const DividerProps = [ { name: 'align', type: 'string', default: 'null', description: 'Alignment of the content, options are "left", "center", "right" for horizontal layout and "top", "center", "bottom" for vertical.' }, { name: 'layout', type: 'string', default: 'horizontal', description: 'Specifies the orientation, valid values are "horizontal" and "vertical".' }, { name: 'type', type: 'string', default: 'solid', description: 'Border style type, default is "solid" and other options are "dashed" and "dotted".' }, { name: 'pt', type: 'any', default: 'null', description: 'Uses to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component.' } ]; module.exports = { divider: { name: 'Divider', description: 'Divider is used to separate contents.', props: DividerProps } };