937 lines
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937 lines
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<div :class="containerClass">
<div class="p-datatable-loading" v-if="loading">
<div class="p-datatable-loading-overlay p-component-overlay"></div>
<div class="p-datatable-loading-content">
<i :class="loadingIconClass"></i>
<div class="p-datatable-wrapper">
<div class="p-datatable-header" v-if="$scopedSlots.header">
<slot name="header"></slot>
<DTPaginator v-if="paginatorTop" :rows="rows" :first="first" :totalRecords="totalRecordsLength" :pageLinkSize="pageLinkSize" :template="paginatorTemplate" :rowsPerPageOptions="rowsPerPageOptions"
:currentPageReportTemplate="currentPageReportTemplate" class="p-paginator-top" @page="onPage($event)" :alwaysShow="alwaysShowPaginator">
<template #left v-if="$scopedSlots.paginatorLeft">
<slot name="paginatorLeft"></slot>
<template #right v-if="$scopedSlots.paginatorRight">
<slot name="paginatorRight"></slot>
<thead class="p-datatable-thead">
<th v-for="(col,i) of columns" :key="col.columnKey||col.field||i" :style="col.headerStyle" :class="getColumnHeaderClass(col)" @click="onColumnHeaderClick($event, col)">
<ColumnSlot :column="col" type="header" v-if="col.$scopedSlots.header" />
<span class="p-column-title" v-if="col.header">{{col.header}}</span>
<span v-if="col.sortable" :class="getSortableColumnIcon(col)"></span>
<ColumnSlot :column="col" type="filter" v-if="col.$scopedSlots.filter" />
<tfoot class="p-datatable-tfoot" v-if="hasFooter">
<td v-for="(col,i) of columns" :key="col.columnKey||col.field||i" :style="col.footerStyle" :class="col.footerClass">
<ColumnSlot :column="col" type="footer" v-if="col.$scopedSlots.footer" />
<tbody class="p-datatable-tbody">
<template v-if="!empty">
<tr :class="getRowClass(rowData)" v-for="(rowData, index) of dataToRender" :key="getRowKey(rowData, index)"
@click="onRowClick($event, rowData, index)" @touchend="onRowTouchEnd($event)">
<td v-for="(col,i) of columns" :key="col.columnKey||col.field||i" :style="col.bodyStyle" :class="col.bodyClass">
<ColumnSlot :data="rowData" :column="col" type="body" v-if="col.$scopedSlots.body" />
<template v-else>{{resolveFieldData(rowData, col.field)}}</template>
<tr v-else class="p-datatable-emptymessage">
<td :colspan="columns.length">
<slot name="empty"></slot>
<DTPaginator v-if="paginatorBottom" :rows="rows" :first="first" :totalRecords="totalRecordsLength" :pageLinkSize="pageLinkSize" :template="paginatorTemplate" :rowsPerPageOptions="rowsPerPageOptions"
:currentPageReportTemplate="currentPageReportTemplate" class="p-paginator-bottom" @page="onPage($event)" :alwaysShow="alwaysShowPaginator">
<template #left v-if="$scopedSlots.paginatorLeft">
<slot name="paginatorLeft"></slot>
<template #right v-if="$scopedSlots.paginatorRight">
<slot name="paginatorRight"></slot>
<div class="p-datatable-footer" v-if="$scopedSlots.footer">
<slot name="footer"></slot>
import ObjectUtils from '../utils/ObjectUtils';
import FilterUtils from '../utils/FilterUtils';
import DomHandler from '../utils/DomHandler';
import Paginator from '../paginator/Paginator';
const ColumnSlot = {
functional: true,
props: {
column: {
type: null,
default: null
data: {
type: null,
default: null
type: {
type: String,
default: null
render(createElement, context) {
const content = context.props.column.$scopedSlots[context.props.type]({
'data': context.props.data,
'column': context.props.column
return [content];
export default {
props: {
value: {
type: Array,
default: null
dataKey: {
type: String,
default: null
rows: {
type: Number,
default: 0
first: {
type: Number,
default: 0
totalRecords: {
type: Number,
default: 0
paginator: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
paginatorPosition: {
type: String,
default: 'bottom'
alwaysShowPaginator: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
paginatorTemplate: {
type: String,
default: 'FirstPageLink PrevPageLink PageLinks NextPageLink LastPageLink RowsPerPageDropdown'
pageLinkSize: {
type: Number,
default: 5
rowsPerPageOptions: {
type: Array,
default: null
currentPageReportTemplate: {
type: String,
default: '({currentPage} of {totalPages})'
lazy: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
loading: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
loadingIcon: {
type: String,
default: 'pi pi-spinner'
sortField: {
type: String,
default: null
sortOrder: {
type: Number,
default: null
defaultSortOrder: {
type: Number,
default: 1
multiSortMeta: {
type: Array,
default: null
sortMode: {
type: String,
default: 'single'
filters: {
type: Object,
default: null
selection: {
type: [Array,Object],
default: null
selectionMode: {
type: String,
default: null
compareSelectionBy: {
type: String,
default: 'deepEquals'
metaKeySelection: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
rowHover: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
allChildren: null,
d_first: this.first,
d_rows: this.rows,
d_sortField: this.sortField,
d_sortOrder: this.sortOrder,
d_multiSortMeta: this.multiSortMeta ? [...this.multiSortMeta] : [],
d_selectionKeys: null
rowTouched: false,
anchorRowIndex: null,
rangeRowIndex: null,
watch: {
first(newValue) {
this.d_first = newValue;
rows(newValue) {
this.d_rows = newValue;
sortField(newValue) {
this.d_sortField = newValue;
sortOrder(newValue) {
this.d_sortOrder = newValue;
multiSortMeta(newValue) {
this.d_multiSortMeta = newValue;
selection(newValue) {
if (this.dataKey) {
mounted() {
this.allChildren = this.$children;
methods: {
resolveFieldData(rowData, field) {
return ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(rowData, field);
onPage(event) {
this.d_first = event.first;
this.d_rows = event.rows;
this.$emit('update:first', this.d_first);
this.$emit('update:rows', this.d_rows);
this.$emit('page', event);
onColumnHeaderClick(event, column) {
if (column.sortable) {
const targetNode = event.target;
const columnField = column.field || column.sortField;
if (DomHandler.hasClass(targetNode, 'p-sortable-column') || DomHandler.hasClass(targetNode, 'p-column-title')
|| DomHandler.hasClass(targetNode, 'p-sortable-column-icon') || DomHandler.hasClass(targetNode.parentElement, 'p-sortable-column-icon')) {
this.d_sortOrder = (this.d_sortField === columnField) ? this.d_sortOrder * -1 : this.defaultSortOrder;
this.d_sortField = columnField;
if(this.sortMode === 'multiple') {
let metaKey = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey;
if (!metaKey) {
this.d_multiSortMeta = [];
this.addSortMeta({field: this.d_sortField, order: this.d_sortOrder});
this.$emit('update:sortField', this.d_sortFied);
this.$emit('update:sortOrder', this.d_sortOrder);
this.$emit('update:multiSortMeta', this.d_multiSortMeta);
this.$emit('sort', {
originalEvent: event,
sortField: this.d_sortField,
sortOrder: this.d_sortOrder,
multiSortMeta: this.d_multiSortMeta
sortSingle(value) {
let data = [...value];
data.sort((data1, data2) => {
let value1 = ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(data1, this.d_sortField);
let value2 = ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(data2, this.d_sortField);
let result = null;
if (value1 == null && value2 != null)
result = -1;
else if (value1 != null && value2 == null)
result = 1;
else if (value1 == null && value2 == null)
result = 0;
else if (typeof value1 === 'string' && typeof value2 === 'string')
result = value1.localeCompare(value2, undefined, { numeric: true });
result = (value1 < value2) ? -1 : (value1 > value2) ? 1 : 0;
return (this.d_sortOrder * result);
return data;
sortMultiple(value) {
let data = [...value];
data.sort((data1, data2) => {
return this.multisortField(data1, data2, 0);
return data;
multisortField(data1, data2, index) {
const value1 = ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(data1, this.d_multiSortMeta[index].field);
const value2 = ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(data2, this.d_multiSortMeta[index].field);
let result = null;
if (typeof value1 === 'string' || value1 instanceof String) {
if (value1.localeCompare && (value1 !== value2)) {
return (this.d_multiSortMeta[index].order * value1.localeCompare(value2, undefined, { numeric: true }));
else {
result = (value1 < value2) ? -1 : 1;
if (value1 === value2) {
return (this.d_multiSortMeta.length - 1) > (index) ? (this.multisortField(data1, data2, index + 1)) : 0;
return (this.d_multiSortMeta[index].order * result);
getMultiSortMetaIndex(column) {
let index = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < this.d_multiSortMeta.length; i++) {
let meta = this.d_multiSortMeta[i];
if (meta.field === (column.field || column.sortField)) {
index = i;
return index;
getColumnHeaderClass(column) {
const sorted = this.sortMode === 'single' ? (this.d_sortField === (column.field || column.sortField)) : this.getMultiSortMetaIndex(column) > -1;
return [column.headerClass,
{'p-sortable-column': column.sortable},
{'p-highlight': sorted}
getSortableColumnIcon(column) {
let sorted = false;
let sortOrder = null;
if (this.sortMode === 'single') {
sorted = this.d_sortField === (column.field || column.sortField);
sortOrder = sorted ? this.d_sortOrder: 0;
else if (this.sortMode === 'multiple') {
let metaIndex = this.getMultiSortMetaIndex(column);
if (metaIndex > -1) {
sorted = true;
sortOrder = this.d_multiSortMeta[metaIndex].order;
return [
'p-sortable-column-icon pi pi-fw',
{'pi-sort': !sorted},
{'pi-sort-up': sorted && sortOrder > 0},
{'pi-sort-down': sorted && sortOrder < 0},
addSortMeta(meta) {
let index = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < this.d_multiSortMeta.length; i++) {
if (this.d_multiSortMeta[i].field === meta.field) {
index = i;
if(index >= 0)
this.d_multiSortMeta[index] = meta;
this.d_multiSortMeta = [...this.d_multiSortMeta];
filter(data) {
let filteredValue = [];
for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
let localMatch = true;
let globalMatch = false;
for(let j = 0; j < this.columns.length; j++) {
let col = this.columns[j];
let columnField = col.field;
if (this.filters.hasOwnProperty(columnField)) {
let filterValue = this.filters[columnField];
let dataFieldValue = ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(data[i], columnField);
let filterConstraint = FilterUtils[col.filterMatchMode];
if (!filterConstraint(dataFieldValue, filterValue)) {
localMatch = false;
if (!localMatch) {
if (!col.excludeGlobalFilter && this.hasGlobalFilter && !globalMatch) {
globalMatch = FilterUtils.contains(ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(data[i], columnField), this.filters['global']);
let matches = localMatch;
if(this.hasGlobalFilter) {
matches = localMatch && globalMatch;
if(matches) {
if (filteredValue.length === data.length) {
filteredValue = data;
return filteredValue;
onRowClick(event, rowData, rowIndex) {
if (this.selectionMode) {
let target = event.target;
let targetNode = target.nodeName;
let parentNode = target.parentElement && target.parentElement.nodeName;
if (targetNode == 'INPUT' || targetNode == 'BUTTON' || targetNode == 'A' ||
parentNode == 'INPUT' || parentNode == 'BUTTON' || parentNode == 'A' ||
(DomHandler.hasClass(target, 'p-clickable'))) {
if (this.isMultipleSelectionMode() && event.shiftKey && this.anchorRowIndex != null) {
this.rangeRowIndex = rowIndex;
this.selectRange(event, rowIndex);
else {
const selected = this.isSelected(rowData);
const metaSelection = this.rowTouched ? false : this.metaKeySelection;
this.anchorRowIndex = rowIndex;
this.rangeRowIndex = rowIndex;
if (metaSelection) {
let metaKey = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey;
if (selected && metaKey) {
if(this.isSingleSelectionMode()) {
this.$emit('update:selection', null);
else {
const selectionIndex = this.findIndexInSelection(rowData);
const _selection = this.selection.filter((val,i) => i != selectionIndex);
this.$emit('update:selection', _selection);
this.$emit('row-unselect', {originalEvent: event, data: rowData, type: 'row'});
else {
if(this.isSingleSelectionMode()) {
this.$emit('update:selection', rowData);
else if (this.isMultipleSelectionMode()) {
let _selection = metaKey ? (this.selection || []) : [];
_selection = [..._selection, rowData];
this.$emit('update:selection', _selection);
this.$emit('row-select', {originalEvent: event, data: rowData, type: 'row'});
else {
if (this.selectionMode === 'single') {
if (selected) {
this.$emit('update:selection', null);
this.$emit('row-unselect', {originalEvent: event, data: rowData, type: 'row'});
else {
this.$emit('update:selection', rowData);
this.$emit('row-select', {originalEvent: event, data: rowData, type: 'row'});
else if (this.selectionMode === 'multiple') {
if (selected) {
const selectionIndex = this.findIndexInSelection(rowData);
const _selection = this.selection.filter((val, i) => i != selectionIndex);
this.$emit('update:selection', _selection);
this.$emit('row-unselect', {originalEvent: event, data: rowData, type: 'row'});
else {
const _selection = this.selection ? [...this.selection, rowData] : [rowData];
this.$emit('update:selection', _selection);
this.$emit('row-select', {originalEvent: event, data: rowData, type: 'row'});
this.rowTouched = false;
onRowTouchEnd() {
this.rowTouched = true;
isSingleSelectionMode() {
return this.selectionMode === 'single';
isMultipleSelectionMode() {
return this.selectionMode === 'multiple';
isSelected(rowData) {
if (rowData && this.selection) {
if (this.dataKey) {
return this.d_selectionKeys[ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(rowData, this.dataKey)] !== undefined;
else {
if (this.selection instanceof Array)
return this.findIndexInSelection(rowData) > -1;
return this.equals(rowData, this.selection);
return false;
findIndexInSelection(rowData) {
let index = -1;
if (this.selection && this.selection.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.selection.length; i++) {
if (this.equals(rowData, this.selection[i])) {
index = i;
return index;
updateSelectionKeys(selection) {
this.d_selectionKeys = {};
if (Array.isArray(selection)) {
for (let data of selection) {
this.d_selectionKeys[String(ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(data, this.dataKey))] = 1;
else {
this.d_selectionKeys[String(ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(selection, this.dataKey))] = 1;
equals(data1, data2) {
return this.compareSelectionBy === 'equals' ? (data1 === data2) : ObjectUtils.equals(data1, data2, this.dataKey);
getRowKey(rowData, index) {
return this.dataKey ? ObjectUtils.resolveFieldData(rowData, this.dataKey): index;
getRowClass(rowData) {
if (this.selection) {
return ['p-datable-row', {
'p-highlight': this.isSelected(rowData)
else {
return 'p-datatable-row';
selectRange(event, rowIndex) {
let rangeStart, rangeEnd;
if (this.rangeRowIndex > this.anchorRowIndex) {
rangeStart = this.anchorRowIndex;
rangeEnd = this.rangeRowIndex;
else if(this.rangeRowIndex < this.anchorRowIndex) {
rangeStart = this.rangeRowIndex;
rangeEnd = this.anchorRowIndex;
else {
rangeStart = this.rangeRowIndex;
rangeEnd = this.rangeRowIndex;
if (this.lazy && this.paginator) {
rangeStart -= this.first;
rangeEnd -= this.first;
const filteredValue = this.processedData;
let _selection = [];
for(let i = rangeStart; i <= rangeEnd; i++) {
let rangeRowData = filteredValue ? filteredValue[i] : this.value[i];
this.$emit('row-select', {originalEvent: event, data: rangeRowData, type: 'row'});
this.$emit('update:selection', _selection);
computed: {
containerClass() {
return [
'p-datatable p-component', {
'p-datatable-hoverable-rows': (this.rowHover || this.selectionMode)
columns() {
if (this.allChildren) {
return this.allChildren.filter(child => child.$options._propKeys.indexOf('columnKey') !== -1);
return [];
processedData() {
if (this.value && this.value.length) {
let data = this.value;
if (this.sorted) {
if(this.sortMode === 'single')
data = this.sortSingle(data);
else if(this.sortMode === 'multiple')
data = this.sortMultiple(data);
if (this.hasFilters) {
data = this.filter(data);
return data;
else {
return null;
dataToRender() {
const data = this.processedData;
if (this.paginator) {
const first = this.lazy ? 0 : this.d_first;
return data.slice(first, first + this.d_rows);
else {
return data;
totalRecordsLength() {
if (this.lazy) {
return this.totalRecords;
else {
const data = this.hasFilters ? this.processedData : this.value;
return data ? data.length : 0;
empty() {
return (!this.value || this.value.length === 0);
paginatorTop() {
return this.paginator && (this.paginatorPosition !== 'bottom' || this.paginatorPosition === 'both');
paginatorBottom() {
return this.paginator && (this.paginatorPosition !== 'top' || this.paginatorPosition === 'both');
sorted() {
return this.d_sortField || (this.d_multiSortMeta && this.d_multiSortMeta.length > 0);
hasFooter() {
let hasFooter = false;
for (let col of this.columns) {
if (col.footer || col.$scopedSlots.footer) {
hasFooter = true;
return hasFooter;
hasFilters() {
return this.filters && Object.keys(this.filters).length > 0 && this.filters.constructor === Object;
hasGlobalFilter() {
return this.filters && this.filters.hasOwnProperty('global');
loadingIconClass() {
return ['p-datatable-loading-icon pi-spin', this.loadingIcon];
components: {
'ColumnSlot': ColumnSlot,
'DTPaginator': Paginator
.p-datatable {
position: relative;
.p-datatable table {
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 100%;
table-layout: fixed;
.p-datatable .p-datatable-thead > tr > th,
.p-datatable .p-datatable-tbody > tr > td,
.p-datatable .p-datatable-tfoot > tr > td {
padding: .25em .5em;
.p-datatable .p-sortable-column {
cursor: pointer;
.p-datatable .p-sortable-column-icon {
vertical-align: middle;
.p-datatable-auto-layout > .p-datatable-wrapper {
overflow-x: auto;
.p-datatable-auto-layout > .p-datatable-wrapper > table {
table-layout: auto;
/* Sections */
.p-datatable-footer {
padding: .25em .5em;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
.p-datatable-header {
border-bottom: 0 none;
.p-datatable-footer {
border-top: 0 none;
/* Paginator */
.p-datatable .p-paginator-top {
border-bottom: 0 none;
.p-datatable .p-paginator-bottom {
border-top: 0 none;
/* Scrollable */
.p-datatable-scrollable-wrapper {
position: relative;
.p-datatable-scrollable-footer {
overflow: hidden;
border: 0 none;
.p-datatable-scrollable-body {
overflow: auto;
position: relative;
.p-datatable-scrollable-body > table > .p-datatable-tbody > tr:first-child > td {
border-top: 0 none;
.p-datatable-virtual-table {
position: absolute;
/* Frozen Columns */
.p-datatable-frozen-view .p-datatable-scrollable-body {
overflow: hidden;
.p-datatable-frozen-view > .p-datatable-scrollable-body > table > .p-datatable-tbody > tr > td:last-child {
border-right: 0 none;
.p-datatable-unfrozen-view {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
/* Filter */
.p-column-filter {
width: 100%;
/* Resizable */
.p-datatable-resizable > .p-datatable-wrapper {
overflow-x: auto;
.p-datatable-resizable .p-datatable-thead > tr > th,
.p-datatable-resizable .p-datatable-tfoot > tr > td,
.p-datatable-resizable .p-datatable-tbody > tr > td {
overflow: hidden;
.p-datatable-resizable .p-resizable-column {
background-clip: padding-box;
position: relative;
.p-datatable-resizable-fit .p-resizable-column:last-child .p-column-resizer {
display: none;
.p-datatable .p-column-resizer {
display: block;
position: absolute !important;
top: 0;
right: 0;
margin: 0;
width: .5em;
height: 100%;
padding: 0px;
border: 1px solid transparent;
.p-datatable .p-column-resizer-helper {
width: 1px;
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
display: none;
/* Edit */
.p-datatable .p-datatable-tbody > tr > td.p-cell-editing .p-component {
width: 100%;
/* Reorder */
.p-datatable-reorder-indicator-down {
position: absolute;
display: none;
/* Responsive */
.p-datatable-responsive .p-datatable-tbody > tr > td .p-column-title {
display: none;
@media screen and (max-width: 40em) {
.p-datatable-responsive .p-datatable-thead > tr > th,
.p-datatable-responsive .p-datatable-tfoot > tr > td {
display: none !important;
.p-datatable-responsive .p-datatable-tbody > tr > td {
text-align: left;
display: block;
border: 0 none;
width: 100% !important;
float: left;
clear: left;
.p-datatable-responsive .p-datatable-tbody > tr > td .p-column-title {
padding: .4em;
min-width: 30%;
display: inline-block;
margin: -.4em 1em -.4em -.4em;
font-weight: bold;
/* Loader */
.p-datatable .p-datatable-loading-overlay {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=10)";
opacity: 0.1;
z-index: 1;
.p-datatable .p-datatable-loading-content {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
z-index: 2;
margin-top: -1em;
margin-left: -1em;
.p-datatable .p-datatable-loading-icon {
font-size: 2em;