/** * * Rating component is a star based selection input. * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/rating/) * * @module rating * */ import { VNode } from 'vue'; import { ClassComponent, GlobalComponentConstructor } from '../ts-helpers'; /** * Custom change event. * @see {@link RatingEmits.change} */ export interface RatingChangeEvent { /** * Browser event */ originalEvent: Event; /** * Selected option value */ value: number; } /** * Defines valid properties in Rating component. */ export interface RatingProps { /** * Value of the rating. */ modelValue?: number | undefined; /** * Name of the element. */ name?: string | undefined; /** * When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled. * @defaultValue false */ disabled?: boolean | undefined; /** * When present, it specifies that component is read-only. * @defaultValue false */ readonly?: boolean | undefined; /** * Number of stars. * @defaultValue 5 */ stars?: number | undefined; /** * When specified a cancel icon is displayed to allow clearing the value. * @defaultValue true */ cancel?: boolean | undefined; /** * Icon for the on state. * @defaultValue 'pi pi-star' */ onIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Icon for the off state. * @defaultValue 'pi pi-star-fill' */ offIcon?: string | undefined; /** * Icon for the cancelable state. * @defaultValue 'pi pi-ban' */ cancelIcon?: string | undefined; } /** * Defines valid slots in Rating component. */ export interface RatingSlots { /** * Custom cancel icon template. */ cancelicon(): VNode[]; /** * Custom on icon template. * @param {Object} scope - on icon slot's params. */ onicon(scope: { /** * Item value */ value: number; }): VNode[]; /** * Custom off icon template. * @param {Object} scope - off icon slot's params. */ officon(scope: { /** * Item value */ value: number; }): VNode[]; } /** * Defines valid emits in Rating component. */ export interface RatingEmits { /** * Emitted when the value changes. * @param {number} value - New value. */ 'update:modelValue'(value: number): void; /** * Callback to invoke when a suggestion is selected. * @param {RatingChangeEvent} event - Custom change event. */ change(event: RatingChangeEvent): void; /** * Callback to invoke when the component receives focus. * @param {Event} event - Browser event. */ focus(event: Event): void; /** * Callback to invoke when the component loses focus. * @param {Event} event - Browser event. */ blur(event: Event): void; } /** * **PrimeVue - Rating** * * _Rating component is a star based selection input._ * * [Live Demo](https://www.primevue.org/rating/) * --- --- * ![PrimeVue](https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/logo-100.png) * * @group Component */ declare class Rating extends ClassComponent {} declare module '@vue/runtime-core' { interface GlobalComponents { Rating: GlobalComponentConstructor; } } export default Rating;