import { config, mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Button from 'primevue/button'; import Panel from '../panel/Panel.vue'; import BlockUI from './BlockUI.vue'; = { $primevue: { config: { zIndex: { modal: 1100 } } } }; describe('BlockUI.vue', () => { it('should blocked and unblocked the panel', async () => { const wrapper = mount({ template: ` <Button type="button" label="Block" @click="blockPanel()"></Button> <Button type="button" label="Unblock" @click="unblockPanel()"></Button> <BlockUI :blocked="blockedPanel"> <Panel header="Godfather I" style="margin-top: 20px"> <p>The story begins as Don Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia family.</p> </Panel> </BlockUI> `, components: { BlockUI, Panel, Button }, data() { return { blockedPanel: false }; }, methods: { blockPanel() { this.blockedPanel = true; }, unblockPanel() { this.blockedPanel = false; } } }); expect(wrapper.find('.p-blockui-container').exists()).toBe(true); const buttons = wrapper.findAll('.p-button'); await buttons[0].trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.find('.p-blockui').exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find('.p-blockui').classes()).toContain('p-component-overlay-enter'); expect(wrapper.find('.p-blockui').attributes().style).toEqual('z-index: 1101;'); await buttons[1].trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.find('.p-blockui').classes()).toContain('p-component-overlay-leave'); }); });