const BlockUIProps = [ { name: "blocked", type: "array", default: "null", description: "Controls the blocked state." }, { name: "fullscreen", type: "menuitem", default: "null", description: "When enabled, the whole document gets blocked." }, { name: "baseZIndex", type: "number", default: "0", description: "Base zIndex value to use in layering." }, { name: "autoZIndex", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "Whether to automatically manage layering." } ]; const BlockUIEvents = [ { name: "block", description: "Fired when the element gets blocked." }, { name: "unblock", description: "Fired when the element gets unblocked." } ]; module.exports = { blockui: { name: "BlockUI", description: "BlockUI can either block other components or the whole page.", props: BlockUIProps, events: BlockUIEvents } };