
138 lines
4.4 KiB

<div class="galleria-demo">
<div class="content-section introduction">
<div class="feature-intro">
<h1>Galleria <span>Programmatic</span></h1>
<p>Galleria can be controlled programmatically using the <b>activeIndex</b> property.</p>
<div class="content-section implementation">
<div class="card">
<div style="padding: 0.5rem 0">
<Button icon="pi pi-minus" @click="prev" class="p-button-secondary" />
<Button icon="pi pi-plus" @click="next" class="p-button-secondary" style="margin-left: 0.5rem" />
<Galleria v-model:activeIndex="activeIndex" :value="images" :responsiveOptions="responsiveOptions" :numVisible="5" containerStyle="max-width: 640px">
<template #item="slotProps">
<img :src="baseUrl + slotProps.item.itemImageSrc" :alt="slotProps.item.alt" style="width: 100%" />
<template #thumbnail="slotProps">
<img :src="baseUrl + slotProps.item.thumbnailImageSrc" :alt="slotProps.item.alt" />
<div class="content-section documentation">
<TabPanel header="Source">
<pre v-code><code>
&lt;div style="padding: .5rem 0"&gt;
&lt;Button icon="pi pi-minus" @click="prev" class="p-button-secondary" /&gt;
&lt;Button icon="pi pi-plus" @click="next" class="p-button-secondary" style="margin-left: .5rem" /&gt;
&lt;Galleria :value="images" v-model:activeIndex="activeIndex" :responsiveOptions="responsiveOptions" :numVisible="5" containerStyle="max-width: 640px"&gt;
&lt;template #item="slotProps"&gt;
&lt;img :src="slotProps.item.itemImageSrc" :alt="slotProps.item.alt" style="width: 100%" /&gt;
&lt;template #thumbnail="slotProps"&gt;
&lt;img :src="slotProps.item.thumbnailImageSrc" :alt="slotProps.item.alt" /&gt;
<pre v-code.script><code>
import PhotoService from '../../service/PhotoService';
export default {
data() {
return {
images: null,
activeIndex: 2,
responsiveOptions: [
breakpoint: '1024px',
numVisible: 5
breakpoint: '768px',
numVisible: 3
breakpoint: '560px',
numVisible: 1
galleriaService: null,
created() {
this.galleriaService = new PhotoService();
mounted() {
this.galleriaService.getImages().then(data => this.images = data);
methods: {
next() {
this.activeIndex = (this.activeIndex === this.images.length - 1) ? 0 : this.activeIndex + 1;
prev() {
this.activeIndex = (this.activeIndex === 0) ? 0 : this.images.length - 1;
import PhotoService from '../../service/PhotoService';
export default {
data() {
return {
images: null,
activeIndex: 2,
responsiveOptions: [
breakpoint: '1024px',
numVisible: 5
breakpoint: '768px',
numVisible: 3
breakpoint: '560px',
numVisible: 1
baseUrl: ? '' : '/primevue-nuxt'
galleriaService: null,
created() {
this.galleriaService = new PhotoService();
mounted() {
this.galleriaService.getImages().then((data) => (this.images = data));
methods: {
next() {
this.activeIndex = this.activeIndex === this.images.length - 1 ? 0 : this.activeIndex + 1;
prev() {
this.activeIndex = this.activeIndex === 0 ? 0 : this.images.length - 1;