/** * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/confirmdialog/) * * @module confirmationoptions * */ import type { ButtonProps } from 'primevue/button'; /** * Confirmation Service options. */ export interface ConfirmationOptions { /** * Element to align the overlay. */ target?: HTMLElement | undefined; /** * Header text of the dialog. */ header?: string | undefined; /** * Message of the confirmation. */ message?: string | undefined; /** * Optional key to match the key of the confirmation, useful to target a specific confirm dialog instance. */ group?: string | undefined; /** * Position of the dialog. * @defaultValue center */ position?: 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'topleft' | 'topright' | 'bottomleft' | 'bottomright' | undefined; /** * Icon to display next to the message. */ icon?: string | undefined; /** * Whether background scroll should be blocked when dialog is visible. * @defaultValue false */ blockScroll?: boolean | undefined; /** * Callback to execute when action is confirmed. * @todo Next release should be able to change */ accept?: () => void; /** * Callback to execute when action is rejected. */ reject?: () => void; /** * Callback to execute when dialog is visible. */ onShow?: () => void; /** * Callback to execute when dialog is hidden. */ onHide?: () => void; /** * Label of the accept button. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration. */ acceptLabel?: string | undefined; /** * Label of the reject button. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration. */ rejectLabel?: string | undefined; /** * Icon of the accept button. */ acceptIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Icon of the reject button. */ rejectIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Style class of the accept button. */ acceptClass?: string | undefined; /** * Style class of the reject button. */ rejectClass?: string | undefined; /** * Element to receive the focus when the dialog gets visible, valid values are "accept" and "reject". */ defaultFocus?: string | undefined; /** * Used to pass all properties of the ButtonProps to the reject button inside the component. * @type {ButtonProps} */ rejectProps?: object | undefined; /** * Used to pass all properties of the ButtonProps to the accept button inside the component. * @type {ButtonProps} */ acceptProps?: object | undefined; }