const PanelMenuProps = [ { name: 'model', type: 'array', default: 'null', description: 'An array of menuitems.' }, { name: 'expandedKeys', type: 'object', default: 'null', description: 'A map of keys to represent the expansion state in controlled mode.' }, { name: 'exact', type: 'boolean', default: 'true', description: "Whether to apply 'router-link-active-exact' class if route exactly matches the item path." } ]; const PanelMenuSlots = [ { name: 'item', description: 'Template of a menuitem.' } ]; module.exports = { panelmenu: { name: 'PanelMenu', description: 'PanelMenu is a hybrid of Accordion and Tree components', props: PanelMenuProps, slots: PanelMenuSlots } };