<template> <div ref="container" :class="cx('root')" role="group" :aria-labelledby="ariaLabelledby" v-bind="ptm('root')"> <div v-for="(option, i) of options" :key="getOptionRenderKey(option)" v-ripple :tabindex="i === focusedIndex ? '0' : '-1'" :aria-label="getOptionLabel(option)" :role="multiple ? 'checkbox' : 'radio'" :aria-checked="isSelected(option)" :aria-disabled="optionDisabled" :class="cx('button', { option })" @click="onOptionSelect($event, option, i)" @keydown="onKeydown($event, option, i)" @focus="onFocus($event)" @blur="onBlur($event, option)" v-bind="getPTOptions(option, 'button')" :data-p-highlight="isSelected(option)" :data-p-disabled="isOptionDisabled(option)" > <slot name="option" :option="option" :index="i" :class="cx('label')"> <span :class="cx('label')" v-bind="getPTOptions(option, 'label')">{{ getOptionLabel(option) }}</span> </slot> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Ripple from 'primevue/ripple'; import { DomHandler, ObjectUtils } from 'primevue/utils'; import BaseSelectButton from './BaseSelectButton.vue'; export default { name: 'SelectButton', extends: BaseSelectButton, emits: ['update:modelValue', 'focus', 'blur', 'change'], data() { return { focusedIndex: 0 }; }, mounted() { this.defaultTabIndexes(); }, methods: { defaultTabIndexes() { let opts = DomHandler.find(this.$refs.container, '[data-pc-section="button"]'); let firstHighlight = DomHandler.findSingle(this.$refs.container, '[data-p-highlight="true"]'); for (let i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) { if ((DomHandler.getAttribute(opts[i], 'data-p-highlight') === true && ObjectUtils.equals(opts[i], firstHighlight)) || (firstHighlight === null && i == 0)) { this.focusedIndex = i; } } }, getOptionLabel(option) { return this.optionLabel ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(option, this.optionLabel) : option; }, getOptionValue(option) { return this.optionValue ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(option, this.optionValue) : option; }, getOptionRenderKey(option) { return this.dataKey ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(option, this.dataKey) : this.getOptionLabel(option); }, getPTOptions(option, key) { return this.ptm(key, { context: { active: this.isSelected(option), disabled: this.isOptionDisabled(option), option } }); }, isOptionDisabled(option) { return this.optionDisabled ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(option, this.optionDisabled) : false; }, onOptionSelect(event, option, index) { if (this.disabled || this.isOptionDisabled(option)) { return; } let selected = this.isSelected(option); if (selected && !(this.unselectable && this.allowEmpty)) { return; } let optionValue = this.getOptionValue(option); let newValue; if (this.multiple) { if (selected) newValue = this.modelValue.filter((val) => !ObjectUtils.equals(val, optionValue, this.equalityKey)); else newValue = this.modelValue ? [...this.modelValue, optionValue] : [optionValue]; } else { newValue = selected ? null : optionValue; } this.focusedIndex = index; this.$emit('update:modelValue', newValue); this.$emit('change', { event: event, value: newValue }); }, isSelected(option) { let selected = false; let optionValue = this.getOptionValue(option); if (this.multiple) { if (this.modelValue) { for (let val of this.modelValue) { if (ObjectUtils.equals(val, optionValue, this.equalityKey)) { selected = true; break; } } } } else { selected = ObjectUtils.equals(this.modelValue, optionValue, this.equalityKey); } return selected; }, onKeydown(event, option, index) { switch (event.code) { case 'Space': { this.onOptionSelect(event, option, index); event.preventDefault(); break; } case 'ArrowDown': case 'ArrowRight': { this.changeTabIndexes(event, 'next'); event.preventDefault(); break; } case 'ArrowUp': case 'ArrowLeft': { this.changeTabIndexes(event, 'prev'); event.preventDefault(); break; } default: //no op break; } }, changeTabIndexes(event, direction) { let firstTabableChild, index; for (let i = 0; i <= this.$refs.container.children.length - 1; i++) { if (this.$refs.container.children[i].getAttribute('tabindex') === '0') firstTabableChild = { elem: this.$refs.container.children[i], index: i }; } if (direction === 'prev') { if (firstTabableChild.index === 0) index = this.$refs.container.children.length - 1; else index = firstTabableChild.index - 1; } else { if (firstTabableChild.index === this.$refs.container.children.length - 1) index = 0; else index = firstTabableChild.index + 1; } this.focusedIndex = index; this.$refs.container.children[index].focus(); }, onFocus(event) { this.$emit('focus', event); }, onBlur(event, option) { if (event.target && event.relatedTarget && event.target.parentElement !== event.relatedTarget.parentElement) { this.defaultTabIndexes(); } this.$emit('blur', event, option); } }, computed: { equalityKey() { return this.optionValue ? null : this.dataKey; } }, directives: { ripple: Ripple } }; </script>