    <DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs">
            Unstyled mode is disabled by default for all components. Set <i>unstyled</i> as true to enable it globally using a module configuration. Visit the <NuxtLink to="/unstyled">Unstyled mode</NuxtLink> documentation for more information and
        <DocSectionCode :code="code1" hideToggleCode importCode hideStackBlitz />
        <p>In unstyled mode, you'd need to style the components on your end. If you are using Tailwind CSS, see the <a href="https://tailwind.primevue.org/nuxt/">Tailwind CSS Presets</a> project to get you started.</p>
        <DocSectionCode :code="code2" hideToggleCode importCode hideStackBlitz />

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            code1: {
                basic: `
export default defineNuxtConfig({
    modules: [
    primevue: {
        options: {
            unstyled: true
            code2: {
                basic: `
import path from 'path';

export default defineNuxtConfig({
    modules: [
    primevue: {
        unstyled: true,
        importPT: { from: path.resolve(__dirname, './presets/lara/') }      //import and apply preset