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251 lines
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import { Theme, ThemeService } from '@primeuix/styled';
import { getKeyValue, isArray, isEmpty, isFunction, isObject, isString, resolve, toCapitalCase, toFlatCase } from '@primeuix/utils/object';
import { uuid } from '@primeuix/utils/uuid';
import Base from '@primevue/core/base';
import BaseStyle from '@primevue/core/base/style';
import PrimeVueService from '@primevue/core/service';
import { mergeProps } from 'vue';
const BaseDirective = {
_getMeta: (...args) => [isObject(args[0]) ? undefined : args[0], resolve(isObject(args[0]) ? args[0] : args[1])],
_getConfig: (binding, vnode) => (binding?.instance?.$primevue || vnode?.ctx?.appContext?.config?.globalProperties?.$primevue)?.config,
_getOptionValue: getKeyValue,
_getPTValue: (instance = {}, obj = {}, key = '', params = {}, searchInDefaultPT = true) => {
const getValue = (...args) => {
const value = BaseDirective._getOptionValue(...args);
return isString(value) || isArray(value) ? { class: value } : value;
const { mergeSections = true, mergeProps: useMergeProps = false } = instance.binding?.value?.ptOptions || instance.$primevueConfig?.ptOptions || {};
const global = searchInDefaultPT ? BaseDirective._useDefaultPT(instance, instance.defaultPT(), getValue, key, params) : undefined;
const self = BaseDirective._usePT(instance, BaseDirective._getPT(obj, instance.$name), getValue, key, { ...params, global: global || {} });
const datasets = BaseDirective._getPTDatasets(instance, key);
return mergeSections || (!mergeSections && self) ? (useMergeProps ? BaseDirective._mergeProps(instance, useMergeProps, global, self, datasets) : { ...global, ...self, ...datasets }) : { ...self, ...datasets };
_getPTDatasets(instance = {}, key = '') {
const datasetPrefix = 'data-pc-';
return {
...(key === 'root' && { [`${datasetPrefix}name`]: toFlatCase(instance.$name) }),
[`${datasetPrefix}section`]: toFlatCase(key)
_getPT: (pt, key = '', callback) => {
const getValue = (value) => {
const computedValue = callback ? callback(value) : value;
const _key = toFlatCase(key);
return computedValue?.[_key] ?? computedValue;
return pt?.hasOwnProperty('_usept')
? {
_usept: pt['_usept'],
originalValue: getValue(pt.originalValue),
value: getValue(pt.value)
: getValue(pt);
_usePT: (instance = {}, pt, callback, key, params) => {
const fn = (value) => callback(value, key, params);
if (pt?.hasOwnProperty('_usept')) {
const { mergeSections = true, mergeProps: useMergeProps = false } = pt['_usept'] || instance.$primevueConfig?.ptOptions || {};
const originalValue = fn(pt.originalValue);
const value = fn(pt.value);
if (originalValue === undefined && value === undefined) return undefined;
else if (isString(value)) return value;
else if (isString(originalValue)) return originalValue;
return mergeSections || (!mergeSections && value) ? (useMergeProps ? BaseDirective._mergeProps(instance, useMergeProps, originalValue, value) : { ...originalValue, ...value }) : value;
return fn(pt);
_useDefaultPT: (instance = {}, defaultPT = {}, callback, key, params) => {
return BaseDirective._usePT(instance, defaultPT, callback, key, params);
_loadStyles: (el, binding, vnode) => {
const config = BaseDirective._getConfig(binding, vnode);
const useStyleOptions = { nonce: config?.csp?.nonce };
BaseDirective._loadCoreStyles(el.$instance, useStyleOptions);
BaseDirective._loadThemeStyles(el.$instance, useStyleOptions);
BaseDirective._loadScopedThemeStyles(el.$instance, useStyleOptions);
BaseDirective._themeChangeListener(() => BaseDirective._loadThemeStyles(el.$instance, useStyleOptions));
_loadCoreStyles(instance = {}, useStyleOptions) {
if (!Base.isStyleNameLoaded(instance.$style?.name) && instance.$style?.name) {
_loadThemeStyles: (instance = {}, useStyleOptions) => {
if (instance?.isUnstyled() || instance?.theme?.() === 'none') return;
// common
if (!Theme.isStyleNameLoaded('common')) {
const { primitive, semantic, global, style } = instance.$style?.getCommonTheme?.() || {};
BaseStyle.load(primitive?.css, { name: 'primitive-variables', ...useStyleOptions });
BaseStyle.load(semantic?.css, { name: 'semantic-variables', ...useStyleOptions });
BaseStyle.load(global?.css, { name: 'global-variables', ...useStyleOptions });
BaseStyle.loadTheme({ name: 'global-style', ...useStyleOptions }, style);
// directive
if (!Theme.isStyleNameLoaded(instance.$style?.name) && instance.$style?.name) {
const { css, style } = instance.$style?.getDirectiveTheme?.() || {};
instance.$style?.load(css, { name: `${instance.$style.name}-variables`, ...useStyleOptions });
instance.$style?.loadTheme({ name: `${instance.$style.name}-style`, ...useStyleOptions }, style);
// layer order
if (!Theme.isStyleNameLoaded('layer-order')) {
const layerOrder = instance.$style?.getLayerOrderThemeCSS?.();
BaseStyle.load(layerOrder, { name: 'layer-order', first: true, ...useStyleOptions });
_loadScopedThemeStyles(instance = {}, useStyleOptions) {
const preset = instance.preset();
if (preset && instance.$attrSelector) {
const { css } = instance.$style?.getPresetTheme?.(preset, `[${instance.$attrSelector}]`) || {};
const scopedStyle = instance.$style?.load(css, { name: `${instance.$attrSelector}-${instance.$style.name}`, ...useStyleOptions });
instance.scopedStyleEl = scopedStyle.el;
_themeChangeListener(callback = () => {}) {
ThemeService.on('theme:change', callback);
_hook: (directiveName, hookName, el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
const name = `on${toCapitalCase(hookName)}`;
const config = BaseDirective._getConfig(binding, vnode);
const instance = el?.$instance;
const selfHook = BaseDirective._usePT(instance, BaseDirective._getPT(binding?.value?.pt, directiveName), BaseDirective._getOptionValue, `hooks.${name}`);
const defaultHook = BaseDirective._useDefaultPT(instance, config?.pt?.directives?.[directiveName], BaseDirective._getOptionValue, `hooks.${name}`);
const options = { el, binding, vnode, prevVnode };
selfHook?.(instance, options);
defaultHook?.(instance, options);
_mergeProps(instance = {}, fn, ...args) {
return isFunction(fn) ? fn(...args) : mergeProps(...args);
_extend: (name, options = {}) => {
const handleHook = (hook, el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
el._$instances = el._$instances || {};
const config = BaseDirective._getConfig(binding, vnode);
const $prevInstance = el._$instances[name] || {};
const $options = isEmpty($prevInstance) ? { ...options, ...options?.methods } : {};
el._$instances[name] = {
/* new instance variables to pass in directive methods */
$name: name,
$host: el,
$binding: binding,
$modifiers: binding?.modifiers,
$value: binding?.value,
$el: $prevInstance['$el'] || el || undefined,
$style: { classes: undefined, inlineStyles: undefined, load: () => {}, loadCSS: () => {}, loadTheme: () => {}, ...options?.style },
$primevueConfig: config,
$attrSelector: el.$pd?.[name]?.attrSelector,
/* computed instance variables */
defaultPT: () => BaseDirective._getPT(config?.pt, undefined, (value) => value?.directives?.[name]),
isUnstyled: () => (el.$instance?.$binding?.value?.unstyled !== undefined ? el.$instance?.$binding?.value?.unstyled : config?.unstyled),
theme: () => el.$instance?.$primevueConfig?.theme,
preset: () => el.$instance?.$binding?.value?.dt,
/* instance's methods */
ptm: (key = '', params = {}) => BaseDirective._getPTValue(el.$instance, el.$instance?.$binding?.value?.pt, key, { ...params }),
ptmo: (obj = {}, key = '', params = {}) => BaseDirective._getPTValue(el.$instance, obj, key, params, false),
cx: (key = '', params = {}) => (!el.$instance?.isUnstyled() ? BaseDirective._getOptionValue(el.$instance?.$style?.classes, key, { ...params }) : undefined),
sx: (key = '', when = true, params = {}) => (when ? BaseDirective._getOptionValue(el.$instance?.$style?.inlineStyles, key, { ...params }) : undefined),
el.$instance = el._$instances[name]; // pass instance data to hooks
el.$instance[hook]?.(el, binding, vnode, prevVnode); // handle hook in directive implementation
el[`$${name}`] = el.$instance; // expose all options with $<directive_name>
BaseDirective._hook(name, hook, el, binding, vnode, prevVnode); // handle hooks during directive uses (global and self-definition)
el.$pd ||= {};
el.$pd[name] = { ...el.$pd?.[name], name, instance: el.$instance };
const handleWatch = (el) => {
const watchers = el.$instance?.watch;
// for 'config'
watchers?.['config']?.call(el.$instance, el.$instance?.$primevueConfig);
PrimeVueService.on('config:change', ({ newValue, oldValue }) => watchers?.['config']?.call(el.$instance, newValue, oldValue));
// for 'config.ripple'
watchers?.['config.ripple']?.call(el.$instance, el.$instance?.$primevueConfig?.ripple);
PrimeVueService.on('config:ripple:change', ({ newValue, oldValue }) => watchers?.['config.ripple']?.call(el.$instance, newValue, oldValue));
return {
created: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
el.$pd ||= {};
el.$pd[name] = { name, attrSelector: uuid('pd') };
handleHook('created', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
beforeMount: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
BaseDirective._loadStyles(el, binding, vnode);
handleHook('beforeMount', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
mounted: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
BaseDirective._loadStyles(el, binding, vnode);
handleHook('mounted', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
beforeUpdate: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
handleHook('beforeUpdate', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
updated: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
BaseDirective._loadStyles(el, binding, vnode);
handleHook('updated', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
beforeUnmount: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
handleHook('beforeUnmount', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
unmounted: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
handleHook('unmounted', el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
extend: (...args) => {
const [name, options] = BaseDirective._getMeta(...args);
return {
extend: (..._args) => {
const [_name, _options] = BaseDirective._getMeta(..._args);
return BaseDirective.extend(_name, { ...options, ...options?.methods, ..._options });
...BaseDirective._extend(name, options)
export default BaseDirective;