<template> <DocComponent title="Vue InputNumber Component" header="InputNumber" description="InputNumber is an input component to provide numerical input." :componentDocs="docs" :apiDocs="['InputNumber']" :ptTabComponent="ptComponent" /> </template> <script> import AccessibilityDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/AccessibilityDoc'; import ButtonsDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/ButtonsDoc'; import CurrencyDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/CurrencyDoc'; import DisabledDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/DisabledDoc'; import FloatLabelDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/FloatLabelDoc'; import ImportDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/ImportDoc'; import InvalidDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/InvalidDoc'; import LocaleDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/LocaleDoc'; import NumeralsDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/NumeralsDoc'; import PrefixSuffixDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/PrefixSuffixDoc'; import StyleDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/StyleDoc'; import VerticalDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/VerticalDoc'; import VeeValidateDoc from '@/doc/inputnumber/form/VeeValidateDoc'; import PTComponent from '@/doc/inputnumber/pt/index.vue'; export default { data() { return { docs: [ { id: 'import', label: 'Import', component: ImportDoc }, { id: 'numerals', label: 'Numerals', component: NumeralsDoc }, { id: 'locale', label: 'Locale', component: LocaleDoc }, { id: 'currency', label: 'Currency', component: CurrencyDoc }, { id: 'prefixsuffix', label: 'Prefix & Suffix', component: PrefixSuffixDoc }, { id: 'buttons', label: 'Buttons', component: ButtonsDoc }, { id: 'vertical', label: 'Vertical', component: VerticalDoc }, { id: 'floatlabel', label: 'Float Label', component: FloatLabelDoc }, { id: 'invalid', label: 'Invalid', component: InvalidDoc }, { id: 'form', label: 'Form', description: 'Compatibility with popular Vue form libraries.', children: [ { id: 'veevalidate', label: 'VeeValidate', component: VeeValidateDoc } ] }, { id: 'disabled', label: 'Disabled', component: DisabledDoc }, { id: 'style', label: 'Style', component: StyleDoc }, { id: 'accessibility', label: 'Accessibility', component: AccessibilityDoc } ], ptComponent: PTComponent }; } }; </script>