90 lines
4.2 KiB
90 lines
4.2 KiB
<DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs">
<p>Sample implementation with custom content and styled markers.</p>
<div class="card">
<Timeline :value="events" align="alternate">
<template #marker="slotProps">
<span class="flex w-8 h-8 items-center justify-center text-white rounded-full z-10 shadow-sm" :style="{ backgroundColor: slotProps.item.color }">
<i :class="slotProps.item.icon"></i>
<template #content="slotProps">
<Card class="mt-4">
<template #title>
{{ slotProps.item.status }}
<template #subtitle>
{{ slotProps.item.date }}
<template #content>
<img v-if="slotProps.item.image" :src="`https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/product/${slotProps.item.image}`" :alt="slotProps.item.name" width="200" class="shadow-sm" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Inventore sed consequuntur error repudiandae numquam deserunt quisquam repellat libero asperiores earum nam nobis, culpa ratione quam perferendis esse, cupiditate
neque quas!
<Button label="Read more" text></Button>
<DocSectionCode :code="code" />
<script setup>
import Timeline from '@/plex/timeline';
import { ref } from 'vue';
const events = ref([
{ status: 'Ordered', date: '15/10/2020 10:30', icon: 'pi pi-shopping-cart', color: '#9C27B0', image: 'game-controller.jpg' },
{ status: 'Processing', date: '15/10/2020 14:00', icon: 'pi pi-cog', color: '#673AB7' },
{ status: 'Shipped', date: '15/10/2020 16:15', icon: 'pi pi-shopping-cart', color: '#FF9800' },
{ status: 'Delivered', date: '16/10/2020 10:00', icon: 'pi pi-check', color: '#607D8B' }
const code = ref(`
<div class="card">
<Timeline :value="events" align="alternate">
<template #marker="slotProps">
<span class="flex w-8 h-8 items-center justify-center text-white rounded-full z-10 shadow-sm" :style="{ backgroundColor: slotProps.item.color }">
<i :class="slotProps.item.icon"></i>
<template #content="slotProps">
<Card class="mt-4">
<template #title>
{{ slotProps.item.status }}
<template #subtitle>
{{ slotProps.item.date }}
<template #content>
<img v-if="slotProps.item.image" :src="\`https://primefaces.org/cdn/primevue/images/product/\${slotProps.item.image}\`" :alt="slotProps.item.name" width="200" class="shadow-sm" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Inventore sed consequuntur error repudiandae numquam deserunt quisquam repellat libero asperiores earum nam nobis, culpa ratione quam perferendis esse, cupiditate
neque quas!
<Button label="Read more" text></Button>
<script setup>
import Timeline from '@/plex/timeline';
import { ref } from 'vue';
const events = ref([
{ status: 'Ordered', date: '15/10/2020 10:30', icon: 'pi pi-shopping-cart', color: '#9C27B0', image: 'game-controller.jpg' },
{ status: 'Processing', date: '15/10/2020 14:00', icon: 'pi pi-cog', color: '#673AB7' },
{ status: 'Shipped', date: '15/10/2020 16:15', icon: 'pi pi-shopping-cart', color: '#FF9800' },
{ status: 'Delivered', date: '16/10/2020 10:00', icon: 'pi pi-check', color: '#607D8B' }