 * CascadeSelect is a form component to select a value from a nested structure of options.
 * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/cascadeselect/)
 * @module cascadeselect
import { HTMLAttributes, InputHTMLAttributes, TransitionProps, VNode } from 'vue';
import { ComponentHooks } from '../basecomponent';
import { PassThroughOptions } from '../passthrough';
import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor, PassThrough } from '../ts-helpers';

export declare type CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType = CascadeSelectPassThroughAttributes | ((options: CascadeSelectPassThroughMethodOptions) => CascadeSelectPassThroughAttributes | string) | string | null | undefined;

export declare type CascadeSelectPassThroughTransitionType = TransitionProps | ((options: CascadeSelectPassThroughMethodOptions) => TransitionProps) | undefined;

 * Custom passthrough(pt) option method.
export interface CascadeSelectPassThroughMethodOptions {
     * Defines instance.
    instance: any;
     * Defines valid properties.
    props: CascadeSelectProps;
     * Defines current inline state.
    state: CascadeSelectState;
     * Defines passthrough(pt) options in global config.
    global: object | undefined;

 * Custom change event
 * @see {@link CascadeSelectEmits.change}
export interface CascadeSelectChangeEvent {
     * Original event.
    originalEvent: Event;
     * Selected option value.
    value: any;

 * @see {@link CascadeSelectEmits.change}
 * @extends CascadeSelectChangeEvent
export interface CascadeSelectGroupChangeEvent extends CascadeSelectChangeEvent {}

 * Custom passthrough(pt) options.
 * @see {@link CascadeSelectProps.pt}
export interface CascadeSelectPassThroughOptions {
     * Used to pass attributes to the root's DOM element.
    root?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the input's DOM element.
    input?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the label's DOM element.
    label?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the dropdown button's DOM element.
    dropdownButton?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the dropdown icon's DOM element.
    dropdownIcon?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the loading icon's DOM element.
    loadingIcon?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the panel's DOM element.
    panel?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the list's DOM element.
    list?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the item's DOM element.
    item?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the content's DOM element.
    content?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the text's DOM element.
    text?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the group icon's DOM element.
    groupIcon?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the hidden selected message's DOM element.
    hiddenSelectedMessage?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to pass attributes to the search result message text aria's DOM element.
    hiddenSearchResult?: CascadeSelectPassThroughOptionType;
     * Used to manage all lifecycle hooks
     * @see {@link BaseComponent.ComponentHooks}
    hooks?: ComponentHooks;
     * Used to control Vue Transition API.
    transition?: CascadeSelectPassThroughTransitionType;

 * Custom passthrough attributes for each DOM elements
export interface CascadeSelectPassThroughAttributes {
    [key: string]: any;

 * Defines focused item info
export interface CascadeSelectFocusedOptionInfo {
     * Active item index
    index: number;
     * Active item level
    level: number;
     * Parent key info
    parentKey: string;

 * Defines current inline state in CascadeSelect component.
export interface CascadeSelectState {
     * Current id state as a string
    id: string;
     * Current focused state as a boolean.
     * @defaultValue false
    focused: boolean;
     * Current focused item info.
     * @type {CascadeSelectFocusedOptionInfo}
    focusedOptionInfo: CascadeSelectFocusedOptionInfo;
     * Current focused state as a boolean.
     * @defaultValue false
    activeOptionPath: any[];
     * Current overlay visible state as a boolean.
     * @defaultValue false
    overlayVisible: boolean;

 * Defines valid properties in CascadeSelect component.
export interface CascadeSelectProps {
     * Value of the component.
    modelValue?: any | undefined;
     * An array of selectitems to display as the available options.
    options?: any[] | undefined;
     * Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option.
    optionLabel?: string | ((data: any) => string) | undefined;
     * Property name or getter function to use as the value of an option, defaults to the option itself when not defined.
    optionValue?: string | ((data: any) => any) | undefined;
     * Property name or getter function to use as the disabled flag of an option, defaults to false when not defined.
    optionDisabled?: string | ((data: any) => boolean) | undefined;
     * Property name or getter function to use as the label of an option group.
    optionGroupLabel?: string | ((data: any) => string) | undefined;
     * Property name or getter function to retrieve the items of a group.
    optionGroupChildren?: string[] | string | ((data: any) => any[]) | undefined;
     * Default text to display when no option is selected.
    placeholder?: string | undefined;
     * When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled.
     * @defaultValue false
    disabled?: boolean | undefined;
     * A property to uniquely identify an option.
    dataKey?: string | undefined;
     * Identifier of the underlying input element.
    inputId?: string | undefined;
     * Inline style of the input field.
    inputStyle?: object | undefined;
     * Style class of the input field.
    inputClass?: string | object | undefined;
     * Used to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component.
    inputProps?: InputHTMLAttributes | undefined;
     * Inline style of the overlay panel.
    panelStyle?: object | undefined;
     * Style class of the overlay panel.
    panelClass?: string | object | undefined;
     * Used to pass all properties of the HTMLDivElement to the overlay panel inside the component.
    panelProps?: HTMLAttributes | undefined;
     * A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are 'body' for document body and 'self' for the element itself.
     * @defaultValue body
    appendTo?: 'body' | 'self' | string | undefined | HTMLElement;
     * Whether the dropdown is in loading state.
     * @defaultValue false
    loading?: boolean | undefined;
     * Icon to display in the dropdown.
     * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'dropdownicon' slot.
    dropdownIcon?: string | undefined;
     * Icon to display in loading state.
     * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'loadingicon' slot.
    loadingIcon?: string | undefined;
     * Icon to display in the option group.
     * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'optiongroupicon' slot.
    optionGroupIcon?: string | undefined;
     * Whether to focus on the first visible or selected element when the overlay panel is shown.
     * @defaultValue true
    autoOptionFocus?: boolean | undefined;
     * When enabled, the focused option is selected/opened.
     * @defaultValue false
    selectOnFocus?: boolean | undefined;
     * Locale to use in searching. The default locale is the host environment's current locale.
    searchLocale?: string | undefined;
     * Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when filtering returns any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration.
     * @defaultValue '{0} results are available'
    searchMessage?: string | undefined;
     * Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when options are selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration.
     * @defaultValue '{0} items selected'
    selectionMessage?: string | undefined;
     * Text to be displayed in hidden accessible field when any option is not selected. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration.
     * @defaultValue No selected item
    emptySelectionMessage?: string | undefined;
     * Text to display when filtering does not return any results. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration.
     * @defaultValue No results found
    emptySearchMessage?: string | undefined;
     * Text to be displayed when there are no options available. Defaults to value from PrimeVue locale configuration.
     * @defaultValue No available options
    emptyMessage?: string | undefined;
     * Index of the element in tabbing order.
    tabindex?: number | string | undefined;
     * Establishes relationships between the component and label(s) where its value should be one or more element IDs.
    'aria-labelledby'?: string | undefined;
     * Establishes a string value that labels the component.
    'aria-label'?: string | undefined;
     * Used to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component.
     * @type {CascadeSelectPassThroughOptions}
    pt?: PassThrough<CascadeSelectPassThroughOptions>;
     * Used to configure passthrough(pt) options of the component.
     * @type {PassThroughOptions}
    ptOptions?: PassThroughOptions;
     * When enabled, it removes component related styles in the core.
     * @defaultValue false
    unstyled?: boolean;

 * Defines valid slots in CascadeSelect component.
export interface CascadeSelectSlots {
     * Custom content for each option.
     * @param {Object} scope - option slot's params.
    option(scope: {
         * Option instance
        option: any;
    }): VNode[];
     * Custom value template.
     * @param {CascadeSelectValueSlot} scope - value slot's params.
    value(scope: {
         * Value of the component
        value: any;
         * Placeholder text to show
        placeholder: string;
    }): VNode[];
     * Custom indicator template.
     * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'dropdownicon or loadingicon' slots.
    indicator(): VNode[];
     * Custom dropdown icon template.
    dropdownicon(): VNode[];
     * Custom loading icon template.
    loadingicon(): VNode[];
     * Custom option group icon template.
    optiongroupicon(): VNode[];

 * Defines valid emits in CascadeSelect component.
export interface CascadeSelectEmits {
     * Emitted when the value changes.
     * @param {*} value - New value.
    'update:modelValue'(value: any): void;
     * Callback to invoke on value change.
     * @param { CascadeSelectChangeEvent } event - Custom change event.
    change(event: CascadeSelectChangeEvent): void;
     * Callback to invoke when the component receives focus.
     * @param {Event} event - Browser event.
    focus(event: Event): void;
     * Callback to invoke when the component loses focus.
     * @param {Event} event - Browser event.
    blur(event: Event): void;
     * Callback to invoke on click.
     * @param { Event } event - Browser event.
    click(event: Event): void;
     * Callback to invoke when a group changes.
     * @param { CascadeSelectGroupChangeEvent } event - Custom change event.
    'group-change'(event: CascadeSelectGroupChangeEvent): void;
     * Callback to invoke before the overlay is shown.
    'before-show'(): void;
     * Callback to invoke before the overlay is hidden.
    'before-hide'(): void;
     * Callback to invoke when the overlay is shown.
    show(): void;
     * Callback to invoke when the overlay is hidden.
    hide(): void;

 * **PrimeVue - CascadeSelect**
 * _CascadeSelect is a form component to select a value from a nested structure of options._
 * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/cascadeselect/)
 * --- ---
 * ![PrimeVue(https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/logo-100.png)
 * @group Component
declare class CascadeSelect extends ClassComponent<CascadeSelectProps, CascadeSelectSlots, CascadeSelectEmits> {}

declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
    interface GlobalComponents {
        CascadeSelect: GlobalComponentConstructor<CascadeSelect>;

export default CascadeSelect;