<template> <DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs"> <p>The <i>type</i> property of an OrganizationChartNode is used to map a template to a node. If it is undefined, the default template is used.</p> </DocSectionText> <div class="card overflow-x-auto"> <OrganizationChart :value="data" collapsible> <template #country="slotProps"> <div class="flex flex-column align-items-center"> <img :alt="slotProps.node.label" src="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/flag/flag_placeholder.png" :class="`w-2rem shadow-2 flag flag-${slotProps.node.data}`" /> <div class="mt-3 font-medium text-lg">{{ slotProps.node.label }}</div> </div> </template> <template #default="slotProps"> <span>{{ slotProps.node.data.label }}</span> </template> </OrganizationChart> </div> <DocSectionCode :code="code" /> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { data: { key: '0', type: 'country', label: 'Argentina', data: 'ar', children: [ { key: '0_0', type: 'country', label: 'Argentina', data: 'ar', children: [ { key: '0_0_0', type: 'country', label: 'Argentina', data: 'ar' }, { key: '0_0_1', type: 'country', label: 'Croatia', data: 'hr' } ] }, { key: '0_1', type: 'country', label: 'France', data: 'fr', children: [ { key: '0_1_0', type: 'country', label: 'France', data: 'fr' }, { key: '0_1_1', type: 'country', label: 'Morocco', data: 'ma' } ] } ] }, code: { basic: `<OrganizationChart :value="data" collapsible> <template #country="slotProps"> <div class="flex flex-column align-items-center"> <img :alt="slotProps.node.label" src="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/flag/flag_placeholder.png" :class="\`w-2rem shadow-2 flag flag-\${slotProps.node.data}\`" /> <div class="mt-3 font-medium text-lg">{{ slotProps.node.label }}</div> </div> </template> <template #default="slotProps"> <span>{{slotProps.node.data.label}}</span> </template> </OrganizationChart>`, options: `<template> <div class="card overflow-x-auto"> <OrganizationChart :value="data" collapsible> <template #country="slotProps"> <div class="flex flex-column align-items-center"> <img :alt="slotProps.node.label" src="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/flag/flag_placeholder.png" :class="\`w-2rem shadow-2 flag flag-\${slotProps.node.data}\`" /> <div class="mt-3 font-medium text-lg">{{ slotProps.node.label }}</div> </div> </template> <template #default="slotProps"> <span>{{slotProps.node.data.label}}</span> </template> </OrganizationChart> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { data: { key: '0', type: 'country', label: 'Argentina', data: 'ar', children: [ { key: '0_0', type: 'country', label: 'Argentina', data: 'ar', children: [ { key: '0_0_0', type: 'country', label: 'Argentina', data: 'ar' }, { key: '0_0_1', type: 'country', label: 'Croatia', data: 'hr' } ] }, { key: '0_1', type: 'country', label: 'France', data: 'fr', children: [ { key: '0_1_0', type: 'country', label: 'France', data: 'fr' }, { key: '0_1_1', type: 'country', label: 'Morocco', data: 'ma' } ] } ] } }; } }; <\/script>`, composition: `<template> <div class="card overflow-x-auto"> <OrganizationChart :value="data" collapsible> <template #country="slotProps"> <div class="flex flex-column align-items-center"> <img :alt="slotProps.node.label" src="https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/flag/flag_placeholder.png" :class="\`w-2rem shadow-2 flag flag-\${slotProps.node.data}\`" /> <div class="mt-3 font-medium text-lg">{{ slotProps.node.label }}</div> </div> </template> <template #default="slotProps"> <span>{{slotProps.node.data.label}}</span> </template> </OrganizationChart> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from "vue"; const data = ref({ key: '0', type: 'country', label: 'Argentina', data: 'ar', children: [ { key: '0_0', type: 'country', label: 'Argentina', data: 'ar', children: [ { key: '0_0_0', type: 'country', label: 'Argentina', data: 'ar' }, { key: '0_0_1', type: 'country', label: 'Croatia', data: 'hr' } ] }, { key: '0_1', type: 'country', label: 'France', data: 'fr', children: [ { key: '0_1_0', type: 'country', label: 'France', data: 'fr' }, { key: '0_1_1', type: 'country', label: 'Morocco', data: 'ma' } ] } ] }); <\/script>` } }; } }; </script>