import Menu from 'primevue/menu';
<script src="^3/core/core.min.js"></script>
Menu uses the common MenuModel API to define the items, visit
Menu requires a collection of menuitems as its model.
<Menu :model="items" />
export default {
data() {
return {
items: [
label: 'Update',
icon: 'pi pi-refresh',
command: () => {
this.$toast.add({severity:'success', summary:'Updated', detail:'Data Updated', life: 3000});
label: 'Delete',
icon: 'pi pi-times',
command: () => {
this.$toast.add({ severity: 'warn', summary: 'Delete', detail: 'Data Deleted', life: 3000});
label: 'Vue Website',
icon: 'pi pi-external-link',
url: ''
label: 'Router',
icon: 'pi pi-upload',
to: '/fileupload'
Menu supports one level of nesting via subitems of an item.
const items: [
label: 'Options',
items: [{label: 'New', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-plus', command:() => {} },
{label: 'Delete', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-trash', url: ''}]
label: 'Account',
items: [{label: 'Options', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-cog', to: '/options'},
{label: 'Sign Out', icon: 'pi pi-fw pi-power-off', to: '/logout'} ]
Menu is inline by default whereas popup mode is supported by enabling popup property and calling toggle method with an event of the target.
<Button type="button" label="Toggle" @click="toggle" />
<Menu ref="menu" :model="items" :popup="true" />
toggle(event) {
Menu offers content customization with the item template that receives the menuitem instance from the model as a parameter.
<Menu :model="items">
<template #item="{item}">
<a :href="item.url">{{item.label}}</a>
router-link with route configuration can also be used within templating for further customization.
<Menu :model="items">
<template #item="{item}">
<router-link :to="" custom v-slot="{href, route, navigate, isActive, isExactActive}">
<a :href="href" @click="navigate" :class="{'active-link': isActive, 'active-link-exact': isExactActive}">{{route.fullPath}}</a>
Any property as style and class are passed to the main container element. Following are the additional properties to configure the component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
model | array | null | An array of menuitems. |
popup | boolean | false | Defines if menu would displayed as a popup. |
appendTo | string | body | A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. |
baseZIndex | number | 0 | Base zIndex value to use in layering. |
autoZIndex | boolean | true | Whether to automatically manage layering. |
exact | boolean | true | Whether to apply 'router-link-active-exact' class if route exactly matches the item path. |
Name | Parameters | Description |
show | - | Callback to invoke when the overlay is shown. |
hide | - | Callback to invoke when the overlay is hidden. |
Name | Parameters | Description |
toggle | event: Browser event | Toggles the visibility of the overlay. |
show | event: Browser event | Shows the overlay. |
hide | - | Hides the overlay. |
Name | Parameters |
item | item: Menuitem instance |
Following is the list of structural style classes, for theming classes visit
Name | Element |
p-menu | Container element. |
p-menu-list | List element. |
p-menuitem | Menuitem element. |
p-menuitem-text | Label of a menuitem. |
p-menuitem-icon | Icon of a menuitem. |