const PopoverProps = [ { name: 'dismissable', type: 'boolean', default: 'true', description: 'Enables to hide the overlay when outside is clicked.' }, { name: 'showCloseIcon', type: 'boolean', default: 'false', description: 'When enabled, displays a close icon at top right corner.' }, { name: 'appendTo', type: 'string', default: 'body', description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached.' }, { name: 'baseZIndex', type: 'number', default: '0', description: 'Base zIndex value to use in layering.' }, { name: 'autoZIndex', type: 'boolean', default: 'true', description: 'Whether to automatically manage layering.' }, { name: 'ariaCloseLabel', type: 'string', default: 'close', description: 'Aria label of the close icon.' }, { name: 'breakpoints', type: 'object', default: 'null', description: 'Object literal to define widths per screen size.' }, { name: 'closeIcon', type: 'string', default: 'undefined', description: 'Display a custom close icon for the message.' }, { name: 'closeOnEscape', type: 'boolean', default: 'true', description: 'Specifies if pressing escape key should hide the dialog.' }, { name: 'pt', type: 'any', default: 'null', description: 'Used to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component.' }, { name: 'unstyled', type: 'boolean', default: 'false', description: 'When enabled, it removes component related styles in the core.' } ]; const PopoverSlots = [ { name: 'closeicon', description: 'Custom close icon template.' } ]; const PopoverEvents = [ { name: 'show', description: 'Callback to invoke before the overlay is shown.' }, { name: 'hide', description: 'Callback to invoke before the overlay is hidden.' }, { name: 'container', description: 'Custom container template.' } ]; module.exports = { overlaypanel: { name: 'Popover', description: 'Popover is a container component positioned as connected to its target.', props: PopoverProps, slots: PopoverSlots, events: PopoverEvents } };