const PasswordProps = [ { name: "modelValue", type: "any", default: "null", description: "Value of the component." }, { name: "inputId", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Identifier of the underlying input element." }, { name: "promptLabel", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Text to prompt password entry. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration." }, { name: "mediumRegex", type: "string", default: "^(((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]))|((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9]))|((?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])))(?=.{6,})", description: "Regex for a medium level password." }, { name: "strongRegex", type: "string", default: "^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.{8,})", description: "Regex for a strong level password." }, { name: "weakLabel", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Text for a weak password. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration." }, { name: "mediumLabel", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Text for a medium password. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration." }, { name: "strongLabel", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Text for a strong password. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration." }, { name: "feedback", type: "boolean", default: "true", description: "Whether to show the strength indicator or not." }, { name: "toogleMask", type: "boolean", default: "false", description: "Whether to show an icon to display the password as plain text." }, { name: "appendTo", type: "string", default: "body", description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.' }, { name: "hideIcon", type: "string", default: "pi pi-eye-slash", description: "Icon to hide displaying the password as plain text." }, { name: "showIcon", type: "string", default: "pi pi-eye", description: "Icon to show displaying the password as plain text." }, { name: "inputId", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Identifier of the underlying input element." }, { name: "inputStyle", type: "any", default: "null", description: "Inline style of the input field." }, { name: "inputClass", type: "any", default: "null", description: "Style class of the input field." }, { name: "inputProps", type: "object", default: "null", description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component." }, { name: "panelId", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Identifier of the underlying overlay panel element." }, { name: "panelClass", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Style class of the overlay panel." }, { name: "panelStyle", type: "string", default: "null", description: "Inline style of the overlay panel." }, { name: "panelProps", type: "object", default: "null", description: "Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLDivElement to the overlay panel inside the component." } ]; const PasswordSlots = [ { name: "header", description: "Custom content for the component's header" }, { name: "content", description: "Custom content for the component" }, { name: "footer", description: "Custom content for the component's footer" } ]; module.exports = { password: { name: "Password", description: "Password displays strength indicator for password fields.", props: PasswordProps, slots: PasswordSlots } };