    <DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs">
        <p>The <i>$form</i> object tracks the state management of the fields. Each field is linked with the <i>name</i> property. View the <i>FormFieldState</i> type in the API documentation for details about each property.</p>
    <div class="card flex justify-center">
        <Form v-slot="$form" :initialValues :resolver @submit="onFormSubmit" class="grid lg:grid-cols-2 gap-4 w-full">
            <div class="flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-4">
                <InputText name="username" type="text" placeholder="Username" class="w-full sm:w-56" />
                <Button type="submit" severity="secondary" label="Submit" class="w-full sm:w-56" />
            <Fieldset legend="Form States" class="h-80 overflow-auto">
                <pre class="whitespace-pre-wrap">{{ $form }}</pre>
    <DocSectionCode :code="code" />

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            initialValues: {
                username: ''
            code: {
                basic: `
<Form v-slot="$form" :initialValues :resolver @submit="onFormSubmit" class="grid lg:grid-cols-2 gap-4 w-full">
    <div class="flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-4">
        <InputText name="username" type="text" placeholder="Username" class="w-full sm:w-56" />
        <Button type="submit" severity="secondary" label="Submit" class="w-full sm:w-56" />
    <Fieldset legend="Form States" class="h-80 overflow-auto">
        <pre class="whitespace-pre-wrap">{{ $form }}</pre>
                options: `
    <div class="card flex justify-center">
        <Toast />

        <Form v-slot="$form" :initialValues :resolver @submit="onFormSubmit" class="grid lg:grid-cols-2 gap-4 w-full">
            <div class="flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-4">
                <InputText name="username" type="text" placeholder="Username" class="w-full sm:w-56" />
                <Button type="submit" severity="secondary" label="Submit" class="w-full sm:w-56" />
            <Fieldset legend="Form States" class="h-80 overflow-auto">
                <pre class="whitespace-pre-wrap">{{ $form }}</pre>

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            initialValues: {
                username: ''
    methods: {
        resolver: ({ values }) => {
            const errors = { username: [] };

            if (!values.username) {
                errors.username.push({ type: 'required', message: 'Username is required.' });

            if (values.username?.length < 3) {
                errors.username.push({ type: 'minimum', message: 'Username must be at least 3 characters long.' });

            return {
        onFormSubmit({ valid }) {
            if (valid) {
                this.$toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Form is submitted.', life: 3000 });
                composition: `
    <div class="card flex justify-center">
        <Toast />

        <Form v-slot="$form" :initialValues :resolver @submit="onFormSubmit" class="grid lg:grid-cols-2 gap-4 w-full">
            <div class="flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-4">
                <InputText name="username" type="text" placeholder="Username" class="w-full sm:w-56" />
                <Button type="submit" severity="secondary" label="Submit" class="w-full sm:w-56" />
            <Fieldset legend="Form States" class="h-80 overflow-auto">
                <pre class="whitespace-pre-wrap">{{ $form }}</pre>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { useToast } from 'primevue/usetoast';

const toast = useToast();

const initialValues = ref({
    username: ''

const resolver = ({ values }) => {
    const errors = { username: [] };

    if (!values.username) {
        errors.username.push({ type: 'required', message: 'Username is required.' });

    if (values.username?.length < 3) {
        errors.username.push({ type: 'minimum', message: 'Username must be at least 3 characters long.' });

    return {

const onFormSubmit = ({ valid }) => {
    if (valid) {
        toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Form is submitted.', life: 3000 });
    methods: {
        resolver: ({ values }) => {
            const errors = { username: [] };

            if (!values.username) {
                errors.username.push({ type: 'required', message: 'Username is required.' });

            if (values.username?.length < 3) {
                errors.username.push({ type: 'minimum', message: 'Username must be at least 3 characters long.' });

            return {
        onFormSubmit({ valid }) {
            if (valid) {
                this.$toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Form is submitted.', life: 3000 });