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<template #pattern>
<img class="select-none absolute z-[6] opacity-90 w-[110rem] h-auto bottom-80 left-0 md:-bottom-8 md:-left-4" src="" alt="Template Hero Pattern" />
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<TemplateLicense :license="license" />
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<div class="hidden">
<TemplateYoutube imgSrc="" />
<VeronaSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData2" title="Features" :animationSeconds="4000" />
<VeronaSeparator />
<TemplateConfiguration title="Vue based on Vite" description="Verona is powered by Vite to get started in no time following the best practices." />
<VeronaSeparator />
<TemplateFeaturesAnimation :featuresData="animationFeaturesData1">
<template #description2>
Fully compatible with <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a>, choose from the wide range of blocks and customize the way you like. Note that <a href="">PrimeBlocks</a> is not included in the
template and requires a separate purchase.
<template #description4>
Verona uses Figma as the design tool. It will be possible to download the Figma file after your purchase. You can
<a href="">preview the Figma file</a> before the purchase. Note that PrimeVue UI components are excluded from the Verona Figma file as they
are available in <PrimeVueNuxtLink to="/uikit">PrimeOne for Figma</PrimeVueNuxtLink> only.
<VeronaSeparator />
<TemplateFeatures :featuresData="features2Data" displayType="vertical" />
<VeronaSeparator />
<TemplateRelated :relatedData="relatedData" />
export default {
data() {
return {
features2Data: [
title: 'Fully Responsive',
description: 'Verona is crafted to provide optimal viewing and interaction experience for a wide range of devices.',
src: ''
title: 'Cross Browser Compatible',
description: 'First class support for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Edge.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Lifetime Support',
description: 'Verona has a dedicated forum where lifetime support is delivered by engineers at PrimeTek in a timely manner.',
src: ''
title: 'Customizable Design',
description: 'Fully customizable with a mixture of Sass and CSS variables.',
src: '',
darkSrc: ''
title: 'Ready to Use Pages',
description: 'Landing, login, invoice, help, user management and error pages are provided as template pages to get started with building your app.',
src: ''
title: 'Mobile Experience',
description: 'Touch optimized enhanced mobile experience with responsive design.',
src: ''
relatedData: [
src: '',
href: '/templates/freya'
src: '',
href: '/templates/apollo'
src: '',
href: '/templates/atlantis'
animationFeaturesData1: [
id: 1,
title: 'PrimeFlex CSS Utilities',
description: 'PrimeFlex is a CSS utility library featuring various helpers such as a grid system, flexbox, spacing, elevation and more.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'PrimeBlocks',
slotType: 'description2',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'PrimeIcons',
description: 'Verona ships with PrimeIcons, PrimeTeks modern icon library including a wide range of icons for your applications.',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Figma File',
slotType: 'description4',
src: ''
animationFeaturesData2: [
id: 1,
title: 'Light and Dark Modes',
description: 'The stunning dark and light modes will impress your users.',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'Component Themes',
description: 'Verona offers 10 built-in component themes with dark and light options. You are also free to create you own theme by defining couple SASS variables.',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: '4 Menu Orientations',
description: 'Choose from Static, Overlay, Slim and Slim+ menu orientations.',
src: '',
type: 'inline-animation',
inlineFeaturesData: [
id: 1,
title: 'Static',
src: ''
id: 2,
title: 'Slim',
src: ''
id: 3,
title: 'Slim+',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Overlay',
src: ''
id: 4,
title: 'Menu Themes',
description: 'Verona offers 10 special layout themes featuring gorgeous gradients.',
src: ''
license: {
documentLink: '',
description: 'The download package is a Vite-based project containing all application source codes deployed at the live demo. The project code is written in JavaScript.',
showDiscount: false,
licenseDetails: [
title: 'Basic License',
price: '$49',
discount: '',
included: ['Non Commercial Usage', 'Single End Product, No Multi-Use', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
title: 'Extended License',
price: '$490',
discount: '',
included: ['Commercial Usage', 'Multiple End Products', 'Lifetime Support', 'Unlimited Updates']
templateHeroData: {
pattern: '',
description: 'Prepare to be amazed by the remastered Verona for PrimeVue featuring a new gorgeous dark mode for the entire layout, 2 menu modes, reusable css widgets, utilities, modern icons and many more.',
dashboard1: '',
dashboard2: '',
liveHref: '',
docHref: ''
computed: {
fillColor() {
return this.$appState.darkTheme ? 'var(--p-surface-900)' : 'var(--p-surface-0)';