import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config'; import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import MultiSelect from './MultiSelect.vue'; describe('MultiSelect.vue', () => { let wrapper; beforeEach(async () => { wrapper = mount(MultiSelect, { global: { plugins: [PrimeVue], stubs: { teleport: true } }, props: { modelValue: null, options: [ { name: 'New York', code: 'NY' }, { name: 'Rome', code: 'RM' }, { name: 'London', code: 'LDN' }, { name: 'Istanbul', code: 'IST' }, { name: 'Paris', code: 'PRS' } ], optionLabel: 'name', placeholder: 'Select Cities' } }); }); it('should exist', async () => { expect(wrapper.find('.p-multiselect.p-component').exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-label.p-placeholder').text()).toBe('Select Cities'); expect(wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-panel').exists()).toBe(false); await wrapper.vm.onContainerClick(); expect(wrapper.findAll('li.p-multiselect-item').length).toBe(5); expect(wrapper.findAll('li.p-multiselect-item')[0].attributes()['aria-label']).toBe('New York'); expect(wrapper.findAll('li.p-multiselect-item')[0].findAll('span')[1].text()).toBe('New York'); }); it('should select an item', async () => { await wrapper.vm.onOptionSelect({}, wrapper.vm.options[0]); expect(wrapper.emitted()['update:modelValue'][0]).toEqual([[wrapper.vm.options[0]]]); await wrapper.setProps({ modelValue: [wrapper.vm.options[0]] }); await wrapper.vm.onContainerClick(); expect(wrapper.findAll('li.p-multiselect-item')[0].classes()).toContain('p-highlight'); expect(wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-label').text()).toBe('New York'); }); it('should select multiple item', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ modelValue: [wrapper.vm.options[0]] }); await wrapper.vm.onOptionSelect({}, wrapper.vm.options[1]); expect(wrapper.emitted()['update:modelValue'][0]).toEqual([[wrapper.vm.options[0], wrapper.vm.options[1]]]); await wrapper.setProps({ modelValue: [wrapper.vm.options[0], wrapper.vm.options[1]] }); await wrapper.vm.onContainerClick(); expect(wrapper.findAll('li.p-multiselect-item')[0].classes()).toContain('p-highlight'); expect(wrapper.findAll('li.p-multiselect-item')[1].classes()).toContain('p-highlight'); }); it('should close panel', async () => { await wrapper.vm.onCloseClick(); expect(wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-panel').exists()).toBe(false); }); it('should chip work', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ display: 'chip', modelValue: [wrapper.vm.options[0]] }); expect(wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-token').exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-token-label').text()).toBe('New York'); }); describe('custom icons', () => { it('should have custom chip remove icon', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ display: 'chip', modelValue: [wrapper.vm.options[0]], removeTokenIcon: 'pi pi-discord' }); const icon = wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-token-icon'); expect(icon.classes()).toContain('pi-discord'); }); it('should have custom dropdown icon', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ dropdownIcon: 'pi pi-discord' }); const icon = wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-trigger-icon'); expect(icon.classes()).toContain('pi-discord'); }); it('should have custom filter icon', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ filter: true, filterIcon: 'pi pi-discord' }); await wrapper.vm.onContainerClick(); const icon = wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-filter-icon'); expect(icon.classes()).toContain('pi-discord'); }); it('should have custom close icon', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ closeIcon: 'pi pi-discord' }); await wrapper.vm.onContainerClick(); const icon = wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-close-icon'); expect(icon.classes()).toContain('pi-discord'); }); it('should have custom checkbox icons', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ checkboxIcon: 'pi pi-discord' }); await wrapper.setProps({ checkboxIcon: 'pi pi-discord', modelValue: wrapper.vm.options }); await wrapper.vm.onContainerClick(); wrapper.findAll('.p-checkbox-icon').forEach((icon) => { expect(icon.classes()).toContain('pi-discord'); }); }); }); const groupedItems = [ { name: 'Germany', code: 'DE', items: [ { name: 'Berlin', value: 'Berlin' }, { name: 'Frankfurt', value: 'Frankfurt' }, { name: 'Hamburg', value: 'Hamburg' }, { name: 'Munich', value: 'Munich' } ] }, { name: 'USA', code: 'US', items: [ { name: 'Chicago', value: 'Chicago' }, { name: 'Los Angeles', value: 'Los Angeles' }, { name: 'New York', value: 'New York' }, { name: 'San Francisco', value: 'San Francisco' } ] }, { name: 'Japan', code: 'JP', items: [ { name: 'Kyoto', value: 'Kyoto' }, { name: 'Osaka', value: 'Osaka' }, { name: 'Tokyo', value: 'Tokyo' }, { name: 'Yokohama', value: 'Yokohama' } ] } ]; describe('grouped', () => { it('should show group labels', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ options: groupedItems, optionGroupLabel: 'name', optionGroupChildren: 'items' }); await wrapper.vm.onContainerClick(); expect(wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-item-group').exists()).toBe(true); }); it('should show emit the filter event when filter text is entered', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ options: groupedItems, optionGroupLabel: 'name', optionGroupChildren: 'items', filter: true, autoFilterFocus: true }); await wrapper.vm.onContainerClick(); const input = await wrapper.find('input.p-multiselect-filter'); input.setValue('Ber'); input.trigger('input'); expect(wrapper.emitted()).toHaveProperty('filter'); }); it('should show relevant group labels for filtered items', async () => { await wrapper.setProps({ options: groupedItems, optionGroupLabel: 'name', optionGroupChildren: 'items', filter: true, autoFilterFocus: true }); await wrapper.vm.onContainerClick(); const input = await wrapper.find('input.p-multiselect-filter'); input.value = 'Ber'; await wrapper.vm.onFilterChange({ target: input }); expect(wrapper.findAll('.p-multiselect-item-group').length).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.find('.p-multiselect-item-group').text()).toBe('Germany'); }); }); });