<template> <li ref="currentNode" :class="containerClass" role="treeitem" :aria-label="label(node)" :aria-selected="ariaSelected" :aria-expanded="expanded" :aria-setsize="node.children ? node.children.length : 0" :aria-posinset="index + 1" :aria-level="level" :aria-checked="ariaChecked" :tabindex="index === 0 ? 0 : -1" @keydown="onKeyDown" > <div :class="contentClass" @click="onClick" @touchend="onTouchEnd" :style="node.style"> <button v-ripple type="button" class="p-tree-toggler p-link" @click="toggle" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true"> <component :is="templates['togglericon'] ? templates['togglericon'] : expanded ? node.expandedIcon || 'ChevronDownIcon' : node.collapsedIcon || 'ChevronRightIcon'" :node="node" :expanded="expanded" class="p-tree-toggler-icon" /> </button> <div v-if="checkboxMode" class="p-checkbox p-component" aria-hidden="true"> <div :class="checkboxClass" role="checkbox"> <component :is="templates['checkboxicon'] ? templates['checkboxicon'] : checked ? 'CheckIcon' : partialChecked ? 'MinusIcon' : null" :checked="checked" :partialChecked="partialChecked" class="p-checkbox-icon" /> </div> </div> <span :class="icon"></span> <span class="p-treenode-label"> <component v-if="templates[node.type] || templates['default']" :is="templates[node.type] || templates['default']" :node="node" /> <template v-else>{{ label(node) }}</template> </span> </div> <ul v-if="hasChildren && expanded" class="p-treenode-children" role="group"> <TreeNode v-for="childNode of node.children" :key="childNode.key" :node="childNode" :templates="templates" :level="level + 1" :expandedKeys="expandedKeys" @node-toggle="onChildNodeToggle" @node-click="onChildNodeClick" :selectionMode="selectionMode" :selectionKeys="selectionKeys" @checkbox-change="propagateUp" /> </ul> </li> </template> <script> import CheckIcon from 'primevue/icon/check'; import ChevronDownIcon from 'primevue/icon/chevrondown'; import ChevronRightIcon from 'primevue/icon/chevronright'; import MinusIcon from 'primevue/icon/minus'; import Ripple from 'primevue/ripple'; import { DomHandler } from 'primevue/utils'; export default { name: 'TreeNode', emits: ['node-toggle', 'node-click', 'checkbox-change'], props: { node: { type: null, default: null }, expandedKeys: { type: null, default: null }, selectionKeys: { type: null, default: null }, selectionMode: { type: String, default: null }, templates: { type: null, default: null }, level: { type: Number, default: null }, index: { type: Number, default: null } }, nodeTouched: false, mounted() { const hasTreeSelectParent = this.$refs.currentNode.closest('.p-treeselect-items-wrapper'); if (hasTreeSelectParent) { this.setAllNodesTabIndexes(); } }, methods: { toggle() { this.$emit('node-toggle', this.node); }, label(node) { return typeof node.label === 'function' ? node.label() : node.label; }, onChildNodeToggle(node) { this.$emit('node-toggle', node); }, onClick(event) { if (DomHandler.hasClass(event.target, 'p-tree-toggler') || DomHandler.hasClass(event.target.parentElement, 'p-tree-toggler')) { return; } if (this.isCheckboxSelectionMode()) { this.toggleCheckbox(); } else { this.$emit('node-click', { originalEvent: event, nodeTouched: this.nodeTouched, node: this.node }); } this.nodeTouched = false; }, onChildNodeClick(event) { this.$emit('node-click', event); }, onTouchEnd() { this.nodeTouched = true; }, onKeyDown(event) { if (!this.isSameNode(event)) return; switch (event.code) { case 'Tab': this.onTabKey(event); break; case 'ArrowDown': this.onArrowDown(event); break; case 'ArrowUp': this.onArrowUp(event); break; case 'ArrowRight': this.onArrowRight(event); break; case 'ArrowLeft': this.onArrowLeft(event); break; case 'Enter': case 'Space': this.onEnterKey(event); break; default: break; } }, onArrowDown(event) { const nodeElement = event.target; const listElement = nodeElement.children[1]; if (listElement) { this.focusRowChange(nodeElement, listElement.children[0]); } else { if (nodeElement.nextElementSibling) { this.focusRowChange(nodeElement, nodeElement.nextElementSibling); } else { let nextSiblingAncestor = this.findNextSiblingOfAncestor(nodeElement); if (nextSiblingAncestor) { this.focusRowChange(nodeElement, nextSiblingAncestor); } } } event.preventDefault(); }, onArrowUp(event) { const nodeElement = event.target; if (nodeElement.previousElementSibling) { this.focusRowChange(nodeElement, nodeElement.previousElementSibling, this.findLastVisibleDescendant(nodeElement.previousElementSibling)); } else { let parentNodeElement = this.getParentNodeElement(nodeElement); if (parentNodeElement) { this.focusRowChange(nodeElement, parentNodeElement); } } event.preventDefault(); }, onArrowRight(event) { if (this.leaf || this.expanded) return; event.currentTarget.tabIndex = -1; this.$emit('node-toggle', this.node); this.$nextTick(() => { this.onArrowDown(event); }); }, onArrowLeft(event) { const togglerElement = DomHandler.findSingle(event.currentTarget, '.p-tree-toggler'); if (this.level === 0 && !this.expanded) { return false; } if (this.expanded && !this.leaf) { togglerElement.click(); return false; } const target = this.findBeforeClickableNode(event.currentTarget); if (target) { this.focusRowChange(event.currentTarget, target); } }, onEnterKey(event) { this.setTabIndexForSelectionMode(event, this.nodeTouched); this.onClick(event); event.preventDefault(); }, onTabKey() { this.setAllNodesTabIndexes(); }, setAllNodesTabIndexes() { const nodes = DomHandler.find(this.$refs.currentNode.closest('.p-tree-container'), '.p-treenode'); const hasSelectedNode = [...nodes].some((node) => node.getAttribute('aria-selected') === 'true' || node.getAttribute('aria-checked') === 'true'); [...nodes].forEach((node) => { node.tabIndex = -1; }); if (hasSelectedNode) { const selectedNodes = [...nodes].filter((node) => node.getAttribute('aria-selected') === 'true' || node.getAttribute('aria-checked') === 'true'); selectedNodes[0].tabIndex = 0; return; } [...nodes][0].tabIndex = 0; }, setTabIndexForSelectionMode(event, nodeTouched) { if (this.selectionMode !== null) { const elements = [...DomHandler.find(this.$refs.currentNode.parentElement, '.p-treenode')]; event.currentTarget.tabIndex = nodeTouched === false ? -1 : 0; if (elements.every((element) => element.tabIndex === -1)) { elements[0].tabIndex = 0; } } }, focusRowChange(firstFocusableRow, currentFocusedRow, lastVisibleDescendant) { firstFocusableRow.tabIndex = '-1'; currentFocusedRow.tabIndex = '0'; this.focusNode(lastVisibleDescendant || currentFocusedRow); }, findBeforeClickableNode(node) { const parentListElement = node.closest('ul').closest('li'); if (parentListElement) { const prevNodeButton = DomHandler.findSingle(parentListElement, 'button'); if (prevNodeButton && prevNodeButton.style.visibility !== 'hidden') { return parentListElement; } return this.findBeforeClickableNode(node.previousElementSibling); } return null; }, toggleCheckbox() { let _selectionKeys = this.selectionKeys ? { ...this.selectionKeys } : {}; const _check = !this.checked; this.propagateDown(this.node, _check, _selectionKeys); this.$emit('checkbox-change', { node: this.node, check: _check, selectionKeys: _selectionKeys }); }, propagateDown(node, check, selectionKeys) { if (check) selectionKeys[node.key] = { checked: true, partialChecked: false }; else delete selectionKeys[node.key]; if (node.children && node.children.length) { for (let child of node.children) { this.propagateDown(child, check, selectionKeys); } } }, propagateUp(event) { let check = event.check; let _selectionKeys = { ...event.selectionKeys }; let checkedChildCount = 0; let childPartialSelected = false; for (let child of this.node.children) { if (_selectionKeys[child.key] && _selectionKeys[child.key].checked) checkedChildCount++; else if (_selectionKeys[child.key] && _selectionKeys[child.key].partialChecked) childPartialSelected = true; } if (check && checkedChildCount === this.node.children.length) { _selectionKeys[this.node.key] = { checked: true, partialChecked: false }; } else { if (!check) { delete _selectionKeys[this.node.key]; } if (childPartialSelected || (checkedChildCount > 0 && checkedChildCount !== this.node.children.length)) _selectionKeys[this.node.key] = { checked: false, partialChecked: true }; else delete _selectionKeys[this.node.key]; } this.$emit('checkbox-change', { node: event.node, check: event.check, selectionKeys: _selectionKeys }); }, onChildCheckboxChange(event) { this.$emit('checkbox-change', event); }, findNextSiblingOfAncestor(nodeElement) { let parentNodeElement = this.getParentNodeElement(nodeElement); if (parentNodeElement) { if (parentNodeElement.nextElementSibling) return parentNodeElement.nextElementSibling; else return this.findNextSiblingOfAncestor(parentNodeElement); } else { return null; } }, findLastVisibleDescendant(nodeElement) { const childrenListElement = nodeElement.children[1]; if (childrenListElement) { const lastChildElement = childrenListElement.children[childrenListElement.children.length - 1]; return this.findLastVisibleDescendant(lastChildElement); } else { return nodeElement; } }, getParentNodeElement(nodeElement) { const parentNodeElement = nodeElement.parentElement.parentElement; return DomHandler.hasClass(parentNodeElement, 'p-treenode') ? parentNodeElement : null; }, focusNode(element) { element.focus(); }, isCheckboxSelectionMode() { return this.selectionMode === 'checkbox'; }, isSameNode(event) { return event.currentTarget && (event.currentTarget.isSameNode(event.target) || event.currentTarget.isSameNode(event.target.closest('.p-treenode'))); } }, computed: { hasChildren() { return this.node.children && this.node.children.length > 0; }, expanded() { return this.expandedKeys && this.expandedKeys[this.node.key] === true; }, leaf() { return this.node.leaf === false ? false : !(this.node.children && this.node.children.length); }, selectable() { return this.node.selectable === false ? false : this.selectionMode != null; }, selected() { return this.selectionMode && this.selectionKeys ? this.selectionKeys[this.node.key] === true : false; }, containerClass() { return ['p-treenode', { 'p-treenode-leaf': this.leaf }]; }, contentClass() { return [ 'p-treenode-content', this.node.styleClass, { 'p-treenode-selectable': this.selectable, 'p-highlight': this.checkboxMode ? this.checked : this.selected } ]; }, icon() { return ['p-treenode-icon', this.node.icon]; }, checkboxClass() { return ['p-checkbox-box', { 'p-highlight': this.checked, 'p-indeterminate': this.partialChecked }]; }, checkboxMode() { return this.selectionMode === 'checkbox' && this.node.selectable !== false; }, checked() { return this.selectionKeys ? this.selectionKeys[this.node.key] && this.selectionKeys[this.node.key].checked : false; }, partialChecked() { return this.selectionKeys ? this.selectionKeys[this.node.key] && this.selectionKeys[this.node.key].partialChecked : false; }, ariaChecked() { return this.selectionMode === 'single' || this.selectionMode === 'multiple' ? this.selected : undefined; }, ariaSelected() { return this.checkboxMode ? this.checked : undefined; } }, components: { ChevronDownIcon: ChevronDownIcon, ChevronRightIcon: ChevronRightIcon, CheckIcon: CheckIcon, MinusIcon: MinusIcon }, directives: { ripple: Ripple } }; </script>