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329 lines
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<div class="content-section documentation">
<TabPanel header="Documentation">
<CodeHighlight lang="javascript">
import Dropdown from 'primevue/dropdown';
<h3>Getting Started</h3>
<p>Dropdown requires a value to bind and a collection of arbitrary objects along with the <i>optionLabel</i> property to specify the field name of the option.</p>
<Dropdown v-model="selectedCity" :options="cities" optionLabel="name" placeholder="Select a City" />
<CodeHighlight lang="js">
data() {
return {
selectedCity: null,
cities: [
{name: 'New York', code: 'NY'},
{name: 'Rome', code: 'RM'},
{name: 'London', code: 'LDN'},
{name: 'Istanbul', code: 'IST'},
{name: 'Paris', code: 'PRS'}
<p>Common pattern is providing an empty option as the placeholder when using native selects, however Dropdown has built-in support using the placeholder option so it is suggested to use it instead of creating an empty option.</p>
<p>Options can be filtered using an input field in the overlay by enabling the <i>filter</i> property.</p>
<Dropdown v-model="selectedCar" :options="cars" optionLabel="brand" placeholder="Select a Car" :filter="true" filterPlaceholder="Find Car"/>
<h3>Custom Content</h3>
<p>Label of an option is used as the display text of an item by default, for custom content support define an <i>option</i> template that gets the option instance as a parameter.</p>
<template v-pre>
<Dropdown v-model="selectedCar" :options="cars" optionLabel="brand" placeholder="Select a Car" :filter="true" :showClear="true">
<template #option="slotProps">
<div class="p-clearfix p-dropdown-car-option">
<img :alt="slotProps.option.brand" :src="'/demo/images/car/' + slotProps.option.brand + '.png'" />
<div class="doc-tablewrapper">
<table class="doc-table">
<td>Value of the component.</td>
<td>An array of selectitems to display as the available options.</td>
<td>Property name to use as the label of an option.</td>
<td>Property name to use as the value of an option, defaults to the option itself when not defined.</td>
<td>Property name to use as the disabled flag of an option, defaults to false when not defined.</td>
<td>Height of the viewport in pixels, a scrollbar is defined if height of list exceeds this value.</td>
<td>When specified, displays an input field to filter the items on keyup.</td>
<td>Placeholder text to show when filter input is empty.</td>
<td>When present, custom value instead of predefined options can be entered using the editable input field.</td>
<td>Default text to display when no option is selected.</td>
<td>When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled.</td>
<td>A property to uniquely match the value in options for better performance.</td>
<td>When enabled, a clear icon is displayed to clear the value.</td>
<td>Index of the element in tabbing order.</td>
<div class="doc-tablewrapper">
<table class="doc-table">
<td>event.originalEvent: Original event <br />
event.value: Selected option value </td>
<td>Callback to invoke on value change.</td>
<td>value: New value</td>
<td>Callback to invoke on value change.</td>
<p>Following is the list of structural style classes, for theming classes visit <router-link to="/theming">theming</router-link> page.</p>
<div class="doc-tablewrapper">
<table class="doc-table">
<td>Container element.</td>
<td>Element to display label of selected option.</td>
<td>Icon element.</td>
<td>Icon element.</td>
<td>Wrapper element of items list.</td>
<td>List element of items.</td>
<td>An item in the list.</td>
<td>Container of filter input.</td>
<td>Filter element.</td>
<td>Container element when overlay is visible.</td>
<TabPanel header="Source">
<a href="https://github.com/primefaces/primevue/tree/master/src/views/dropdown" class="btn-viewsource" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
<span>View on GitHub</span>
<template v-pre>
<div class="content-section introduction">
<div class="feature-intro">
<p>Dropdown is used to select an item from a list of options.</p>
<div class="content-section implementation">
<h3 class="first">Basic</h3>
<Dropdown v-model="selectedCity1" :options="cities" optionLabel="name" placeholder="Select a City" />
<Dropdown v-model="selectedCity2" :options="cities" optionLabel="name" :editable="true"/>
<h3>Advanced with Templating, Filtering and Clear Icon</h3>
<Dropdown v-model="selectedCar" :options="cars" optionLabel="brand" placeholder="Select a Car" :filter="true" :showClear="true">
<template #option="slotProps">
<div class="p-clearfix p-dropdown-car-option">
<img :alt="slotProps.option.brand" :src="'/demo/images/car/' + slotProps.option.brand + '.png'" />
<CodeHighlight lang="javascript">
export default {
data() {
return {
selectedCity1: null,
selectedCity2: null,
selectedCar: null,
cities: [
{name: 'New York', code: 'NY'},
{name: 'Rome', code: 'RM'},
{name: 'London', code: 'LDN'},
{name: 'Istanbul', code: 'IST'},
{name: 'Paris', code: 'PRS'}
cars: [
{brand: 'Audi', value: 'Audi'},
{brand: 'Bmw', value: 'Bmw'},
{brand: 'Fiat', value: 'Fiat'},
{brand: 'Honda', value: 'Honda'},
{brand: 'Jaguar', value: 'Jaguar'},
{brand: 'Mercedes', value: 'Mercedes'},
{brand: 'Renault', value: 'Renault'},
{brand: 'Volkswagen', value: 'Volkswagen'},
{brand: 'Volvo', value: 'Volvo'}
<CodeHighlight lang="css">
.p-dropdown {
width: 12em;
.p-dropdown-car-option {
img {
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: .5em;
width: 24px;
span {
float: right;
margin-top: .125em;
</template> |