/** * * DataTable displays data in tabular format. * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/datatable/) * * @module datatable * */ import { InputHTMLAttributes, TableHTMLAttributes, TransitionProps, VNode } from 'vue'; import { ComponentHooks } from '../basecomponent'; import { ColumnPassThroughOptionType } from '../column'; import { ColumnGroupPassThroughOptionType } from '../columngroup'; import { PaginatorPassThroughOptionType } from '../paginator'; import { PassThroughOptions } from '../passthrough'; import { RowPassThroughOptionType } from '../row'; import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor, Nullable, PassThrough } from '../ts-helpers'; import { VirtualScrollerPassThroughOptionType, VirtualScrollerProps } from '../virtualscroller'; export declare type DataTablePassThroughOptionType = DataTablePassThroughAttributes | ((options: DataTablePassThroughMethodOptions) => DataTablePassThroughAttributes | string) | string | null | undefined; export declare type DataTablePassThroughTransitionType = TransitionProps | ((options: DataTablePassThroughMethodOptions) => TransitionProps) | undefined; /** * Custom passthrough(pt) option method. */ export interface DataTablePassThroughMethodOptions { /** * Defines instance. */ instance: any; /** * Defines valid properties. */ props: DataTableProps; /** * Defines current inline state. */ state: DataTableState; /** * Defines current options. */ context: DataTableContext; /** * Defines valid attributes. */ attrs: any; /** * Defines parent options. */ parent: any; /** * Defines passthrough(pt) options in global config. */ global: object | undefined; } /** * Custom shared passthrough(pt) option method. */ export interface DataTableSharedPassThroughMethodOptions { /** * Defines valid properties. */ props: DataTableProps; /** * Defines current inline state. */ state: DataTableState; } /** * Custom datatable export metadata. */ export interface DataTableExportFunctionOptions { /** * Row data */ data: any; /** * Column Field */ field: string; } /** * Custom datatable filter metadata. */ export interface DataTableFilterMetaData { /** * Filter value */ value: any; /** * Filter match mode */ matchMode: 'startsWith' | 'contains' | 'notContains' | 'endsWith' | 'equals' | 'notEquals' | 'in' | 'lt' | 'lte' | 'gt' | 'gte' | 'between' | 'dateIs' | 'dateIsNot' | 'dateBefore' | 'dateAfter' | string | undefined; } /** * Custom datatable operator filter metadata. */ export interface DataTableOperatorFilterMetaData { /** * Filter operator */ operator: string; /** * Array of filter meta datas. */ constraints: DataTableFilterMetaData[]; } /** * Custom datatable filter metadata. */ export interface DataTableFilterMeta { /** * Extra options */ [key: string]: string | DataTableFilterMetaData | DataTableOperatorFilterMetaData; } /** * Custom datatable sort meta. */ export interface DataTableSortMeta { /** * Column field */ field: string; /** * Column sort order */ order: 1 | 0 | -1 | undefined | null; } /** * Custom datatable expanded rows. */ export interface DataTableExpandedRows { [key: string]: boolean; } /** * Custom datatable editing rows. */ export interface DataTableEditingRows { [key: string]: boolean; } /** * Custom datatable export csv metadata. */ export interface DataTableExportCSVOptions { /** * Whether to export only selection data. */ selectionOnly: boolean; } /** * Custom sort event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits.sort} */ export interface DataTableSortEvent { /** * Browser event. */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Index of first record */ first: number; /** * Number of rows to display in new page */ rows: number; /** * Field to sort against */ sortField: string | ((item: any) => string) | undefined; /** * Sort order as integer */ sortOrder: 1 | 0 | -1 | undefined | null; /** * MultiSort metadata */ multiSortMeta: DataTableSortMeta[] | undefined; /** * Collection of active filters * @see DataTableFilterMeta */ filters: DataTableFilterMeta; /** * Match modes per field */ filterMatchModes: 'startsWith' | 'contains' | 'notContains' | 'endsWith' | 'equals' | 'notEquals' | 'in' | 'lt' | 'lte' | 'gt' | 'gte' | 'between' | 'dateIs' | 'dateIsNot' | 'dateBefore' | 'dateAfter' | string | undefined; } /** * Custom pagination event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits.page} * @extends DataTableSortEvent */ export interface DataTablePageEvent extends DataTableSortEvent { /** * New page number */ page: number; /** * Total page count */ pageCount: number; } /** * Custom filter event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits.filter} * @extends DataTableSortEvent */ export interface DataTableFilterEvent extends DataTableSortEvent { /** * Filtered collection (non-lazy only) */ filteredValue: any; } /** * Custom row click event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-click']} */ export interface DataTableRowClickEvent { /** * Browser event. */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Selected row data. */ data: any; /** * Row index. */ index: number; } /** * Custom row double click event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-dblclick']]} * @extends DataTableRowClickEvent */ export interface DataTableRowDoubleClickEvent extends DataTableRowClickEvent {} /** * Custom row context menu event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-contextmenu']} * @extends DataTableRowClickEvent */ export interface DataTableRowContextMenuEvent extends DataTableRowClickEvent {} /** * Custom row select event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-select']} */ export interface DataTableRowSelectEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Selected row data */ data: any; /** * Row index */ index: number; /** * Type of the selection, valid values are 'row', 'radio' or 'checkbox'. */ type: string; } /** * Custom row unselect event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-unselect']} * @extends DataTableRowSelectEvent */ export interface DataTableRowUnselectEvent extends DataTableRowSelectEvent {} /** * Custom row select all event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-select-all']} */ export interface DataTableRowSelectAllEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Selected dataset */ data: any; } /** * Custom row unselect all event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-unselect-all']} */ export interface DataTableRowUnselectAllEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; } /** * Custom row select all change event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['select-all-change']} */ export interface DataTableSelectAllChangeEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Whether all data is selected. */ checked: boolean; } /** * Custom column resize end event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['column-resize-end']} */ export interface DataTableColumnResizeEndEvent { /** * DOM element of the resized column. */ element: HTMLElement; /** * Change in column width */ delta: any; } /** * Custom row column reorder event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['column-reorder']} */ export interface DataTableColumnReorderEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Index of the dragged column */ dragIndex: number; /** * Index of the dropped column */ dropIndex: number; } /** * Custom row reorder event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-reorder']} */ export interface DataTableRowReorderEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Index of the dragged row */ dragIndex: number; /** * Index of the dropped row */ dropIndex: number; /** * Reordered value */ value: any[]; } /** * Custom row expand event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-expand']} */ export interface DataTableRowExpandEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Expanded row data */ data: any; } /** * Custom row collapse event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-expand']} * @extends DataTableRowExpandEvent */ export interface DataTableRowCollapseEvent extends DataTableRowExpandEvent {} /** * Custom cell edit init event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['cell-edit-init']} */ export interface DataTableCellEditInitEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Row data to edit. */ data: any; /** * Field name of the row data. */ field: string; /** * Index of the row data to edit. */ index: number; } /** * Custom cell edit cancel event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['cell-edit-cancel']} * @extends DataTableCellEditInitEvent */ export interface DataTableCellEditCancelEvent extends DataTableCellEditInitEvent {} /** * Custom cell edit complete event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['cell-edit-complete']} */ export interface DataTableCellEditCompleteEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Row data to edit. */ data: any; /** * New row data after editing. */ newData: any; /** * Field value of row data to edit. */ value: any; /** * Field value of new row data after editing. */ newValue: any; /** * Field name of the row data. */ field: string; /** * Index of the row data to edit. */ index: number; /** * Type of completion such as 'enter', 'outside' or 'tab'. */ type: string; } /** * Custom row edit init event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-edit-init']} */ export interface DataTableRowEditInitEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Row data to edit. */ data: any; /** * New row data after editing. */ newData: any; /** * Field name of the row data. */ field: string; /** * Index of the row data to edit. */ index: number; } /** * Custom row edit save event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-edit-save']} * @extends DataTableRowEditInitEvent */ export interface DataTableRowEditSaveEvent extends DataTableRowEditInitEvent {} /** * Custom row edit cancel event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['row-edit-cancel']} * @extends DataTableRowEditCancelEvent */ export interface DataTableRowEditCancelEvent extends DataTableRowEditInitEvent {} /** * Custom state event. * @see {@link DataTableEmits['state-save']} */ export interface DataTableStateEvent { /** * Index of first record */ first: number; /** * Number of rows to display in new page */ rows: number; /** * Field to sort against */ sortField: string; /** * Sort order as integer */ sortOrder: 1 | 0 | -1 | undefined | null; /** * MultiSort metadata */ multiSortMeta: DataTableSortMeta[] | undefined; /** * Collection of active filters */ filters: DataTableFilterMeta; /** * Comma separated list of column widths */ columWidths: string[]; /** * Order of the columns */ columnOrder: string[]; /** * Instances of rows in expanded state */ expandedRows: any[] | DataTableExpandedRows; /** * Keys of rows in expanded state */ expandedRowKeys: any[]; /** * Instances of rows in expanded state */ expandedRowGroups: any[] | DataTableExpandedRows; /** * Selected rows */ selection: any[] | any; /** * Keys of selected rows */ selectionKeys: any[]; } /** * Custom passthrough(pt) options. * @see {@link DataTableProps.pt} */ export interface DataTablePassThroughOptions { /** * Used to pass attributes to the root's DOM element. */ root?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the loading overlay's DOM element. */ loadingOverlay?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the loading icon's DOM element. */ loadingIcon?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the header's DOM element. */ header?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the Paginator component. * @see {@link PaginatorPassThroughOptionType} */ paginator?: PaginatorPassThroughOptionType<DataTableSharedPassThroughMethodOptions>; /** * Used to pass attributes to the wrapper's DOM element. */ wrapper?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the VirtualScroller component. * @see {@link VirtualScrollerPassThroughOptionType} */ virtualScroller?: VirtualScrollerPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the table's DOM element. */ table?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the virtual scroller spacer's DOM element. */ virtualScrollerSpacer?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the footer's DOM element. */ footer?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the thead's DOM element. */ thead?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the header row's DOM element. */ headerRow?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the tbody's DOM element. */ tbody?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the rowgroup header's DOM element. */ rowGroupHeader?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the rowgroup header cell's DOM element. */ rowGroupHeaderCell?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the body row's DOM element. */ bodyRow?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the row expansion's DOM element. */ rowExpansion?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the row expansion cell's DOM element. */ rowExpansionCell?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the rowgroup footer's DOM element. */ rowGroupFooter?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the rowgroup footer cell's DOM element. */ rowGroupFooterCell?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the empty message's DOM element. */ emptyMessage?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the empty message cell's DOM element. */ emptyMessageCell?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the tfoot's DOM element. */ tfoot?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the footer row's DOM element. */ footerRow?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the resize helper's DOM element. */ resizeHelper?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the reorder indicator up's DOM element. */ reorderIndicatorUp?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the reorder indicator down's DOM element. */ reorderIndicatorDown?: DataTablePassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the ColumnGroup helper components. */ columnGroup?: ColumnGroupPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the Row helper components. */ row?: RowPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to pass attributes to the Column helper components. */ column?: ColumnPassThroughOptionType; /** * Used to manage all lifecycle hooks. * @see {@link BaseComponent.ComponentHooks} */ hooks?: ComponentHooks; /** * Used to control Vue Transition API. */ transition?: DataTablePassThroughTransitionType; } /** * Custom passthrough attributes for each DOM elements */ export interface DataTablePassThroughAttributes { [key: string]: any; } /** * Defines current inline state in DataTable component. */ export interface DataTableState { /** * Current index of first record as a number. */ d_first: number; /** * Current number of rows to display in new page as a number. */ d_rows: number; /** * Current sort field. */ d_sortField: string | ((item: any) => string) | undefined; /** * Current order to sort the data by default. */ d_sortOrder: number; /** * Current sortmeta objects to sort the data. */ d_multiSortMeta: DataTableSortMeta[]; /** * Current group sortmeta objects to sort the data. */ d_groupRowsSortMeta: DataTableSortMeta; /** * Current keys of selected rows. */ d_selectionKeys: any[]; /** * Current keys of rows in expanded state. */ d_expandedRowKeys: any[]; /** * Current order of the columns. */ d_columnOrder: string[]; /** * Current keys of editing rows. */ d_editingRowKeys: any; /** * Current editing meta data. */ d_editingMeta: object; /** * Current filters object. */ d_filters: DataTableFilterMeta; /** * Current editing as a boolean. * @defaultValue false */ d_editing: boolean; } /** * Defines current options in DataTable component. */ export interface DataTableContext { /** * Current index of the row. */ index: number; /** * Current selectable state of row as a boolean. * @defaultValue false */ selectable: boolean; /** * Current selected state of row as a boolean. * @defaultValue false */ selected: boolean; /** * Current stripedRows state of row as a boolean. * @defaultValue false */ stripedRows: boolean; } /** * Defines valid properties in DataTable component. */ export interface DataTableProps { /** * An array of objects to display. */ value?: any[] | undefined | null; /** * Name of the field that uniquely identifies the a record in the data. */ dataKey?: string | ((item: any) => string) | undefined; /** * Number of rows to display per page. * @defaultValue 0 */ rows?: number | undefined; /** * Index of the first row to be displayed. * @defaultValue 0 */ first?: number | undefined; /** * Number of total records, defaults to length of value when not defined. * @defaultValue 0 */ totalRecords?: number | undefined; /** * When specified as true, enables the pagination. * @defaultValue false */ paginator?: boolean | undefined; /** * Position of the paginator, options are 'top','bottom' or 'both'. * @defaultValue bottom */ paginatorPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'both' | undefined; /** * Whether to show it even there is only one page. * @defaultValue true */ alwaysShowPaginator?: boolean | undefined; /** * Template of the paginator. It can be customized using the template property using the predefined keys. * * - FirstPageLink * - PrevPageLink * - PageLinks * - NextPageLink * - LastPageLink * - RowsPerPageDropdown * - JumpToPageDropdown * - JumpToPageInput * - CurrentPageReport * @defaultValue FirstPageLink PrevPageLink PageLinks NextPageLink LastPageLink RowsPerPageDropdown */ paginatorTemplate?: any | string; /** * Number of page links to display. * @defaultValue 5 */ pageLinkSize?: number | undefined; /** * Array of integer values to display inside rows per page dropdown. */ rowsPerPageOptions?: number[] | undefined; /** * Template of the current page report element. It displays information about the pagination state. Available placeholders are the following; * * - {currentPage} * - {totalPages} * - {rows} * - {first} * - {last} * - {totalRecords} * @defaultValue '({currentPage} of {totalPages})' */ currentPageReportTemplate?: string | undefined; /** * Defines if data is loaded and interacted with in lazy manner. * @defaultValue false */ lazy?: boolean | undefined; /** * Displays a loader to indicate data load is in progress. * @defaultValue false */ loading?: boolean | undefined; /** * The icon to show while indicating data load is in progress. * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'loadingicon' slot. */ loadingIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Property name or a getter function of a row data used for sorting by default */ sortField?: string | ((item: any) => string) | undefined; /** * Order to sort the data by default. */ sortOrder?: number | undefined; /** * Determines how null values are sorted. * @defaultValue 1 */ nullSortOrder?: number; /** * Default sort order of an unsorted column. * @defaultValue 1 */ defaultSortOrder?: number | undefined; /** * An array of SortMeta objects to sort the data. */ multiSortMeta?: DataTableSortMeta[] | undefined; /** * Defines whether sorting works on single column or on multiple columns. * @defaultValue single */ sortMode?: 'single' | 'multiple' | undefined; /** * When enabled, columns can have an un-sorted state. * @defaultValue false */ removableSort?: boolean | undefined; /** * Filters object with key-value pairs to define the filters. * @see DataTableFilterMeta */ filters?: DataTableFilterMeta; /** * Layout of the filter elements. */ filterDisplay?: 'menu' | 'row' | undefined; /** * Fields for global filter */ globalFilterFields?: string[] | undefined; /** * Locale to use in filtering. The default locale is the host environment's current locale. */ filterLocale?: string | undefined; /** * Selected row in single mode or an array of values in multiple mode. */ selection?: any[] | any | undefined; /** * Specifies the selection mode. */ selectionMode?: 'single' | 'multiple' | undefined; /** * Algorithm to define if a row is selected. * @defaultValue deepEquals */ compareSelectionBy?: 'equals' | 'deepEquals' | undefined; /** * Defines whether metaKey is requred or not for the selection. When true metaKey needs to be pressed to select or unselect an item and * when set to false selection of each item can be toggled individually. On touch enabled devices, metaKeySelection is turned off automatically. * @defaultValue false */ metaKeySelection?: boolean | undefined; /** * Enables context menu integration. * @defaultValue false */ contextMenu?: boolean | undefined; /** * Selected row instance with the ContextMenu. */ contextMenuSelection?: any | any[] | undefined; /** * Whether all data is selected. */ selectAll?: Nullable<boolean>; /** * When enabled, background of the rows change on hover. * @defaultValue false */ rowHover?: boolean | undefined; /** * Character to use as the csv separator. * @defaultValue , */ csvSeparator?: string | undefined; /** * Name of the exported file. * @defaultValue download */ exportFilename?: string | undefined; /** * Custom function to export data. */ exportFunction?: (options: DataTableExportFunctionOptions) => any; /** * When enabled, columns can be resized using drag and drop. * @defaultValue false */ resizableColumns?: boolean | undefined; /** * Defines whether the overall table width. * @defaultValue fit */ columnResizeMode?: 'fit' | 'expand' | undefined; /** * When enabled, columns can be reordered using drag and drop. * @defaultValue false */ reorderableColumns?: boolean | undefined; /** * A collection of row data display as expanded. */ expandedRows?: any[] | DataTableExpandedRows | null; /** * Icon of the row toggler to display the row as expanded. * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'rowtogglericon' slot. */ expandedRowIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Icon of the row toggler to display the row as collapsed. * @deprecated since v3.27.0. Use 'rowtogglericon' slot. */ collapsedRowIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Defines the row group mode. */ rowGroupMode?: 'subheader' | 'rowspan' | undefined; /** * One or more field names to use in row grouping. */ groupRowsBy?: ((field: string) => object) | string[] | string | undefined; /** * Whether the row groups can be expandable. * @defaultValue false */ expandableRowGroups?: boolean | undefined; /** * An array of group field values whose groups would be rendered as expanded. */ expandedRowGroups?: any[] | DataTableExpandedRows; /** * Defines where a stateful table keeps its state. * @defaultValue session */ stateStorage?: 'session' | 'local' | undefined; /** * Unique identifier of a stateful table to use in state storage. */ stateKey?: string | undefined; /** * Defines the incell editing mode. */ editMode?: 'cell' | 'row' | undefined; /** * A collection of rows to represent the current editing data in row edit mode. */ editingRows?: any[] | DataTableEditingRows; /** * A function that takes the row data as a parameter and returns a string to apply a particular class for the row. */ rowClass?: (data: any) => object | string | undefined; /** * A function that takes the row data as a parameter and returns the inline style for the corresponding row. */ rowStyle?: (data: any) => object | undefined; /** * When specified, enables horizontal and/or vertical scrolling. * @defaultValue false */ scrollable?: boolean | undefined; /** * Height of the scroll viewport in fixed pixels or the 'flex' keyword for a dynamic size. */ scrollHeight?: 'flex' | string | undefined; /** * Whether to use the virtualScroller feature. The properties of VirtualScroller component can be used like an object in it. * Note: Currently only vertical orientation mode is supported. */ virtualScrollerOptions?: VirtualScrollerProps; /** * Items of the frozen part in scrollable DataTable. */ frozenValue?: any[] | undefined | null; /** * The breakpoint to define the maximum width boundary when using stack responsive layout. * @defaultValue 960px */ breakpoint?: string | undefined; /** * Whether to show grid lines between cells. * @defaultValue false */ showGridlines?: boolean | undefined; /** * Whether to displays rows with alternating colors. * @defaultValue false */ stripedRows?: boolean | undefined; /** * Highlights automatically the first item. * @defaultValue false */ highlightOnSelect?: boolean | undefined; /** * Defines the size of the table. */ size?: 'small' | 'large' | undefined; /** * Inline style of the table element. */ tableStyle?: any; /** * Style class of the table element. */ tableClass?: any; /** * Used to pass all properties of the TableHTMLAttributes to table element inside the component. */ tableProps?: TableHTMLAttributes | undefined; /** * Used to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable filter input element inside the component. */ filterInputProps?: InputHTMLAttributes | undefined; /** * Used to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component. * @type {DataTablePassThroughOptions} */ pt?: PassThrough<DataTablePassThroughOptions>; /** * Used to configure passthrough(pt) options of the component. * @type {PassThroughOptions} */ ptOptions?: PassThroughOptions; /** * When enabled, it removes component related styles in the core. * @defaultValue false */ unstyled?: boolean; } /** * Defines valid slots in DataTable component. */ export interface DataTableSlots { /** * Custom header template. */ header(): VNode[]; /** * Custom footer template. */ footer(): VNode[]; /** * Custom paginator start template. */ paginatorstart(): VNode[]; /** * Custom paginator end template. */ paginatorend(): VNode[]; /** * Custom empty template. */ empty(): VNode[]; /** * Custom group header template. * @param {Object} scope - group header slot's params. */ groupheader(scope: { /** * Row data */ data: any; /** * Row index */ index: number; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom group footer template. * @param {Object} scope - group footer slot's params. */ groupfooter(scope: { /** * Row data */ data: any; /** * Row index */ index: number; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom loading template. * @param {Object} scope - loading slot's params. */ loading(): VNode[]; /** * Custom expansion template. * @param {Object} scope - expansion slot's params. */ expansion(scope: { /** * Row data */ data: any; /** * Row index */ index: number; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom loading icon template. */ loadingicon(): VNode[]; /** * Custom reorder indicator up icon template. */ reorderindicatorupicon(): VNode[]; /** * Custom reorder indicator down icon template. */ reorderindicatordownicon(): VNode[]; /** * Custom rowgroup toggler icon template. * @param {Object} scope - rowgroup toggler icon slot's params. */ rowgrouptogglericon(scope: { /** * Current rowgroup's expanded state. */ expanded: boolean; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom paginator first page link icon template. */ paginatorfirstpagelinkicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the paginator first page link icon. * @param {Object} scope - paginatorfirstpagelinkicon's params. */ class: string; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom paginator previous page link icon template. */ paginatorprevpagelinkicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the paginator prev page link icon. * @param {Object} scope - paginatorprevpagelinkicon's params. */ class: string; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom paginator next page link icon template. */ paginatornextpagelinkicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the paginator next page link icon. * @param {Object} scope - paginatornextpagelinkicon's params. */ class: string; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom paginator last page link icon template. */ paginatorlastpagelinkicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the paginator last page link icon. * @param {Object} scope - paginatorlastpagelinkicon's params. */ class: string; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom paginatorrowsperpagedropdownicon template. * @param {Object} scope - paginatorrowsperpagedropdownicon's params. */ paginatorrowsperpagedropdownicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the paginator rows per page dropdown icon. */ class: string; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom paginatorjumptopagedropdownicon template. * @param {Object} scope - paginatorjumptopagedropdownicon's params. */ paginatorjumptopagedropdownicon(scope: { /** * Style class of the paginator jump to page dropdown icon. */ class: string; }): VNode[]; } /** * Defines valid emits in Datatable component. */ export interface DataTableEmits { /** * Emitted when the first changes. * @param {number} value - New value. */ 'update:first'(value: number): void; /** * Emitted when the rows changes. * @param {number} value - New value. */ 'update:rows'(value: number): void; /** * Emitted when the sortField changes. * @param {string} value - New value. */ 'update:sortField'(value: string): void; /** * Emitted when the sortOrder changes. * @param {number | undefined} value - New value. */ 'update:sortOrder'(value: number | undefined): void; /** * Emitted when the multiSortMeta changes. * @param {DataTableSortMeta[] | undefined | null} value - New value. */ 'update:multiSortMeta'(value: DataTableSortMeta[] | undefined | null): void; /** * Emitted when the selection changes. * @param {*} value - New value. */ 'update:selection'(value: any[] | any | undefined): void; /** * Emitted when the contextMenuSelection changes. * @param {*} value - New value. */ 'update:contextMenuSelection'(value: any[] | any | undefined): void; /** * Emitted when the expandedRows changes. * @param {DataTableExpandedRows} value - New value. */ 'update:expandedRows'(value: any[] | DataTableExpandedRows): void; /** * Emitted when the expandedRowGroups changes. * @param {DataTableExpandedRows} value - New value. */ 'update:expandedRowGroups'(value: any[] | DataTableExpandedRows): void; /** * Emitted when the filters changes. * @param {DataTableFilterMeta} value - New value. */ 'update:filters'(value: DataTableFilterMeta): void; /** * Emitted when the editingRows changes. * @param {DataTableEditingRows} value - New value. */ 'update:editingRows'(value: any[] | DataTableEditingRows): void; /** * Callback to invoke on pagination. Sort and Filter information is also available for lazy loading implementation. * @param {DataTablePageEvent} event - Custom page event. */ page(event: DataTablePageEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke on sort. Page and Filter information is also available for lazy loading implementation. * @param {DataTableSortEvent} event - Custom sort event. */ sort(event: DataTableSortEvent): void; /** * Event to emit after filtering, not triggered in lazy mode. * @param {DataTableFilterEvent} event - Custom filter event. */ filter(event: DataTableFilterEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke after filtering, sorting, pagination and cell editing to pass the rendered value. * @param {*} value - Value displayed by the table. */ 'value-change'(value: any[]): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a row is clicked. * @param {DataTableRowClickEvent} event - Custom row click event. */ 'row-click'(event: DataTableRowClickEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a row is double clicked. * @param {DataTableRowDoubleClickEvent} event - Custom row double click event. */ 'row-dblclick'(event: DataTableRowDoubleClickEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a row is selected with a ContextMenu. * @param {DataTableRowContextMenuEvent} event - Custom row context menu event. */ 'row-contextmenu'(event: DataTableRowContextMenuEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a row is selected. * @param {DataTableRowSelectEvent} event - Custom row select event. */ 'row-select'(event: DataTableRowSelectEvent): void; /** * Fired when header checkbox is checked. * @param {DataTableRowSelectAllEvent} event - Custom row select all event. */ 'row-select-all'(event: DataTableRowSelectAllEvent): void; /** * Fired when header checkbox is unchecked. * @param {DataTableRowUnselectAllEvent} event - Custom row unselect all event. */ 'row-unselect-all'(event: DataTableRowUnselectAllEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a row is unselected. * @param {DataTableRowUnselectEvent} event - Custom row unselect event. */ 'row-unselect'(event: DataTableRowUnselectEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when all data is selected. * @param {DataTableSelectAllChangeEvent} event - Custom select all change event. */ 'select-all-change'(event: DataTableSelectAllChangeEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a column is resized. * @param {DataTableColumnResizeEndEvent} - Custom column resize event. */ 'column-resize-end'(event: DataTableColumnResizeEndEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a column is reordered. * @param {DataTableColumnReorderEvent} event - Custom column reorder event. */ 'column-reorder'(event: DataTableColumnReorderEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a row is reordered. * @param {DataTableRowReorderEvent} event - Custom row reorder event. */ 'row-reorder'(event: DataTableRowReorderEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a row is expanded. * @param {DataTableRowExpandEvent} event - Custom row expand event. */ 'row-expand'(event: DataTableRowExpandEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a row is collapsed. * @param {DataTableRowCollapseEvent} event - Custom row collapse event. */ 'row-collapse'(event: DataTableRowCollapseEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a row group is expanded. * @param {DataTableRowExpandEvent} event - Custom row expand event. */ 'rowgroup-expand'(event: DataTableRowExpandEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a row group is collapsed. * @param {DataTableRowCollapseEvent} event - Custom row collapse event. */ 'rowgroup-collapse'(event: DataTableRowCollapseEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when cell edit is initiated. * @param {DataTableCellEditInitEvent} event - Custom cell edit init. */ 'cell-edit-init'(event: DataTableCellEditInitEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when cell edit is completed. * @param {DataTableCellEditCompleteEvent} event - Custom cell edit complete event. */ 'cell-edit-complete'(event: DataTableCellEditCompleteEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when cell edit is cancelled with escape key. * @param {DataTableCellEditCancelEvent} event - Custom cell edit cancel event. */ 'cell-edit-cancel'(event: DataTableCellEditCancelEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when row edit is initiated. * @param {DataTableRowEditInitEvent} event - Custom row edit init event. */ 'row-edit-init'(event: DataTableRowEditInitEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when row edit is saved. * @param {DataTableRowEditSaveEvent} event - Custom row edit save event. */ 'row-edit-save'(event: DataTableRowEditSaveEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when row edit is cancelled. * @param {DataTableRowEditCancelEvent} event - Custom row edit cancel event. */ 'row-edit-cancel'(event: DataTableRowEditCancelEvent): void; /** * Invoked when a stateful table saves the state. * @param {DataTableStateEvent} event - Custom state event. */ 'state-restore'(event: DataTableStateEvent): void; /** * Invoked when a stateful table restores the state. * @param {DataTableStateEvent} event - Custom state event. */ 'state-save'(event: DataTableStateEvent): void; } /** * **PrimeVue - DataTable** * * * _DataTable displays data in tabular format._ * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/datatable/) * --- --- *  * * @group Component */ declare class DataTable extends ClassComponent<DataTableProps, DataTableSlots, DataTableEmits> { /** * Exports the data to CSV format. * @param {DataTableExportCSVOptions} [options] - Export options. * @param {Object[]} [data] - Custom exportable data. This param can be used on lazy dataTable. */ exportCSV(options?: DataTableExportCSVOptions, data?: any[]): void; } declare module '@vue/runtime-core' { interface GlobalComponents { DataTable: GlobalComponentConstructor<DataTable>; } } export default DataTable;