/** * * AutoComplete is an input component that provides real-time suggestions while being typed. * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/autocomplete/) * * @module aura/autocomplete * */ import { ColorSchemeDesignToken } from '..'; /** * **PrimeVue - AutoComplete** * * _AutoComplete is an input component that provides real-time suggestions while being typed._ * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/autocomplete/) * --- --- * ![PrimeVue](https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/logo-100.png) * * @group DesignTokens * */ export interface AutoCompleteDesignTokens extends ColorSchemeDesignToken { /** * Used to pass tokens of the root section */ root: { background?: string; disabledBackground?: string; filledBackground?: string; filledFocusBackground?: string; borderColor?: string; hoverBorderColor?: string; focusBorderColor?: string; invalidBorderColor?: string; color?: string; disabledColor?: string; placeholderColor?: string; shadow?: string; paddingX?: string; paddingY?: string; borderRadius?: string; focusRing: { width?: string; style?: string; color?: string; offset?: string; shadow?: string; }; }; overlay: { background?: string; borderColor?: string; borderRadius?: string; color?: string; shadow?: string; }; list: { padding?: string; gap?: string; }; option: { focusBackground?: string; selectedBackground?: string; selectedFocusBackground?: string; color?: string; focusColor?: string; selectedColor?: string; selectedFocusColor?: string; padding?: string; borderRadius?: string; }; optionGroup: { background?: string; color?: string; fontWeight?: string; padding?: string; }; dropdown: { width?: string; borderColor?: string; hoverBorderColor?: string; activeBorderColor?: string; borderRadius?: string; focusRing: { width?: string; style?: string; color?: string; offset?: string; shadow?: string; }; background?: string; hoverBackground?: string; /** * * @designToken autocomplete.dropdown.active.background */ activeBackground?: string; color?: string; hoverColor?: string; activeColor?: string; }; chip: { borderRadius?: string; }; emptyMessage: { /** * * @designToken autocomplete.empty.message.padding */ padding?: string; }; }