<template> <DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs"> <p>Rows can be fixed during scrolling by enabling the <i>frozenValue</i> property.</p> </DocSectionText> <div class="card"> <DataTable :value="customers" :frozenValue="lockedCustomers" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" tableStyle="min-width: 50rem"> <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column> <Column field="country.name" header="Country"></Column> <Column field="representative.name" header="Representative"></Column> <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column> <Column style="flex: 0 0 4rem"> <template #body="{ data, frozenRow, index }"> <Button type="button" :icon="frozenRow ? 'pi pi-lock-open' : 'pi pi-lock'" :disabled="frozenRow ? false : lockedCustomers.length >= 2" text size="small" @click="toggleLock(data, frozenRow, index)" /> </template> </Column> </DataTable> </div> <DocSectionCode :code="code" :service="['CustomerService']" /> </template> <script> import { CustomerService } from '@/service/CustomerService'; export default { data() { return { customers: null, lockedCustomers: [ { id: 5135, name: 'Geraldine Bisset', country: { name: 'France', code: 'fr' }, company: 'Bisset Group', status: 'proposal', date: '2019-05-05', activity: 0, representative: { name: 'Amy Elsner', image: 'amyelsner.png' } } ], code: { basic: ` <DataTable :value="customers" :frozenValue="lockedCustomers" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" tableStyle="min-width: 50rem"> <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column> <Column field="country.name" header="Country"></Column> <Column field="representative.name" header="Representative"></Column> <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column> <Column style="flex: 0 0 4rem"> <template #body="{ data, frozenRow, index }"> <Button type="button" :icon="frozenRow ? 'pi pi-lock-open' : 'pi pi-lock'" :disabled="frozenRow ? false : lockedCustomers.length >= 2" text size="small" @click="toggleLock(data, frozenRow, index)" /> </template> </Column> </DataTable>`, options: ` <template> <div class="card"> <DataTable :value="customers" :frozenValue="lockedCustomers" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" tableStyle="min-width: 50rem"> <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column> <Column field="country.name" header="Country"></Column> <Column field="representative.name" header="Representative"></Column> <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column> <Column style="flex: 0 0 4rem"> <template #body="{ data, frozenRow, index }"> <Button type="button" :icon="frozenRow ? 'pi pi-lock-open' : 'pi pi-lock'" :disabled="frozenRow ? false : lockedCustomers.length >= 2" text size="small" @click="toggleLock(data, frozenRow, index)" /> </template> </Column> </DataTable> </div> </template> <script> import { CustomerService } from '@/service/CustomerService'; export default { data() { return { customers: null, lockedCustomers: [ { id: 5135, name: 'Geraldine Bisset', country: { name: 'France', code: 'fr' }, company: 'Bisset Group', status: 'proposal', date: '2019-05-05', activity: 0, representative: { name: 'Amy Elsner', image: 'amyelsner.png' } } ] }; }, mounted() { CustomerService.getCustomersMedium().then((data) => { this.customers = data; }); }, methods: { toggleLock(data, frozen, index) { if (frozen) { this.lockedCustomers = this.lockedCustomers.filter((c, i) => i !== index); this.customers.push(data); } else { this.customers = this.customers.filter((c, i) => i !== index); this.lockedCustomers.push(data); } this.customers.sort((val1, val2) => { return val1.id < val2.id ? -1 : 1; }); } } }; <\/script>`, composition: ` <template> <div class="card"> <DataTable :value="customers" :frozenValue="lockedCustomers" scrollable scrollHeight="400px" tableStyle="min-width: 50rem"> <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column> <Column field="country.name" header="Country"></Column> <Column field="representative.name" header="Representative"></Column> <Column field="status" header="Status"></Column> <Column style="flex: 0 0 4rem"> <template #body="{ data, frozenRow, index }"> <Button type="button" :icon="frozenRow ? 'pi pi-lock-open' : 'pi pi-lock'" :disabled="frozenRow ? false : lockedCustomers.length >= 2" text size="small" @click="toggleLock(data, frozenRow, index)" /> </template> </Column> </DataTable> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'; import { CustomerService } from '@/service/CustomerService'; const customers = ref(); const lockedCustomers = ref([ { id: 5135, name: 'Geraldine Bisset', country: { name: 'France', code: 'fr' }, company: 'Bisset Group', status: 'proposal', date: '2019-05-05', activity: 0, representative: { name: 'Amy Elsner', image: 'amyelsner.png' } } ]); const toggleLock = (data, frozen, index) => { if (frozen) { lockedCustomers.value = lockedCustomers.value.filter((c, i) => i !== index); customers.value.push(data); } else { customers.value = customers.value.filter((c, i) => i !== index); lockedCustomers.value.push(data); } customers.value.sort((val1, val2) => { return val1.id < val2.id ? -1 : 1; }); }; onMounted(() => { CustomerService.getCustomersMedium().then((data) => { customers.value = data; }); }); <\/script>`, data: ` { id: 1000, name: 'James Butt', country: { name: 'Algeria', code: 'dz' }, company: 'Benton, John B Jr', date: '2015-09-13', status: 'unqualified', verified: true, activity: 17, representative: { name: 'Ioni Bowcher', image: 'ionibowcher.png' }, balance: 70663 }, ... ` } }; }, mounted() { CustomerService.getCustomersMedium().then((data) => { this.customers = data; }); }, methods: { toggleLock(data, frozen, index) { if (frozen) { this.lockedCustomers = this.lockedCustomers.filter((c, i) => i !== index); this.customers.push(data); } else { this.customers = this.customers.filter((c, i) => i !== index); this.lockedCustomers.push(data); } this.customers.sort((val1, val2) => { return val1.id < val2.id ? -1 : 1; }); } } }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> ::v-deep(.p-datatable-frozen-tbody > tr) { font-weight: 700; } </style>