import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import OrderList from './OrderList.vue'; describe('OrderList.vue', () => { let wrapper; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mount(OrderList, { props: { modelValue: [ { id: '1000', code: 'vbb124btr', name: 'Game Controller', description: 'Product Description', image: 'game-controller.jpg', price: 99, category: 'Electronics', quantity: 2, inventoryStatus: 'LOWSTOCK', rating: 4 }, { id: '1001', code: 'nvklal433', name: 'Black Watch', description: 'Product Description', image: 'black-watch.jpg', price: 72, category: 'Accessories', quantity: 61, inventoryStatus: 'INSTOCK', rating: 4 }, { id: '1002', code: 'zz21cz3c1', name: 'Blue Band', description: 'Product Description', image: 'blue-band.jpg', price: 79, category: 'Fitness', quantity: 2, inventoryStatus: 'LOWSTOCK', rating: 3 }, { id: '1003', code: '244wgerg2', name: 'Blue T-Shirt', description: 'Product Description', image: 'blue-t-shirt.jpg', price: 29, category: 'Clothing', quantity: 25, inventoryStatus: 'INSTOCK', rating: 5 }, { id: '1004', code: 'h456wer53', name: 'Bracelet', description: 'Product Description', image: 'bracelet.jpg', price: 15, category: 'Accessories', quantity: 73, inventoryStatus: 'INSTOCK', rating: 4 }, { id: '1005', code: 'cm230f032', name: 'Gaming Set', description: 'Product Description', image: 'gaming-set.jpg', price: 299, category: 'Electronics', quantity: 63, inventoryStatus: 'INSTOCK', rating: 3 } ] }, slots: { header: 'List of Products', item: ` ` } }); }); it('should exist', () => { expect(wrapper.find('.p-orderlist.p-component').exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find('.p-orderlist-controls').exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.findAll('li.p-orderlist-item').length).toBe(6); }); it('should select item', async () => { await wrapper.vm.onItemClick({}, wrapper.vm.modelValue[0], 0); expect(wrapper.emitted()['update:selection'][0]).toEqual([[wrapper.vm.modelValue[0]]]); await wrapper.setProps({ selection: [wrapper.vm.modelValue[0]] }); expect(wrapper.findAll('li.p-orderlist-item')[0].classes()).toContain('p-highlight'); }); it('should slot works', () => { expect(wrapper.find('.p-orderlist-header').text()).toBe('List of Products'); expect(wrapper.findAll('.product-item').length).toBe(6); }); it('should change order', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ selection: [wrapper.vm.modelValue[2]] }); await wrapper.setData({ d_selection: [wrapper.vm.modelValue[2]] }); expect(wrapper.findAll('li.p-orderlist-item')[2].classes()).toContain('p-highlight'); await wrapper.vm.moveUp({}); expect(wrapper.emitted()['update:modelValue'][0][0][1]).toEqual(wrapper.vm.modelValue[2]); }); });