<template> <DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs"> <p>Configures the theme configuration path for the customizations of a theme in styled mode.</p> <DocSectionCode :code="code1" importCode hideToggleCode hideStackBlitz /> <p>The <i>mytheme.js</i> file contains the theme configuration.</p> <DocSectionCode :code="code2" importCode hideToggleCode hideStackBlitz /> </DocSectionText> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { code1: { basic: ` primevue: { importTheme: { from: '@/themes/mytheme.js' }, } ` }, code2: { basic: ` import { definePreset } from '@primevue/themes'; import Aura from '@primevue/themes/aura'; const MyPreset = definePreset(Aura, { semantic: { primary: { 50: '{indigo.50}', 100: '{indigo.100}', 200: '{indigo.200}', 300: '{indigo.300}', 400: '{indigo.400}', 500: '{indigo.500}', 600: '{indigo.600}', 700: '{indigo.700}', 800: '{indigo.800}', 900: '{indigo.900}', 950: '{indigo.950}' } } }); export default { preset: MyPreset, options: { darkModeSelector: '.p-dark' } }; ` } }; } }; </script>