import Theme, { dt } from 'primevue/themes'; import { useStyle } from 'primevue/usestyle'; import { ObjectUtils } from 'primevue/utils'; const theme = ({ dt }) => ` * { box-sizing: border-box; } .p-unselectable-text { user-select: none; } /* Non vue overlay animations */ .p-connected-overlay { opacity: 0; transform: scaleY(0.8); transition: transform 0.12s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1), opacity 0.12s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1); } .p-connected-overlay-visible { opacity: 1; transform: scaleY(1); } .p-connected-overlay-hidden { opacity: 0; transform: scaleY(1); transition: opacity 0.1s linear; } /* Vue based overlay animations */ .p-connected-overlay-enter-from { opacity: 0; transform: scaleY(0.8); } .p-connected-overlay-leave-to { opacity: 0; } .p-connected-overlay-enter-active { transition: transform 0.12s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1), opacity 0.12s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1); } .p-connected-overlay-leave-active { transition: opacity 0.1s linear; } /* Toggleable Content */ .p-toggleable-content-enter-from, .p-toggleable-content-leave-to { max-height: 0; } .p-toggleable-content-enter-to, .p-toggleable-content-leave-from { max-height: 1000px; } .p-toggleable-content-leave-active { overflow: hidden; transition: max-height 0.45s cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0, 1); } .p-toggleable-content-enter-active { overflow: hidden; transition: max-height 1s ease-in-out; } .p-disabled, .p-disabled * { cursor: default; pointer-events: none; user-select: none; } .p-disabled, .p-component:disabled { opacity: ${dt('disabled.opacity')}; } .pi { font-size: ${dt('icon.size')}; } .p-icon { width: ${dt('icon.size')}; height: ${dt('icon.size')}; } .p-overlay-mask { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); transition-duration: ${dt('transition.duration')}; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; color: ${dt('mask.color')}; } .p-overlay-mask-enter { animation: p-overlay-mask-enter-animation 150ms forwards; } .p-overlay-mask-leave { animation: p-overlay-mask-leave-animation 150ms forwards; } @keyframes p-overlay-mask-enter-animation { from { background: transparent; } to { background: ${dt('mask.background')}; } } @keyframes p-overlay-mask-leave-animation { from { background: ${dt('mask.background')}; } to { background: transparent; } } `; const css = ({ dt }) => ` .p-hidden-accessible { border: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 1px; } .p-hidden-accessible input, .p-hidden-accessible select { transform: scale(0); } .p-overflow-hidden { overflow: hidden; padding-right: ${dt('scrollbar.width')}; } `; const classes = {}; const inlineStyles = {}; export default { name: 'base', css, theme, classes, inlineStyles, load(style, options = {}, transform = (cs) => cs) { const computedStyle = transform(ObjectUtils.getItemValue(style, { dt })); return computedStyle ? useStyle(ObjectUtils.minifyCSS(computedStyle), { name:, ...options }) : {}; }, loadCSS(options = {}) { return this.load(this.css, options); }, loadTheme(options = {}) { return this.load(this.theme, options, (computedStyle) => Theme.transformCSS( ||, computedStyle)); }, getCommonThemeCSS(params) { return Theme.getCommonCSS(, params); }, getComponentThemeCSS(params) { return Theme.getComponentCSS(, params); }, getDirectiveThemeCSS(params) { return Theme.getDirectiveCSS(, params); }, getPresetThemeCSS(preset, selector, params) { return Theme.getPresetCSS(, preset, selector, params); }, getLayerOrderThemeCSS() { return Theme.getLayerOrderCSS(; }, getStyleSheet(extendedCSS = '', props = {}) { if (this.css) { const _css = ObjectUtils.getItemValue(this.css, { dt }); const _style = ObjectUtils.minifyCSS(`${_css}${extendedCSS}`); const _props = Object.entries(props) .reduce((acc, [k, v]) => acc.push(`${k}="${v}"`) && acc, []) .join(' '); return ``; } return ''; }, getCommonThemeStyleSheet(params, props = {}) { return Theme.getCommonStyleSheet(, params, props); }, getThemeStyleSheet(params, props = {}) { let css = [Theme.getStyleSheet(, params, props)]; if (this.theme) { const name = `${}-style`; const _css = ObjectUtils.getItemValue(this.theme, { dt }); const _style = ObjectUtils.minifyCSS(Theme.transformCSS(name, _css)); const _props = Object.entries(props) .reduce((acc, [k, v]) => acc.push(`${k}="${v}"`) && acc, []) .join(' '); css.push(``); } return css.join(''); }, extend(style) { return { ...this, css: undefined, theme: undefined, }; } };