const GalleriaProps = [
        name: "id",
        type: "string",
        default: "null",
        description: "Unique identifier of the element."
        name: "value",
        type: "array",
        default: "null",
        description: "An array of objects to display."
        name: "activeIndex",
        type: "number",
        default: "0",
        description: "Index of the first item."
        name: "fullscreen",
        type: "boolean",
        default: "false",
        description: "Whether to display the component on fullscreen."
        name: "visible",
        type: "boolean",
        default: "false",
        description: "Specifies the visibility of the mask on fullscreen mode."
        name: "numVisible",
        type: "number",
        default: "3",
        description: "Number of items per page."
        name: "responsiveOptions",
        type: "any",
        default: "null",
        description: "An array of options for responsive design."
        name: "showItemNavigators",
        type: "boolean",
        default: "false",
        description: "Whether to display navigation buttons in item section."
        name: "showThumbnailNavigators",
        type: "boolean",
        default: "true",
        description: "Whether to display navigation buttons in thumbnail container."
        name: "showItemNavigatorsOnHover",
        type: "boolean",
        default: "false",
        description: "Whether to display navigation buttons on item hover."
        name: "changeItemOnIndicatorHover",
        type: "boolean",
        default: "false",
        description: "When enabled, item is changed on indicator hover."
        name: "circular",
        type: "boolean",
        default: "false",
        description: "Defines if scrolling would be infinite."
        name: "autoPlay",
        type: "boolean",
        default: "false",
        description: "Items are displayed with a slideshow in autoPlay mode."
        name: "transitionInterval",
        type: "number",
        default: "4000",
        description: "Time in milliseconds to scroll items."
        name: "showThumbnails",
        type: "boolean",
        default: "true",
        description: "Whether to display thumbnail container."
        name: "thumbnailsPosition",
        type: "string",
        default: "bottom",
        description: 'Position of thumbnails. Valid values are "bottom", "top", "left" and "right".'
        name: "verticalThumbnailViewPortHeight",
        type: "string",
        default: "300px",
        description: "Height of the viewport in vertical thumbnail."
        name: "showIndicators",
        type: "boolean",
        default: "false",
        description: "Whether to display indicator container."
        name: "showIndicatorsOnItem",
        type: "boolean",
        default: "false",
        description: "When enabled, indicator container is displayed on item container."
        name: "indicatorsPosition",
        type: "string",
        default: "bottom",
        description: 'Position of indicators. Valid values are "bottom", "top", "left" and "right".'
        name: "baseZIndex",
        type: "number",
        default: "0",
        description: "ase zIndex value to use in layering."
        name: "maskClass",
        type: "string",
        default: "null",
        description: "Style class of the mask on fullscreen mode."
        name: "containerStyle",
        type: "string",
        default: "null",
        description: "Inline style of the component on fullscreen mode. Otherwise, the 'style' property can be used."
        name: "galleriaClass",
        type: "string",
        default: "null",
        description: "Style class of the component on fullscreen mode. Otherwise, the 'class' property can be used."

const GalleriaSlots = [
        name: "header",
        description: "Custom content for the component's header"
        name: "footer",
        description: "Custom content for the component's header"
        name: "item",
        description: "Custom content for the item"
        name: "caption",
        description: "Custom caption content"
        name: "thumbnail",
        description: "Custom thumbnail content"
        name: "indicator",
        description: "Custom indicator content"

module.exports = {
    galleria: {
        name: "Galleria",
        description: "Galleria is an advanced content gallery component.",
        props: GalleriaProps,
        slots: GalleriaSlots