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Delivery</div> <span class="leading-normal" >If the issue requires an update in the library, it gets published to npm by as part of the public PrimeVue package. A patch update on an older version can also be requested if you are not using the latest version. </span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="card !mb-8"> <div class="text-2xl font-semibold mb-4">Consulting</div> <p class="m-0 leading-normal mb-8 text-lg"> Unlock the full potential of your software projects in addition to PRO Support with the premier consulting services of our partners. The team of seasoned consultants is available to provide tailored expertise and guidance, ensuring your software development initiatives are successful, efficient, and innovative. </p> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row gap-8 mb-8"> <div class="flex-1"> <div class="font-semibold mb-2 text-xl">Deep Expertise</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal mb-4 text-lg"> Our consultants are experts with extensive experience in various aspects of software development, including design, architecture, coding, testing, and deployment. They bring a wealth of knowledge and best practices to your project. </p> </div> <div class="flex-1"> <div class="font-semibold mb-2 text-xl">Customized Solutions</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal mb-4 text-lg"> We understand that every project is unique. Our consultants work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and challenges, delivering solutions that are perfectly aligned with your business goals.. </p> </div> <div class="flex-1"> <div class="font-semibold mb-2 text-xl">Scalable Engagements</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal mb-4 text-lg">Whether you need short-term advice for a specific problem or long-term strategic guidance, our consulting services are flexible and scalable to meet your needs.</p> </div> </div> <div class="border-t border-surface pt-8 flex flex-col items-center"> <p class="leading-normal mb-8 text-lg"> We are proud to collaborate with <a href="https://www.epicmax.co/contacts" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="doc-link">EpicMax</a> and <a href="https://virtua.tech" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Virtua</a> that share our commitment to excellence and open source values. </p> <div class="flex items-center gap-20"> <div class="flex flex-col gap-4"> <a 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57.0069 15.3926 57.1354 15.3926L62.0484 15.5537C62.1983 15.5537 62.3107 15.5805 62.3856 15.6342C62.4605 15.6878 62.4873 15.7683 62.4659 15.8757L62.4338 16.1977C62.1769 18.2801 61.3474 19.9439 59.9451 21.189C58.5429 22.4342 56.8143 23.0568 54.7591 23.0568C52.8966 23.0568 51.4249 22.5415 50.3438 21.5111C49.2627 20.4806 48.7222 19.0744 48.7222 17.2926C48.7222 17.0779 48.7436 16.7129 48.7864 16.1977L49.9424 6.79467C50.1993 4.71224 51.0235 3.05921 52.415 1.83553C53.8065 0.611843 55.5298 0 57.5849 0ZM31.2589 0.161236C32.9715 0.161236 34.3255 0.710858 35.321 1.8101C36.3164 2.90936 36.8142 4.36611 36.8142 6.18041C36.8142 6.69269 36.7928 7.08756 36.75 7.36504C36.5787 8.7311 36.1773 9.93705 35.5458 10.9829C34.9142 12.0288 34.1007 12.8346 33.1053 13.4002C32.1098 13.9659 31.0127 14.2487 29.8139 14.2487H28.0798C27.9728 14.2487 27.8979 14.3127 27.8551 14.4408L26.9238 22.0928C26.9024 22.2422 26.8435 22.3596 26.7472 22.445C26.6509 22.5304 26.5385 22.5731 26.41 22.5731H21.4649C21.3364 22.5731 21.2347 22.5304 21.1598 22.445C21.0849 22.3596 21.0581 22.2422 21.0795 22.0928L23.7127 0.641494C23.7341 0.492077 23.7929 0.374681 23.8893 0.289306C23.9856 0.203931 24.098 0.161236 24.2265 0.161236H31.2589ZM46.3805 0.161236C46.5089 0.161236 46.6106 0.203931 46.6855 0.289306C46.7605 0.374681 46.7872 0.492077 46.7658 0.641494L44.1327 22.0928C44.1113 22.2422 44.0524 22.3596 43.9561 22.445C43.8597 22.5304 43.7473 22.5731 43.6189 22.5731H38.6737C38.5453 22.5731 38.4436 22.5304 38.3687 22.445C38.2937 22.3596 38.267 22.2422 38.2884 22.0928L40.9215 0.641494C40.9429 0.492077 41.0018 0.374681 41.0981 0.289306C41.1945 0.203931 41.3069 0.161236 41.4353 0.161236H46.3805ZM73.4134 0.161236C73.6703 0.161236 73.8416 0.278632 73.9272 0.513424L75.5649 4.57957C75.6077 4.6436 75.6559 4.67562 75.7094 4.67562C75.7629 4.67562 75.8004 4.6436 75.8218 4.57957L78.4871 0.513424C78.6155 0.278632 78.8082 0.161236 79.0651 0.161236H83.946C84.0745 0.161236 84.1762 0.203931 84.2511 0.289306C84.326 0.374681 84.3528 0.492077 84.3314 0.641494L81.6982 22.0928C81.6768 22.2422 81.6179 22.3596 81.5216 22.445C81.4253 22.5304 81.3129 22.5731 81.1844 22.5731H76.2393C76.1108 22.5731 76.0091 22.5304 75.9342 22.445C75.8593 22.3596 75.8325 22.2422 75.8539 22.0928L77.4595 9.06193C77.4595 8.95521 77.4381 8.89651 77.3953 8.88584C77.3524 8.87517 77.2989 8.91252 77.2347 8.9979L75.0832 12.0715L74.6979 12.6478H74.6658L73.0602 8.93386C73.0388 8.84848 73.0013 8.81113 72.9478 8.82181C72.8943 8.83248 72.8568 8.89118 72.8354 8.9979L71.2299 22.0928C71.2085 22.2422 71.1549 22.3596 71.0693 22.445C70.9837 22.5304 70.8659 22.5731 70.7161 22.5731H65.803C65.6532 22.5731 65.5408 22.5304 65.4658 22.445C65.3909 22.3596 65.3642 22.2422 65.3856 22.0928L68.0187 0.641494C68.0401 0.492077 68.099 0.374681 68.1953 0.289306C68.2917 0.203931 68.404 0.161236 68.5325 0.161236H73.4134ZM98.3291 0.161236C98.6288 0.161236 98.7893 0.29998 98.8107 0.577451L100.577 22.0608C100.577 22.4237 100.416 22.5731 100.095 22.5731H95.0537C94.754 22.5731 94.6148 22.4236 94.6363 22.1248V19.7236C94.6576 19.6595 94.6416 19.6115 94.5881 19.5795C94.5346 19.5475 94.4864 19.5315 94.4436 19.5315H91.7141C91.607 19.5315 91.5214 19.5848 91.4572 19.6915L90.7829 22.1248C90.7186 22.4236 90.5367 22.5731 90.237 22.5731H85.356C85.0349 22.5731 84.9172 22.4023 85.0028 22.0608L92.0673 0.577451C92.153 0.29998 92.3456 0.161236 92.6453 0.161236H98.3291ZM7.63949 0.161236C7.64661 0.161236 7.65378 0.161236 7.661 0.161236H19.1997C19.3497 0.161236 19.4622 0.203931 19.5372 0.289306C19.6122 0.374681 19.6389 0.492077 19.6175 0.641494L19.1033 4.8357C19.0818 4.98511 19.0229 5.10251 18.9265 5.18789C18.8301 5.27326 18.7069 5.31596 18.5569 5.31596H12.6107C12.4822 5.31596 12.4179 5.37998 12.4179 5.50805L12.0322 8.58168C12.0108 8.70975 12.0643 8.77378 12.1929 8.77378H15.2785C15.4285 8.77378 15.5409 8.81647 15.6159 8.90185C15.6909 8.98723 15.7177 9.10462 15.6963 9.25403L15.182 13.4482C15.1178 13.7684 14.9356 13.9285 14.6356 13.9285H11.5501C11.4215 13.9285 11.3572 13.9925 11.3572 14.1206L10.9715 17.2262C10.9501 17.3543 11.0037 17.4183 11.1322 17.4183H17.0784C17.2284 17.4183 17.3409 17.461 17.4158 17.5464C17.4909 17.6318 17.5176 17.7492 17.4962 17.8986L16.9819 22.0928C16.9605 22.2422 16.9016 22.3596 16.8052 22.445C16.7087 22.5304 16.5855 22.5731 16.4355 22.5731H4.89686C4.76829 22.5731 4.66651 22.5304 4.59152 22.445C4.51652 22.3596 4.48974 22.2422 4.51116 22.0928L6.21242 8.24605L0.0722502 0.687317C-0.0399369 0.549219 -0.0191885 0.346093 0.118593 0.233647C0.17598 0.186808 0.247722 0.161236 0.321726 0.161236H7.63949ZM110.88 0.161236C111.009 0.161236 111.116 0.198595 111.201 0.273295C111.287 0.347996 111.341 0.449381 111.362 0.577451L112.068 4.96377C112.09 5.04914 112.127 5.09184 112.181 5.09184C112.234 5.09184 112.272 5.04914 112.293 4.96377L114.091 0.577451C114.199 0.29998 114.391 0.161236 114.669 0.161236H119.615C119.872 0.161236 120 0.257284 120 0.449381L119.936 0.705521L114.541 11.2391C114.52 11.2818 114.509 11.3671 114.509 11.4952L117.303 22.0288C117.324 22.0715 117.335 22.1248 117.335 22.1889C117.335 22.445 117.174 22.5731 116.853 22.5731H111.94C111.812 22.5731 111.705 22.5357 111.619 22.461C111.533 22.3863 111.48 22.2849 111.458 22.1568L110.72 17.8025C110.698 17.7172 110.661 17.6745 110.607 17.6745C110.554 17.6745 110.506 17.7172 110.463 17.8025L108.665 22.1568C108.558 22.4343 108.365 22.5731 108.087 22.5731H103.141C102.885 22.5731 102.756 22.477 102.756 22.2849L102.82 22.0288L108.215 11.4952C108.236 11.4525 108.247 11.3671 108.247 11.2391L105.453 0.705521C105.432 0.662842 105.421 0.609473 105.421 0.545446C105.421 0.289306 105.582 0.161236 105.903 0.161236H110.88ZM94.3309 9.27423C94.2774 9.27423 94.24 9.3279 94.2186 9.43524L92.7093 14.9096C92.6451 15.0384 92.6986 15.1028 92.8699 15.1028H94.2507C94.3577 15.1028 94.4219 15.0384 94.4434 14.9096L94.4112 9.43524C94.4112 9.3279 94.3845 9.27423 94.3309 9.27423ZM29.5891 5.44217H29.1716C29.0432 5.44217 28.979 5.50657 28.979 5.63538L28.4973 9.56405C28.4759 9.69286 28.5294 9.75726 28.6578 9.75726H29.0432C29.5141 9.75726 29.9155 9.58015 30.2474 9.22593C30.5792 8.8717 30.7879 8.34037 30.8735 7.63192C30.8949 7.50311 30.9056 7.32063 30.9056 7.08448C30.9056 6.54778 30.7879 6.13989 30.5524 5.8608C30.3169 5.5817 29.9958 5.44217 29.5891 5.44217Z" fill="var(--p-primary-color)" /> </svg> </a> <a href="https://www.epicmax.co/contacts" class="inline-block bg-primary rounded-border py-3 px-4 hover:bg-primary-emphasis transition-all duration-300 text-primary-contrast font-semibold text-lg leading-none"> Get a Quote </a> </div> <div class="flex flex-col gap-4 items-center"> <a href="https://virtua.tech" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <svg width="76" height="24" viewBox="0 0 191 45" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M16.13 43.599L0 0H9.686L22.197 33.73L34.322 0H40.831L25.2 43.599H16.131H16.13Z" fill="var(--p-primary-color)" /> <path d="M47.222 5.803V0H53.025V5.803H47.222ZM47.222 43.599V11.606H53.025V43.598L47.222 43.599Z" fill="var(--p-primary-color)" 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34.918 117.558 36.381 117.951 37.088C118.344 37.795 118.893 38.345 119.6 38.738C120.307 39.131 121.073 39.327 121.898 39.327C123.312 39.327 124.849 38.885 126.508 38.001C128.168 37.117 129.97 35.232 131.913 32.345V11.606H137.716V43.598H131.913L131.915 43.599Z" fill="var(--p-primary-color)" /> <path d="M166.117 39.534C164.366 41.124 162.638 42.323 160.936 43.128C159.234 43.933 157.566 44.336 155.934 44.336C153.644 44.336 151.515 43.589 149.543 42.097C147.572 40.604 146.586 38.424 146.586 35.557C146.586 32.415 147.961 29.817 150.71 27.766C153.46 25.713 157.852 24.687 163.889 24.687H165.264V20.816C165.264 19.28 165.054 18.162 164.635 17.462C164.216 16.763 163.561 16.216 162.673 15.822C161.784 15.429 160.681 15.231 159.363 15.231C156.307 15.231 152.971 16.174 149.357 18.06V13.258C153.314 11.667 157.041 10.872 160.54 10.872C162.449 10.872 164.203 11.172 165.804 11.771C167.405 12.371 168.682 13.314 169.637 14.601C170.591 15.889 171.069 17.958 171.069 20.808V35.316C171.069 36.928 171.196 38.015 171.451 38.574C171.706 39.134 172.065 39.563 172.527 39.858C172.988 40.152 173.524 40.3 174.132 40.3C174.387 40.3 174.761 40.26 175.252 40.182L175.665 43.393C174.349 44.021 172.896 44.335 171.305 44.335C170.245 44.335 169.223 43.991 168.241 43.304C167.259 42.617 166.552 41.36 166.12 39.534H166.117ZM165.263 36.381V28.103L163.368 28.044C160.26 28.044 157.653 28.634 155.548 29.812C153.443 30.991 152.39 32.591 152.39 34.614C152.39 36.008 152.907 37.187 153.939 38.149C154.972 39.111 156.18 39.592 157.563 39.592C158.807 39.592 160.07 39.322 161.353 38.782C162.637 38.242 163.939 37.442 165.263 36.381Z" fill="var(--p-primary-color)" /> <path d="M179.205 13.378C178.801 13.496 178.482 13.555 178.249 13.555C177.694 13.555 177.265 13.476 176.961 13.32C176.655 13.164 176.428 12.951 176.274 12.682C176.121 12.412 176.045 12.018 176.045 11.495V8.186H175.341V7.127H176.045V6.067L177.74 5.872V7.126H179.085V8.185H177.74V11.266C177.74 11.72 177.819 12.026 177.979 12.183C178.139 12.341 178.374 12.42 178.682 12.42C178.83 12.42 179.003 12.398 179.204 12.352V13.377L179.205 13.378Z" fill="var(--p-primary-color)" /> <path d="M180.716 13.412V7.126H182.342V8.312C182.555 7.93 182.837 7.613 183.183 7.361C183.53 7.11 183.955 6.984 184.46 6.984C184.765 6.984 185.029 7.03 185.255 7.124C185.481 7.217 185.68 7.364 185.854 7.565C186.028 7.765 186.139 8.014 186.188 8.312C186.502 7.838 186.819 7.498 187.141 7.292C187.463 7.087 187.854 6.984 188.316 6.984C188.827 6.984 189.241 7.133 189.56 7.433C189.877 7.732 190.036 8.216 190.036 8.884V13.412H188.412V9.434C188.412 8.965 188.336 8.661 188.186 8.523C188.036 8.386 187.867 8.317 187.68 8.317C187.426 8.317 187.173 8.408 186.924 8.593C186.674 8.777 186.43 9.052 186.189 9.419V13.412H184.564V9.439C184.564 8.974 184.49 8.67 184.343 8.529C184.195 8.387 184.02 8.317 183.814 8.317C183.567 8.317 183.318 8.408 183.072 8.59C182.827 8.773 182.583 9.048 182.342 9.419V13.412H180.716Z" fill="var(--p-primary-color)" /> </svg> </a> <a href="https://virtua.tech/contact" class="inline-block bg-primary rounded-border py-3 px-4 hover:bg-primary-emphasis transition-all duration-300 text-primary-contrast font-semibold text-lg leading-none"> Get a Quote </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card m-0"> <div class="text-2xl font-semibold mb-8">Frequently Asked Questions</div> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row text-lg gap-8"> <div class="flex-1 flex flex-col gap-8"> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">How many issue tracker accounts do we get?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">We provide 1 shared account per organization.</p> </div> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">What is the duration of the service?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">Service ends either when all support hours are used or after 1 year.</p> </div> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">What happens if we extend after 1 year and we have unused hours?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">Unused hours expire and are not transferred to the new term.</p> </div> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">What are hours used for?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">Hours are utilized when creating tickets, filing defects, requesting enhancements, POC implementations of a use case and questions.</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex-1 flex flex-col gap-8"> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">Are the changes delivered with a custom build?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">No, changes become part of the PrimeVue core and pushed to the public npm package on next update.</p> </div> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">Who provides the support service?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">Support service is provided by the PrimeVue team at PrimeTek.</p> </div> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">Is there a minimum hour requirement?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">At least 25 hours are required to initiate the service.</p> </div> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">What happens if the issue takes longer or shorter than the approved estimate?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">The confirmed estimate is still used even if it takes longer to resolve the issue.</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex-1 flex flex-col gap-8"> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">Can we request new features and enhancements?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">Yes, initially the request needs to be approved by PrimeTek based on project roadmap fit. As a result, not all requests may be accepted.</p> </div> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">What are the payment terms?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">Payment in advance is required to initiate the service.</p> </div> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">What payment methods are available?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">Credit card and bank wire transfers are the available options.</p> </div> <div> <div class="leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold">We are a reseller, can we purchase this support for our client?</div> <p class="!m-0 leading-normal">That is possible, the service will be provided to your client even if you are the contact in purchase process.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template>