-button { cursor: default; } .p-orderlist.p-state-disabled .p-orderlist-list { overflow: hidden; } </style>