import { VNode } from 'vue'; import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor } from '../ts-helpers'; export interface BlockUIProps { /** * Controls the blocked state. */ blocked?: boolean | undefined; /** * When enabled, the whole document gets blocked. */ fullScreen?: boolean | undefined; /** * Base zIndex value to use in layering. * Default value is 0. */ baseZIndex?: number | undefined; /** * Whether to automatically manage layering. * Default value is true. */ autoZIndex?: boolean | undefined; } export interface BlockUISlots { /** * Custom content's slot. */ default: () => VNode[]; } export declare type BlockUIEmits = { /** * Fired when the element gets blocked. */ block: () => void; /** * Fired when the element gets unblocked. */ unblock: () => void; }; declare class BlockUI extends ClassComponent<BlockUIProps, BlockUISlots, BlockUIEmits> {} declare module '@vue/runtime-core' { interface GlobalComponents { BlockUI: GlobalComponentConstructor<BlockUI>; } } /** * * BlockUI can either block other components or the whole page. * * Demos: * * - [BlockUI]( * */ export default BlockUI;