
414 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

<div class="p-galleria-thumbnail-wrapper">
<div class="p-galleria-thumbnail-container">
<button v-if="showThumbnailNavigators" :class="navBackwardClass" @click="navBackward($event)" :disabled="isNavBackwardDisabled()" type="button" v-ripple>
<span :class="navBackwardIconClass"></span>
<div class="p-galleria-thumbnail-items-container" :style="{'height': isVertical ? contentHeight : ''}">
<div ref="itemsContainer" class="p-galleria-thumbnail-items" @transitionend="onTransitionEnd"
@touchstart="onTouchStart($event)" @touchmove="onTouchMove($event)" @touchend="onTouchEnd($event)">
<div v-for="(item, index) of value" :key="`p-galleria-thumbnail-item-${index}`" :class="['p-galleria-thumbnail-item', {
'p-galleria-thumbnail-item-current': activeIndex === index,
'p-galleria-thumbnail-item-active': isItemActive(index),
'p-galleria-thumbnail-item-start': firstItemAciveIndex() === index,
'p-galleria-thumbnail-item-end': lastItemActiveIndex() === index }]">
<div class="p-galleria-thumbnail-item-content" :tabindex="isItemActive(index) ? 0 : null" @click="onItemClick(index)" @keydown.enter="onItemClick(index)">
<component :is="templates.thumbnail" :item="item" v-if="templates.thumbnail" />
<button v-if="showThumbnailNavigators" :class="navForwardClass" @click="navForward($event)" :disabled="isNavForwardDisabled()" type="button" v-ripple>
<span :class="navForwardIconClass"></span>
import {DomHandler} from 'primevue/utils';
import Ripple from 'primevue/ripple';
export default {
name: 'GalleriaThumbnails',
emits: ['stop-slideshow', 'update:activeIndex'],
props: {
containerId: {
type: String,
default: null,
value: {
type: Array,
default: null
numVisible: {
type: Number,
default: 3
activeIndex: {
type: Number,
default: 0
isVertical: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
slideShowActive: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
circular: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
responsiveOptions: {
type: Array,
default: null
contentHeight: {
type: String,
default: "300px"
showThumbnailNavigators: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
templates: {
type: null,
default: null
startPos: null,
thumbnailsStyle: null,
sortedResponsiveOptions: null,
data() {
return {
d_numVisible: this.numVisible,
d_oldNumVisible: this.numVisible,
d_activeIndex: this.activeIndex,
d_oldActiveItemIndex: this.activeIndex,
totalShiftedItems: 0,
page: 0
watch: {
numVisible(newValue, oldValue) {
this.d_numVisible = newValue;
this.d_oldNumVisible = oldValue;
activeIndex(newValue, oldValue) {
this.d_activeIndex = newValue;
this.d_oldActiveItemIndex = oldValue;
mounted() {
if (this.responsiveOptions) {
updated() {
let totalShiftedItems = this.totalShiftedItems;
if (this.d_oldNumVisible !== this.d_numVisible || this.d_oldActiveItemIndex !== this.d_activeIndex) {
if (this.d_activeIndex <= this.getMedianItemIndex()) {
totalShiftedItems = 0;
else if (this.value.length - this.d_numVisible + this.getMedianItemIndex() < this.d_activeIndex) {
totalShiftedItems = this.d_numVisible - this.value.length;
else if (this.value.length - this.d_numVisible < this.d_activeIndex && this.d_numVisible % 2 === 0) {
totalShiftedItems = (this.d_activeIndex * -1) + this.getMedianItemIndex() + 1;
else {
totalShiftedItems = (this.d_activeIndex * -1) + this.getMedianItemIndex();
if (totalShiftedItems !== this.totalShiftedItems) {
this.totalShiftedItems = totalShiftedItems;
this.$ = this.isVertical ? `translate3d(0, ${totalShiftedItems * (100/ this.d_numVisible)}%, 0)` : `translate3d(${totalShiftedItems * (100/ this.d_numVisible)}%, 0, 0)`;
if (this.d_oldActiveItemIndex !== this.d_activeIndex) {
DomHandler.removeClass(this.$refs.itemsContainer, 'p-items-hidden');
this.$ = 'transform 500ms ease 0s';
this.d_oldActiveItemIndex = this.d_activeIndex;
this.d_oldNumVisible = this.d_numVisible;
beforeUnmount() {
if (this.responsiveOptions) {
if (this.thumbnailsStyle) {
methods: {
step(dir) {
let totalShiftedItems = this.totalShiftedItems + dir;
if (dir < 0 && (-1 * totalShiftedItems) + this.d_numVisible > (this.value.length - 1)) {
totalShiftedItems = this.d_numVisible - this.value.length;
else if (dir > 0 && totalShiftedItems > 0) {
totalShiftedItems = 0;
if (this.circular) {
if (dir < 0 && this.value.length - 1 === this.d_activeIndex) {
totalShiftedItems = 0;
else if (dir > 0 && this.d_activeIndex === 0) {
totalShiftedItems = this.d_numVisible - this.value.length;
if (this.$refs.itemsContainer) {
DomHandler.removeClass(this.$refs.itemsContainer, 'p-items-hidden');
this.$ = this.isVertical ? `translate3d(0, ${totalShiftedItems * (100/ this.d_numVisible)}%, 0)` : `translate3d(${totalShiftedItems * (100/ this.d_numVisible)}%, 0, 0)`;
this.$ = 'transform 500ms ease 0s';
this.totalShiftedItems = totalShiftedItems;
stopSlideShow() {
if (this.slideShowActive && this.stopSlideShow) {
getMedianItemIndex() {
let index = Math.floor(this.d_numVisible / 2);
return (this.d_numVisible % 2) ? index : index - 1;
navBackward(e) {
let prevItemIndex = this.d_activeIndex !== 0 ? this.d_activeIndex - 1 : 0;
let diff = prevItemIndex + this.totalShiftedItems;
if ((this.d_numVisible - diff - 1) > this.getMedianItemIndex() && ((-1 * this.totalShiftedItems) !== 0 || this.circular)) {
let activeIndex = this.circular && this.d_activeIndex === 0 ? this.value.length - 1 : prevItemIndex;
this.$emit('update:activeIndex', activeIndex);
if (e.cancelable) {
navForward(e) {
let nextItemIndex = this.d_activeIndex + 1;
if (nextItemIndex + this.totalShiftedItems > this.getMedianItemIndex() && ((-1 * this.totalShiftedItems) < this.getTotalPageNumber() - 1 || this.circular)) {
let activeIndex = this.circular && (this.value.length - 1) === this.d_activeIndex ? 0 : nextItemIndex;
this.$emit('update:activeIndex', activeIndex);
if (e.cancelable) {
onItemClick(index) {
let selectedItemIndex = index;
if (selectedItemIndex !== this.d_activeIndex) {
const diff = selectedItemIndex + this.totalShiftedItems;
let dir = 0;
if (selectedItemIndex < this.d_activeIndex) {
dir = (this.d_numVisible - diff - 1) - this.getMedianItemIndex();
if (dir > 0 && (-1 * this.totalShiftedItems) !== 0) {
else {
dir = this.getMedianItemIndex() - diff;
if (dir < 0 && (-1 * this.totalShiftedItems) < this.getTotalPageNumber() - 1) {
this.$emit('update:activeIndex', selectedItemIndex);
onTransitionEnd() {
if (this.$refs.itemsContainer) {
DomHandler.addClass(this.$refs.itemsContainer, 'p-items-hidden');
this.$ = '';
onTouchStart(e) {
let touchobj = e.changedTouches[0];
this.startPos = {
x: touchobj.pageX,
y: touchobj.pageY
onTouchMove(e) {
if (e.cancelable) {
onTouchEnd(e) {
let touchobj = e.changedTouches[0];
if (this.isVertical) {
this.changePageOnTouch(e, (touchobj.pageY - this.startPos.y));
else {
this.changePageOnTouch(e, (touchobj.pageX - this.startPos.x));
changePageOnTouch(e, diff) {
if (diff < 0) { // left
else { // right
getTotalPageNumber() {
return this.value.length > this.d_numVisible ? (this.value.length - this.d_numVisible) + 1 : 0;
createStyle() {
if (!this.thumbnailsStyle) {
this.thumbnailsStyle = document.createElement('style');
this.thumbnailsStyle.type = 'text/css';
let innerHTML = `
#${this.containerId} .p-galleria-thumbnail-item {
flex: 1 0 ${ (100/ this.d_numVisible) }%
if (this.responsiveOptions) {
this.sortedResponsiveOptions = [...this.responsiveOptions];
this.sortedResponsiveOptions.sort((data1, data2) => {
const value1 = data1.breakpoint;
const value2 = data2.breakpoint;
let result = null;
if (value1 == null && value2 != null)
result = -1;
else if (value1 != null && value2 == null)
result = 1;
else if (value1 == null && value2 == null)
result = 0;
else if (typeof value1 === 'string' && typeof value2 === 'string')
result = value1.localeCompare(value2, undefined, { numeric: true });
result = (value1 < value2) ? -1 : (value1 > value2) ? 1 : 0;
return -1 * result;
for (let i = 0; i < this.sortedResponsiveOptions.length; i++) {
let res = this.sortedResponsiveOptions[i];
innerHTML += `
@media screen and (max-width: ${res.breakpoint}) {
#${this.containerId} .p-galleria-thumbnail-item {
flex: 1 0 ${ (100/ res.numVisible) }%
this.thumbnailsStyle.innerHTML = innerHTML;
calculatePosition() {
if (this.$refs.itemsContainer && this.sortedResponsiveOptions) {
let windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
let matchedResponsiveData = {
numVisible: this.numVisible
for (let i = 0; i < this.sortedResponsiveOptions.length; i++) {
let res = this.sortedResponsiveOptions[i];
if (parseInt(res.breakpoint, 10) >= windowWidth) {
matchedResponsiveData = res;
if (this.d_numVisible !== matchedResponsiveData.numVisible) {
this.d_numVisible = matchedResponsiveData.numVisible;
bindDocumentListeners() {
if (!this.documentResizeListener) {
this.documentResizeListener = () => {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.documentResizeListener);
unbindDocumentListeners() {
if(this.documentResizeListener) {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.documentResizeListener);
this.documentResizeListener = null;
isNavBackwardDisabled() {
return (!this.circular && this.d_activeIndex === 0) || (this.value.length <= this.d_numVisible);
isNavForwardDisabled() {
return (!this.circular && this.d_activeIndex === (this.value.length - 1)) || (this.value.length <= this.d_numVisible);
firstItemAciveIndex() {
return this.totalShiftedItems * -1;
lastItemActiveIndex() {
return this.firstItemAciveIndex() + this.d_numVisible - 1;
isItemActive(index) {
return this.firstItemAciveIndex() <= index && this.lastItemActiveIndex() >= index;
computed: {
navBackwardClass() {
return ['p-galleria-thumbnail-prev p-link', {
'p-disabled': this.isNavBackwardDisabled()
navForwardClass() {
return ['p-galleria-thumbnail-next p-link', {
'p-disabled': this.isNavForwardDisabled()
navBackwardIconClass() {
return ['p-galleria-thumbnail-prev-icon pi', {
'pi-chevron-left': !this.isVertical,
'pi-chevron-up': this.isVertical
navForwardIconClass() {
return ['p-galleria-thumbnail-next-icon pi', {
'pi-chevron-right': !this.isVertical,
'pi-chevron-down': this.isVertical
directives: {
'ripple': Ripple