
580 lines
27 KiB

<Drawer v-model:visible="$appState.designerActive" header="Theme Designer" position="right" class="designer !w-screen md:!w-[48rem]" :modal="false" :dismissable="false" @after-show="onShow" @after-hide="onHide">
<Tabs v-model:value="activeTab" :lazy="deferredTabs">
<Tab value="0">Base</Tab>
<Tab value="1">Primitive</Tab>
<Tab value="2">Semantic</Tab>
<Tab value="3">Component</Tab>
<Tab value="4">Custom</Tab>
<TabPanels class="!px-0">
<TabPanel value="0">
<div class="text-lg font-semibold mb-2">Choose a Theme to Get Started</div>
<span class="block text-muted-color leading-6 mb-4">Begin by selecting a built-in theme as a foundation, continue editing your current theme, or import a Figma tokens file.</span>
<div class="flex flex-col">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-4 border border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700 rounded-md p-4">
<span class="font-semibold">Base Theme</span>
<span class="text-muted-color">Variety of built-in themes with distinct characteristics.</span>
<SelectButton v-model="$appState.preset" @update:modelValue="onPresetChange" :options="presetOptions" optionLabel="label" optionValue="value" :allowEmpty="false" />
<div class="flex flex-col gap-4 border border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700 rounded-md p-4 items-start">
<span class="font-semibold">Load Theme</span>
<span class="text-muted-color">Continue editing the theme files stored locally.</span>
<Button label="Restore from local storage" class="!px-3 !py-2" severity="secondary" @click="loadFromLocalStorage" />
<div class="flex flex-col gap-4 border border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700 rounded-md p-4">
<div class="flex items-center gap-4">
<span class="font-semibold">Import Figma Tokens </span>
<Tag value="PRO" severity="contrast"></Tag>
<span class="text-muted-color leading-6">Export the token studio json file and import to the Visual Editor. This feature is currently under development.</span>
<FileUpload mode="basic" disabled pt:root:class="!justify-start" />
<TabPanel value="1">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-3">
<form @keydown="onKeyDown" class="flex flex-col gap-3">
<DesignBorderRadius />
<DesignColors />
<TabPanel value="2">
<Accordion :value="['0', '1']" multiple>
<AccordionPanel value="0">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-3">
<form @keydown="onKeyDown" class="flex flex-col gap-3">
<DesignGeneral />
<DesignFormField />
<DesignList />
<DesignNavigation />
<DesignOverlay />
<AccordionPanel value="1">
<AccordionHeader>Color Scheme</AccordionHeader>
<Tabs value="cs-0">
<Tab value="cs-0">Light</Tab>
<Tab value="cs-1">Dark</Tab>
<TabPanels class="!px-0">
<TabPanel value="cs-0">
<form @keydown="onKeyDown">
<DesignCS :value="preset.semantic.colorScheme.light" />
<TabPanel value="cs-1">
<form @keydown="onKeyDown">
<DesignCS :value="preset.semantic.colorScheme.dark" />
<TabPanel value="3">
<span class="leading-6 text-muted-color">Component tokens are not supported by the Visual Editor at the moment and will be available with a future update. </span>
<TabPanel value="4">
<span class="leading-6 text-muted-color">Extend the theming system with your own design tokens e.g. <span class="font-medium">accent.color</span>. Do not use curly braces in the name field.</span>
<ul class="flex flex-col gap-4 list-none p-0 mx-0 my-4">
<li v-for="(token, index) of customTokens" :key="index" class="first:border-t border-b border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-300 py-2">
<div class="flex items-center gap-4">
<label class="flex items-center gap-2 flex-auto">
<span class="text-sm">Name</span>
<input v-model="token['name']" type="text" class="border border-surface-300 dark:border-surface-600 rounded-lg py-2 px-2 w-full" />
<label class="flex items-center gap-2 flex-auto">
<span class="text-sm">Value</span>
<input v-model="token['value']" type="text" class="border border-surface-300 dark:border-surface-600 rounded-lg py-2 px-2 w-full" />
class="cursor-pointer inline-flex items-center justify-center ms-auto w-8 h-8 rounded-full bg-red-50 hover:bg-red-100 text-red-600 dark:bg-red-400/10 dark:hover:bg-red-400/20 dark:text-red-400 transition-colors duration-200 focus:outline focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline-red-600 focus:dark:outline-red-400"
<i class="pi pi-times" />
<div class="flex justify-between">
class="px-3 py-2 bg-zinc-950 hover:bg-zinc-800 text-white dark:bg-white dark:hover:bg-gray-100 dark:text-black rounded-md font-medium cursor-pointer transition-colors duration-200 focus:outline focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline-zinc-950 focus:dark:outline-white"
Add New
class="px-3 py-2 bg-zinc-950 hover:bg-zinc-800 text-white dark:bg-white dark:hover:bg-gray-100 dark:text-black rounded-md font-medium cursor-pointer transition-colors duration-200 focus:outline focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline-zinc-950 focus:dark:outline-white"
<template #footer>
<div class="flex justify-between gap-2">
icon="pi pi-download"
class="px-3 py-2 bg-transparent border border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700 hover:border-gray-800 dark:hover:border-gray-500 text-black dark:text-white rounded-md font-medium cursor-pointer transition-colors duration-200 focus:outline focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline-zinc-950 focus:dark:outline-white"
v-if="activeTab !== '0'"
class="px-3 py-2 bg-zinc-950 hover:bg-zinc-800 text-white dark:bg-white dark:hover:bg-gray-100 dark:text-black rounded-md font-medium cursor-pointer transition-colors duration-200 focus:outline focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline-zinc-950 focus:dark:outline-white"
import EventBus from '@/app/AppEventBus';
import { NoirPreset } from '@/themes/app-theme.js';
import { $dt, $t, updatePreset, usePreset } from '@primevue/themes';
import Aura from '@primevue/themes/aura';
import Lara from '@primevue/themes/lara';
import Material from '@primevue/themes/material';
import Nora from '@primevue/themes/nora';
import { computed } from 'vue';
const presets = {
export default {
provide() {
return {
$preset: computed(() => this.preset),
$acTokens: computed(() => this.acTokens)
data() {
return {
activeTab: '0',
deferredTabs: true,
preset: {
primitive: NoirPreset.primitive,
semantic: NoirPreset.semantic
presetOptions: [
{ label: 'Aura', value: 'Aura' },
{ label: 'Material', value: 'Material' },
{ label: 'Lara', value: 'Lara' },
{ label: 'Nora', value: 'Nora' }
customTokens: [],
acTokens: []
mounted() {
this.generateACTokens(null, this.preset);
methods: {
getPresetExt() {
const color = this.primaryColors.find((c) => === this.selectedPrimaryColor);
if ( === 'noir') {'--logo-color', 'var(--text-secondary-color)');
return {
semantic: {
primary: {
50: '{surface.50}',
100: '{surface.100}',
200: '{surface.200}',
300: '{surface.300}',
400: '{surface.400}',
500: '{surface.500}',
600: '{surface.600}',
700: '{surface.700}',
800: '{surface.800}',
900: '{surface.900}',
950: '{surface.950}'
colorScheme: {
light: {
primary: {
color: '{primary.950}',
contrastColor: '#ffffff',
hoverColor: '{primary.800}',
activeColor: '{primary.700}'
highlight: {
background: '{primary.950}',
focusBackground: '{primary.700}',
color: '#ffffff',
focusColor: '#ffffff'
dark: {
primary: {
color: '{primary.50}',
contrastColor: '{primary.950}',
hoverColor: '{primary.200}',
activeColor: '{primary.300}'
highlight: {
background: '{primary.50}',
focusBackground: '{primary.300}',
color: '{primary.950}',
focusColor: '{primary.950}'
} else {'--logo-color', 'var(--primary-color)');
if (this.$appState.preset === 'Nora') {
return {
semantic: {
primary: color.palette,
colorScheme: {
light: {
primary: {
color: '{primary.600}',
contrastColor: '#ffffff',
hoverColor: '{primary.700}',
activeColor: '{primary.800}'
highlight: {
background: '{primary.600}',
focusBackground: '{primary.700}',
color: '#ffffff',
focusColor: '#ffffff'
dark: {
primary: {
color: '{primary.500}',
contrastColor: '{surface.900}',
hoverColor: '{primary.400}',
activeColor: '{primary.300}'
highlight: {
background: '{primary.500}',
focusBackground: '{primary.400}',
color: '{surface.900}',
focusColor: '{surface.900}'
} else if (this.$appState.preset === 'Material') {
return {
semantic: {
primary: color.palette,
colorScheme: {
light: {
primary: {
color: '{primary.500}',
contrastColor: '#ffffff',
hoverColor: '{primary.400}',
activeColor: '{primary.300}'
highlight: {
background: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.color}, transparent 88%)',
focusBackground: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.color}, transparent 76%)',
color: '{primary.700}',
focusColor: '{primary.800}'
dark: {
primary: {
color: '{primary.400}',
contrastColor: '{surface.900}',
hoverColor: '{primary.300}',
activeColor: '{primary.200}'
highlight: {
background: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.400}, transparent 84%)',
focusBackground: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.400}, transparent 76%)',
color: 'rgba(255,255,255,.87)',
focusColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.87)'
} else {
return {
semantic: {
primary: color.palette,
colorScheme: {
light: {
primary: {
color: '{primary.500}',
contrastColor: '#ffffff',
hoverColor: '{primary.600}',
activeColor: '{primary.700}'
highlight: {
background: '{primary.50}',
focusBackground: '{primary.100}',
color: '{primary.700}',
focusColor: '{primary.800}'
dark: {
primary: {
color: '{primary.400}',
contrastColor: '{surface.900}',
hoverColor: '{primary.300}',
activeColor: '{primary.200}'
highlight: {
background: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.400}, transparent 84%)',
focusBackground: 'color-mix(in srgb, {primary.400}, transparent 76%)',
color: 'rgba(255,255,255,.87)',
focusColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,.87)'
apply() {
download() {
const basePreset = this.$appState.preset;
const theme = JSON.stringify(this.preset, null, 4).replace(/"([^"]+)":/g, '$1:');
const textContent = `import { createApp } from "vue";
import PrimeVue from "primevue/config";
import {${basePreset}} from "@primevue/themes/${basePreset.toLowerCase()}";
import { definePreset } from "@primevue/themes";
const app = createApp(App);
const MyPreset = definePreset(${basePreset}, ${theme});
app.use(PrimeVue, {
theme: {
preset: MyPreset
const blob = new Blob([textContent], { type: 'text/plain' });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url; = 'mytheme.js';
onPresetChange(value) {
this.$appState.preset = value;
const newPreset = presets[value];
if (value === 'Material') {
this.$primevue.config.ripple = true;
} else {
@todo: ask to the team about this
this.preset = {
primitive: newPreset.primitive,
semantic: newPreset.semantic
this.preset.semantic.primary = this.preset.primitive.emerald;
this.preset.semantic.colorScheme.light.surface = { ...{ 0: '#ffffff' }, ...this.preset.primitive.slate };
this.preset.semantic.colorScheme.dark.surface = { ...{ 0: '#ffffff' }, ...this.preset.primitive.zinc };
const currentPreset = $t().preset(newPreset).preset(this.getPresetExt()).use({ useDefaultOptions: true }).preset;
this.preset = {
primitive: currentPreset.primitive,
semantic: currentPreset.semantic
saveTheme() {
const localState = {
themes: {
defaultTheme: {
preset: this.preset,
customTokens: this.customTokens
localStorage.setItem(this.$appState.designerKey, JSON.stringify(localState));
loadFromLocalStorage() {
const localState = localStorage.getItem(this.$appState.designerKey);
if (localState) {
const parsedLocalState = JSON.parse(localState);
if (parsedLocalState?.themes?.defaultTheme) {
const defaultTheme = parsedLocalState.themes.defaultTheme;
if (defaultTheme.preset) {
this.preset = defaultTheme.preset;
if (defaultTheme.customTokens) {
this.customTokens = defaultTheme.customTokens;
this.$toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Success', detail: 'Theme loaded to Designer', life: 3000 });
addToken() {
this.customTokens = [...this.customTokens, ...[{}]];
removeToken(index) {
this.customTokens.splice(index, 1);
saveTokens() {
this.preset.extend = {};
this.customTokens.forEach((token) => {
this.preset.extend[this.transformTokenName(] = token.value;
this.$toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Success', detail: 'Tokens saved', life: 3000 });
replaceColorPalette() {
@todo: ask to the team about this
this.preset.semantic.primary = this.preset.primitive.emerald;
this.preset.semantic.colorScheme.light.surface = { ...{ 0: '#ffffff' }, ...this.preset.primitive.slate };
this.preset.semantic.colorScheme.dark.surface = { ...{ 0: '#ffffff' }, ...this.preset.primitive.zinc };
transformTokenName(name) {
if (name && name.trim().length) {
let tokenNameSections = name.split('.');
let transformedName = '';
tokenNameSections.forEach((section, index) => {
transformedName += index === 0 ? section : section.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + section.substring(1);
return transformedName;
} else {
return name;
camelCaseToDotCase(name) {
return name.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1.$2').toLowerCase();
generateACTokens(parentPath, obj) {
for (let key in obj) {
if (key === 'dark') {
if (key === 'primitive' || key === 'semantic' || key === 'colorScheme' || key === 'light' || key === 'extend') {
this.generateACTokens(null, obj[key]);
} else {
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
this.generateACTokens(parentPath ? parentPath + '.' + key : key, obj[key]);
} else {
const regex = /\.\d+$/;
const tokenName = this.camelCaseToDotCase(parentPath ? parentPath + '.' + key : key);
const tokenValue = $dt(tokenName).value;
const isColor = tokenName.includes('color') || tokenName.includes('background') || regex.test(tokenName);
this.acTokens.push({ token: tokenName, label: '{' + tokenName + '}', variable: $dt(tokenName).variable, value: tokenValue, isColor: isColor });
refreshACTokens() {
this.acTokens = [];
this.generateACTokens(null, this.preset);
onKeyDown(event) {
if (event.code === 'Enter' || event.code === 'NumpadEnter') {
onShow() {
this.deferredTabs = false;
onHide() {
this.deferredTabs = true;
computed: {
selectedPrimaryColor() {
return this.$appState.primary;
selectedSurfaceColor() {
return this.$appState.surface;
primaryColors() {
const presetPalette = presets[this.$appState.preset].primitive;
const colors = ['emerald', 'green', 'lime', 'orange', 'amber', 'yellow', 'teal', 'cyan', 'sky', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet', 'purple', 'fuchsia', 'pink', 'rose'];
const palettes = [{ name: 'noir', palette: {} }];
colors.forEach((color) => {
name: color,
palette: presetPalette[color]
return palettes;