<template> <DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs"> <p>Theming is implemented with the pass through properties in unstyled mode. Example below demonstrates the built-in Tailwind theme.</p> </DocSectionText> <DocSectionCode :code="code" embedded /> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { code: { composition: ` <template> <div class="card"> <div :style="{ position: 'relative', height: '500px' }"> <SpeedDial :model="items" direction="up" :style="{ left: 'calc(50% - 2rem)', bottom: 0 }" /> <SpeedDial :model="items" direction="down" :style="{ left: 'calc(50% - 2rem)', top: 0 }" /> <SpeedDial :model="items" direction="left" :style="{ top: 'calc(50% - 2rem)', right: 0 }" /> <SpeedDial :model="items" direction="right" :style="{ top: 'calc(50% - 2rem)', left: 0 }" /> </div> </div> </template> <script setup> import { ref } from 'vue'; import { useToast } from 'primevue/usetoast'; import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; const toast = useToast(); const router = useRouter(); const items = ref([ { label: 'Add', icon: 'pi pi-pencil', command: () => { toast.add({ severity: 'info', summary: 'Add', detail: 'Data Added' }); } }, { label: 'Update', icon: 'pi pi-refresh', command: () => { toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Update', detail: 'Data Updated' }); } }, { label: 'Delete', icon: 'pi pi-trash', command: () => { toast.add({ severity: 'error', summary: 'Delete', detail: 'Data Deleted' }); } }, { label: 'Upload', icon: 'pi pi-upload', command: () => { router.push('/fileupload'); } }, { label: 'Vue Website', icon: 'pi pi-external-link', command: () => { window.location.href = 'https://vuejs.org/' } } ]) <\/script>` } }; } }; </script>