 * SplitButton groups a set of commands in an overlay with a default command.
 * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/splitbutton/)
 * @module splitbutton
import { ButtonHTMLAttributes, VNode } from 'vue';
import { MenuItem } from '../menuitem';
import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor } from '../ts-helpers';

export declare type SplitButtonPassThroughOptionType = SplitButtonPassThroughAttributes | ((options: SplitButtonPassThroughMethodOptions) => SplitButtonPassThroughAttributes) | null | undefined;

 * Custom passthrough(pt) option method.
export interface SplitButtonPassThroughMethodOptions {
    props: SplitButtonProps;
    state: SplitButtonState;

 * Custom passthrough(pt) options.
 * @see {@link SplitButtonProps.pt}
export interface SplitButtonPassThroughOptions {
     * Uses to pass attributes to the root's DOM element.
    root?: SplitButtonPassThroughOptionType;
     * Uses to pass attributes to the button's DOM element.
    button?: SplitButtonPassThroughOptionType;
     * Uses to pass attributes to the icon's DOM element.
    icon?: SplitButtonPassThroughOptionType;
     * Uses to pass attributes to the menu button's DOM element.
    menuButton?: SplitButtonPassThroughOptionType;
     * Uses to pass attributes to the menu button icon's DOM element.
    menuButtonIcon?: SplitButtonPassThroughOptionType;
     * Uses to pass attributes to the menu's DOM element.
    menu?: SplitButtonPassThroughOptionType;

 * Custom passthrough attributes for each DOM elements
export interface SplitButtonPassThroughAttributes {
    [key: string]: any;

 * Defines current inline state in SplitButton component.
export interface SplitButtonState {
     * Current blocked state as a boolean.
     * @defaultValue false
    isBlocked: boolean;

 * Defines valid properties in SplitButton component.
export interface SplitButtonProps {
     * Text of the button.
    label?: string | undefined;
     * Name of the icon.
     * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'icon' slot.
    icon?: string | undefined;
     * MenuModel instance to define the overlay items.
    model?: MenuItem[] | undefined;
     * Whether to automatically manage layering.
     * @defaultValue true
    autoZIndex?: boolean | undefined;
     * Base zIndex value to use in layering.
     * @defaultValue 0
    baseZIndex?: number | undefined;
     * A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached.
     * Special keywords are 'body' for document body and 'self' for the element itself.
     * @defaultValue body
    appendTo?: 'body' | 'self' | string | undefined | HTMLElement;
     * When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled.
     * @defaultValue false
    disabled?: boolean | undefined;
     * Style class of the component.
    class?: any | undefined;
     * Inline style of the component.
    style?: any | undefined;
     * Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLButtonElement to the default button.
    buttonProps?: ButtonHTMLAttributes | undefined;
     * Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLButtonElement to the menu button.
    menuButtonProps?: ButtonHTMLAttributes | undefined;
     * Name of the menu button icon.
     * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'menubuttonicon' slot.
    menuButtonIcon?: string | undefined;
     * Defines the style of the button.
    severity?: 'secondary' | 'success' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'help' | 'danger' | string | undefined;
     * Add a shadow to indicate elevation.
     * @defaultValue false
    raised?: boolean | undefined;
     * Add a circular border radius to the button.
     * @defaultValue false
    rounded?: boolean | undefined;
     * Add a textual class to the button without a background initially.
     * @defaultValue false
    text?: boolean | undefined;
     * Add a border class without a background initially.
     * @defaultValue false
    outlined?: boolean | undefined;
     * Defines the size of the button.
    size?: 'small' | 'large' | undefined;
     * Add a plain textual class to the button without a background initially.
     * @defaultValue false
    plain?: boolean | undefined;
     * Uses to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component.
     * @type {SplitButtonPassThroughOptions}
    pt?: SplitButtonPassThroughOptions;

 * Defines valid slots in SplitButton component.
export interface SplitButtonSlots {
     * Button part of the content can easily be customized with the default slot instead of using the built-in modes.
    default(): VNode[];
     * Custom menu button icon template.
    icon(): VNode[];
     * Custom menu button icon template.
    menubuttonicon(): VNode[];

 * Defines valid emits in SplitButton component.
export interface SplitButtonEmits {
     * Callback to invoke when main button is clicked.
     * @param {Event} event - Browser event.
    click(event: Event): void;

 * **PrimeVue - SplitButton**
 * _SplitButton groups a set of commands in an overlay with a default command._
 * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/splitbutton/)
 * --- ---
 * ![PrimeVue](https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/logo-100.png)
 * @group Component
declare class SplitButton extends ClassComponent<SplitButtonProps, SplitButtonSlots, SplitButtonEmits> {}

declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
    interface GlobalComponents {
        SplitButton: GlobalComponentConstructor<SplitButton>;

export default SplitButton;