
185 lines
5.1 KiB

const PasswordProps = [
name: 'modelValue',
type: 'any',
default: 'null',
description: 'Value of the component.'
name: 'inputId',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Identifier of the underlying input element.'
name: 'promptLabel',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Text to prompt password entry. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration.'
name: 'mediumRegex',
type: 'string',
default: '^(((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]))|((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9]))|((?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])))(?=.{6,})',
description: 'Regex for a medium level password.'
name: 'strongRegex',
type: 'string',
default: '^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.{8,})',
description: 'Regex for a strong level password.'
name: 'weakLabel',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Text for a weak password. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration.'
name: 'mediumLabel',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Text for a medium password. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration.'
name: 'strongLabel',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Text for a strong password. Defaults to PrimeVue Locale configuration.'
name: 'feedback',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'true',
description: 'Whether to show the strength indicator or not.'
name: 'toogleMask',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'Whether to show an icon to display the password as plain text.'
name: 'appendTo',
type: 'string',
default: 'body',
description: 'A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.'
name: 'hideIcon',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Icon to hide displaying the password as plain text.'
name: 'showIcon',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Icon to show displaying the password as plain text.'
name: 'placeholder',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Placeholder text for the input.'
name: 'required',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'When present, it specifies that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form.'
name: 'inputId',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Identifier of the underlying input element.'
name: 'inputStyle',
type: 'object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Inline style of the input field.'
name: 'inputClass',
type: 'string | object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Style class of the input field.'
name: 'inputProps',
type: 'object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component.'
name: 'panelId',
type: 'string',
default: 'null',
description: 'Identifier of the underlying overlay panel element.'
name: 'panelClass',
type: 'string | object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Style class of the overlay panel.'
name: 'panelStyle',
type: 'object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Inline style of the overlay panel.'
name: 'panelProps',
type: 'object',
default: 'null',
description: 'Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLDivElement to the overlay panel inside the component.'
name: 'pt',
type: 'any',
default: 'null',
description: 'Uses to pass attributes to DOM elements inside the component.'
name: 'unstyled',
type: 'boolean',
default: 'false',
description: 'When enabled, it removes component related styles in the core.'
const PasswordSlots = [
name: 'header',
description: "Custom content for the component's header."
name: 'content',
description: 'Custom content for the component.'
name: 'footer',
description: "Custom content for the component's footer."
name: 'hideicon',
description: 'Custom content for the hide icon.'
name: 'showicon',
description: 'Custom content for the show icon.'
module.exports = {
password: {
name: 'Password',
description: 'Password displays strength indicator for password fields.',
props: PasswordProps,
slots: PasswordSlots