import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import TriStateCheckbox from './TriStateCheckbox.vue'; let wrapper; const modelValues = [true, false, null]; const emittedResults = [false, null, true]; describe('TriStateCheckbox.vue', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mount(TriStateCheckbox); }); it('When onBlur is triggered focused property should be false', async () => { wrapper.vm.onBlur(); expect(wrapper.vm.focused).toBeFalsy(); expect(wrapper.emitted().blur).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('UpdateModel method tests', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mount(TriStateCheckbox); }); it('When disable props true change emit should not triggered', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ disabled: true, modelValue: null }); await wrapper.trigger('change'); expect(wrapper.emitted()['change']).toBeFalsy(); }); it('When disable props false updateModal should triggered emit', () => { wrapper.vm.updateModel(); expect(wrapper.emitted()['update:modelValue']).toBeTruthy(); }); modelValues.forEach((modelValue, index) => { it('When modelValue changed update model emitted value should be change', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ modelValue }); wrapper.vm.updateModel(); expect(wrapper.emitted()['update:modelValue']).toEqual([[emittedResults[index]]]); }); }); });